

来自荷兰埃因霍芬理工大学(TU/e)和哈尔滨工业大学(HIT)的师生组成的国际团队,经过两年的精心准备,设计建造了有史以来最高的冰壳式冰塔。 1月10日,荷兰驻华大使将为冰塔落成揭幕。中荷联合的国际团队在以冰雪之都著称的哈尔滨实现的冰壳结构被命名为“弗拉门戈冰塔”。哈尔滨,位于中国东北部,每年冬季都会以冰雪为主题举行盛大的国际冰雪节活动,它与日本札幌雪节、加拿大魁北克冬季狂欢节和挪威奥斯陆滑雪节并称世界四大冰雪节。弗兰门戈冰塔建于哈尔滨枫叶小镇奥特莱斯(哈尔滨)广场。 此前,荷兰学生团队已在芬兰实现了多项冰壳结构:2014年的复合冰穹顶结构(Pykrete Dome),2015年的冰雪圣家堂(Sagrada Familia)与2016年的达芬奇冰桥。并且在2016年已与哈工大合作,在其建筑校园内共同建成了小型的弗兰门戈冰塔与冰莲花冰壳。
An international team of Dutch and Chinese students and professors from Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Summa College, the Netherlands, and Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), China, realized the largest ice shell ever after two years of preparation. On 10 January the tower will be opened by the Dutch ambassador in China.TU/e and HIT realized this architectural ice structure, the “Flamenco Ice Tower”, in the ice capital of the world, Harbin. This Chinese city is well known for its international ice and snow sculpture festival. The ice tower is located at the Maple Village Outlet Company. The team improved the 2015 record of 21 meters to 31 meters in 2018. In previous years Dutch students realized in Finland various ice structures as well: the Pykrete Dome in 2014, the Sagrada Familia in Ice in 2015 and the Bridge in Ice 2016. Further, in cooperation with HIT they realized a small pilot of the Flamenco Ice Tower on the architectural campus of HIT China last winter.
弗兰门戈冰塔的设计结合了东方传统塔楼的形态和弗拉明戈舞蹈的动势与优美,既体现了中外文化的融合,也是力与美相结合的表达。高达31米的冰壳结构的建造是通过将复合冰材料喷在巨大的充气膜上形成,冰壳平均厚度为25厘米。复合冰材料是通过在水中加入天然纤维(如木质纤维)来改善冰的微观结构,使冰块变得更坚固,从而创造出可靠的建筑材料,使大型冰壳结构的建造成为可能。该技术具有可持续和零污染的特点,可用于严寒地区的临时性建筑建造,例如建立极地考察或石油钻探的临时住所,甚至可以用于未来火星移民的临时冰屋建造。埃因霍芬理工大学和哈尔滨工业大学将继续合作,力争在2022年中国举办的冬季奥运会中建造更多冰结构建筑。 埃因霍芬理工大学(TU/e) 与哈尔滨工业大学(HIT)的合作展望研讨会将于2018年1月10日的冰塔揭幕式期间同步进行。
The design of the Flamenco Ice Tower is based on the shape of traditional Chinese towers and the flamenco dress. The thin shell structure of 31 meters is made with an average thickness of 25 cm of fiber-reinforced ice sprayed on a huge inflatable. It is possible to build large thin shell structures by reinforcing ice by adding natural fibers such as wood fibers. These fibers make the ice much stronger and create a reliable building material. This sustainable, fully recyclable building material can be a solution for temporary constructions in cold areas, events or even Mars missions. HIT and TU/e intend to cooperate in the realization of ice structures for the Olympic Winter Games that will be held in China in 2022.
▼其他作品:Sagrada Familia 2015,other projects: Sagrada Familia 2015
▼其他作品:Pykrete Dome 2014,other projects: Pykrete Dome 2014
助理教授:Arno Pronk, A.D.C.Pronk@tue.nl;
学生:Yaron Moonen, Y.Moonen@student.tue.nl,
荷兰埃因霍芬Summa College机电学院,
经理:Jean P. Verhofstad ljm.verhofstad@summacollege.nl,
This ice project is the result of the cooperation between:
TU/e, Faculty of Built Environment and KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture,
Assist. Prof. Arno Pronk, A.D.C.Pronk@tue.nl;
Student Yaron Moonen, Y.Moonen@student.tue.nl,
Summa College Eindhoven, department mechatronics,
Manager Jean P. Verhofstad, ljm.verhofstad@summacollege.nl,
HIT, Faculty or Architecture,
HIT, Faculty of Civil engineering,