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上海三林楔形绿地 | 生态谷的慢行系统与谷地景观设计

2017/09/07 12:54:04
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The City of Shanghai has announced TLS Landscape Architecture, Berkeley, California as the winner of an international competition for the Sanlin Bund Ecological Park in Shanghai.
占地241公顷的三林楔形绿地是上海重点打造的环城“绿肺-八大楔形绿地”中的一块,也是着力打造对抗24万人密集型城市“热岛效应”的战略据点。场地北邻前滩商务区,南侧为外环生态廊道,坐拥黄埔滨江东岸。场地现状被河道以及多条城市道路严重分割 – 如何将被割裂的碎片重新组织成一个连贯的市政公园,同时平衡生态与城市生活的需求,并探索研究大型城市生态绿地的新型可持续发展道路,是这次竞赛的主要诉求。
This new 241-hectare urban park is part of a key civic initiative encircling the city to create major “Green Lungs” and combat the effects of global warming in a city of 24 million with exploding urban density. The park is anchored on the Huangpu waterfront (New Bund) with a great festival plaza and landmark arch framing views into the park and a new mountain overlook containing an art museum.
▼上海三林区位,Sanlin Location Analysis
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设计内核 – 交织Interweaving
The park is about “working the land” and is energized by weaving together diverse strands of Sanlin culture – symbolized by the local “drunken lion dance”.
▼三林滨江“历史卷轴”-百年上海滩风物诗,Historic scroll painting of Sanlin waterfront
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The park is given life by a constantly varying topography of hills and valleys utilizing harvested rubble and fill from on-site urban demolition and housing and underground garage construction. This shifting topography organizes site hydrology and allows for the greatest degree of biodiversity and multiple ecosystem cultivation including Cypress bogs, aquatic gardens, emergent wetlands, lowland meadows, and vast upland forests. Much of the park is covered in this dense native forest which frames a series of “valleys” each with a programmatic focus including urban sports, sustainable farming with rustic lodge, sculpture park, children’s ecological learning center, and wind harvesting.
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▼森之谷 – 水杉林溪,Forest Valley – Cypress Swamp Forest
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▼森之谷 – 生物蓄水池及林中剧场,Forest Valley – Bio-retention and Forest amphitheater
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▼森之谷- 水杉林溪生态系统,Forest Valley – Cypress swamp ecosystem
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▼动之谷- 外环慢行大道与生态漫道,Sport Valley – Mountain trail and wetland
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▼动之谷 – 净水湿地生态系统,Sport Valley – Canal and Wetland ecosystem
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▼水之谷 – 富有活力的地形设计与本土植物及人行桥交织舞动,Water Valley – A dragon/lion-energized topography with native forest and pedestrian bridge network
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▼水之谷 – 沁水园观测中心,Water Valley – Children’s Ecological Learning Center
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▼水之谷 – 水生花园生态系统,Water Valley – Aquatic gardens ecosystem
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▼土之谷 – 土上水下庄园,Earth Valley – Rice farming and rustic resort village
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生态风道及微气候设计Wind Corridor
The topo design is also carefully shaped to funnel summer breezes through living areas and adjacent areas of the city as well as to block cold winter winds.
▼生态群落分区植被,eco zones plants
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▼三林场地风环境分析,site wind analysis
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慢行系统Slow Traffic System
A park-wide system of pedestrian bridges span from knoll to knoll over roads allowing pedestrians and bikers to circumnavigate the vast park without encountering cars.
▼场地结构分析,site structure concept
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▼慢行系统,slow traffic system
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▼三大慢行道,three ring roads
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水资源管理Water Management
New and proposed canals as well as seasonal streams and ponds are laced throughout the park to create a massive bio-filtering response to the governments’ call for a “Sponge City”. This system cleans canals and runoff as well as retaining and infiltrating rainfall to mitigate the frequent flooding typical of overnight urbanization. In an area once widely known for its riverfront farming, fishing, and nurseries, the land is returned to cultivation – this time by farming native ecosystems.
▼河道设计策略,water strategy
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设计总监:Tom Leader
主创设计师/项目经理:Wenmo Zhang张文沫
项目设计师: Kushal Lachhwani, Mario Accordino, Heather Dunbar, Wei Chen陈巍, Hang Su苏航, Pablo Alfaro, Senbo Yang杨森博, Xin Zhong仲歆, Robert Cabral, , Jiawen Chen陈嘉雯, Shengxian Jian简圣贤.
Lotus Water, San Francisco, Sustainable Watershed Planning: Robert Dusenbury, Shauna Dunton
Klimaat Consulting & Innovation Inc.: Meiring Beyer
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