

缘起 | Origin
Huangling New District Kindergarten is a design practice based on the current situation of elementary education in Northern Shaanxi. This project is different from those kindergartens built by governments or developers in large and medium-sized cities, nor does it belong to the ones invested by public welfare foundations to support education in certain areas. It is a new kind of kindergarten which contains the hopes of the masses from this rapidly developing county in the northern part of China, and reflects the determination of the local government to do concrete things for its people.
general view ©夏至
I still remember the day when we first met the owners of the project. It was a rainy morning, and the persons in charge from Huangling government and education bureau paid a visit to our office. What they enthusiastically explained to us was their vision of building a new kindergarten featured with future education for Huangling children. It should provide more natural and open place, where children are able to learn and grow through experience and interaction.
Practicing in the professional field for many years, we clearly know what kind of kindergarten buildings the owners expect to have. However, we also deeply understand all the efforts we have to make and the hardship we will encounter from the simple idea to its final realization. Designing and building such a kindergarten in a county faraway from Beijing without convenient traffic, at the very beginning, our team was not sure what the project would be like in the future. But as our conversations with the officials of Huangling County Government went deeper, we constantly felt their convictions of the project, which also greatly encouraged the whole team. Therefore, together with people in Huangling, we would like to try our best to fulfil their expectation and create a wonderful kindergarten for kids there.
▼南侧建筑外观,south facade ©夏至
场地 | Project Site
初到项目现场,场地带给我们的印象是深刻的。黄陵县地处延安南部,是中华文明的标识之地,县城处于桥山山脉之间,沮河流经县域全境,整个县城依山谷之间而建,黄陵县新区幼儿园的选址亦处于这样的大环境之中。项目的用地位于两山之间,是一片狭长的场地,用地与南北方向有着接近 45˚的倾角关系,场地内保留着较大的树木,是不可多得的景观资源,同时,陕北地区充足的日照也成为这个幼儿园建筑中非常积极的因素。
▼幼儿园航拍,aerial view ©夏至
When we first arrived at the project site, we were deeply impressed. Huangling County is located in the south of Yan’an, as a symbol of Chinese civilization. Situated between Qiao Mountains, and covered by Ju River, the whole county is established around the valley. The location of Huangling New District Kindergarten is also surrounded by such geographical environment, with a narrow and long piece of land between two mountains, with an inclination angle of 45 ℃ to the north and south direction. Large trees are kept there, which is rare resources of landscape. At the same time, the sufficient sunshine in Northern Shaanxi has played a very positive role in the construction.
location ©BIAD 第六建筑设计院
空间策略 |Spatial Strategy
What kind of kindergarten should be designed in such an environment? Our original plan is a free building community in the valley. Each activity unit of the kindergarten is arranged freely in the middle of the site, naturally enclosing a “Valley” space for games. At the same time, the buildings are covered by roofs similar to the undulating mountains, forming a spatial form corresponding to the background mountains.However, when we communicated with the owners, this idea was questioned due to the excessive response to the current situation of the site. After all, with the rapid construction of Huangling New District, there are still many uncertainties about whether the architectures and surroundings will be built just as the status quo. Moreover, for Huangling residents, what they really want to see may be the future-oriented new buildings.
▼初期概念方案模型,initial conceptual model ©BIAD 第六建筑设计院
▼总图,site plan ©BIAD 第六建筑设计院
This has prompted us to rethink the futuristic kindergarten on the site. Taking the project’s environment and construction background into consideration, we believe that its design may not need to be something deliberate, but should intervene in the site with a more free and open attitude, and respond to the real natural factors of the place: sunshine, trees, sceneries rarely seen in urban buildings, etc.
Therefore, we conceive such a kindergarten which stretches itself in this narrow field at ease. The relationship between its buildings and the environment is relatively free. There is plenty of sunshine here, and full of children’s learning and living scenes.
▼开放与流动的活动场地,an open, floating activity space ©夏至
▼功能分析图,functional diagram ©BIAD 第六建筑设计院
However, such an idea still needs to face various problems in its realization. Our biggest challenge should be the density of the site, because in high density, how to make the relationship between the buildings and the environment more relaxing and natural needs our great efforts.
In this project, our design strategy comes from the careful sorting of functional spaces as well as the different processing of spaces with different densities.
We classify different functional spaces of the kindergarten. The units for students’ daily life are the most concentrated areas, which are arranged intensively, as well as the most important places for them to acquire knowledge and do activities.
In addition, there is a public learning space, which has a lower density. It will present a more harmonious relationship with the environment, fused with trees, playgrounds, etc.
As a result, these areas with high and low densities are connected with each other in a state of flow, integrating different spatial functions of the kindergarten as a whole.
▼儿童畅游坡道(全景),aerial view of the outdoor ramp ©夏至
▼儿童畅游坡道(东北侧),outdoor ramp – northeast view ©夏至
▼儿童畅游坡道(俯瞰),outdoor ramp – rooftop view ©夏至
▼儿童畅游坡道(北侧),outdoor ramp – north view ©夏至
▼儿童畅游坡道(底部),outdoor ramp – ground level ©夏至
▼剖轴测图,sectional axon ©BIAD 第六建筑设计院
In different parts of the kindergarten, our design responds to the nature in multiple approaches, and creates open and comfortable learning places for children with various spatial forms. The high-density area that includes the units for daily activities is planned to be the center of the whole project. Its design avoids the excessive emphasis on the sense of form in activity units which generally can be seen in most kindergartens nowadays. Instead, it integrates the units into its overall space planning. An open atrium of three layers together with sufficient sunshine serves as the center of the space, connecting all the open activity units, so the students can easily walk into the atrium, or go back to the units at any time.
▼明亮的共享中庭,the open atrium with sufficient sunlight ©石华
▼中庭内的活动场景,activities in the atrium ©夏至
▼多义的中庭楼梯,the multi-functional staircase ©夏至
The concepts of floors or grades are blurred here. It can become a community for children of different ages to learn and play, and grow up together during this process.
The sunny atrium dispels the space pressure brought by the high density, and the full openness makes the place more relaxing and comfortable and provides a rich background for education.
Light becomes the medium of communication between the space and nature. The changing skylight frame creates rich lights and shades, reminding the children inside the space as time goes.
▼中庭楼梯,atrium staircase ©夏至
▼变化的采光天窗,the changeable skylight ©石华
▼洒满光的交通空间,circulation area bathed in sunlight ©夏至
▼连接首层的二层环廊,the gallery on the second floor ©石华
▼共享中庭二层,view to the shared atrium from the second floor ©石华
The design of the activity units itself takes openness and interactivity into full consideration. Activity rooms and dormitories are designed into a large space without division, which provides more possibilities for children to study and live here. The interior of the activity room is also free from limits. Meanwhile, there are good connection and clear sight between the activity space, the sanitary space as well as the office space of teachers.
As for the public learning area with low density, it is much freer. A one-story high building contains the public functional spaces of the kindergarten, such as the music & sports room, the library, the handcraft room, etc. In its space planning, our design breaks the traditional concept of functional classrooms, and replaces it with a free flowing and open space equipped with compound functions. The functions are interrelated and influence each other, creating conditions for diversified learning. At the same time, this public learning area also has the greatest possible connection with the outdoor environment. To be specific, transparent floor-to-ceiling glass windows eliminate the sense of boundary between indoor and outdoor, so that children in different areas can always see each other and easily pass through the spaces. The original trees at the project site are preserved, surrounded by a ramp leading to the activity units on the second floor that connects children’s life scenes with the buildings naturally.
▼明亮的开放学习教室,the open classroom ©夏至
▼开放的学习教室内景,internal view of the classroom ©夏至
▼洒满天光的读书角,reading corner ©夏至
▼活动室外的休息空间,seating area outside the activity room ©夏至
▼自由多变的活动室,the free, changeableactivity room ©夏至
The roof, which is the most direct component for the interaction of buildings and environment, also plays a crucial part in the whole construction.
For the architectures of a kindergarten, the outdoor venue is always the most precious one. Our designers hope to provide the children with much outdoor space that is full of sunshine and easily accessible.
For each floor, we have designed the places for outdoor activities that can be easily reached: the activity space on the second floor is naturally formed by the roof of the public learning area on the first floor, and connected with the first floor through the game ramp on the east side. Under the shade of trees, children can freely shift between the two floors; on the third floor, the outdoor space is constructed as a set-back model, the most convenient field for children on this floor. Moreover, it also has a visual connection with the indoor shared atrium.
▼开放三层活动平台,outdoor terrace on the second floor ©夏至
▼开放的二层屋面,open roof on the second floor ©夏至
对教育内容的回应 |Response to the Essence of Education
The response to the essence education is a problem that all educational architecture design must face. In the overall space construction of Huangling New District Kindergarten, the scenario-based educational space is carefully arranged.
▼与室内互动的二层屋面,the open roof interacting with the internal space ©夏至
▼与植物结合的屋面活动平台,roof terrace with plants ©夏至
▼二层屋面的小剧场,the small theatre on the second floor ©石华
The kindergarten fully considers the relationship between “seeing and being seen”, where communication indoor and outdoor, interaction between classrooms and public space are greatly achieved at any time. The living space for catering, bathing, etc. is also skillfully related to the core area for activities.
▼看与被看的公共学习区,public learning area:“seeing and being seen” ©石华
▼场景丰富的公共学习区,public learning area with multiple sceneries ©石华
▼空间节点轴测,axons ©BIAD 第六建筑设计院
The combination of multi functions and interior design is integrated into the whole environment of the kindergarten as well — the cork wall which well displays students’ academic achievements, the blackboard that can be scribbled on at will, the convenient washrooms in the corridors, and so on. Thus, it is filled with vivid scenes of study and life.
▼走廊上的涂鸦墙,blackboard in the corridor ©夏至
▼场景化的盥洗与读书空间,hand-washing area and reading space ©夏至
▼开放的盥洗间,the open lavatory ©夏至
材料与建造 |Materials and Construction
对于一座在县里建造的公立幼儿园来说,建筑造价的控制始终是不能忽视的内容。整个设计过程中,设计既要考虑材料本身的成本,亦需要考虑不同材料的应用在当地实现的可行性。黄陵县新区幼儿园的设计,在材料建造方面没有做更多特殊的尝试,配合陕北地区充足的日照以及建筑简洁的形式,建筑的外立面采用了最简单明快的白色涂料,此外,一些建筑局部的混凝土表面被保留,这一方面减少了建筑材料的施工工序,另一方面也成为建筑最单纯的材料表达。建筑的室内希望给孩子们更加温暖的感觉,地面采用了柔软而又便于施工的 pvc 地材,同时墙面也主要以木质的墙面来呈现。
For a public kindergarten built in the county, the control of construction cost cannot be ignored. In the whole design process, we both take the cost of materials and the feasibility of different materials into account. In the view of Huangling New District Kindergarten, there is no special attempts in our material selection. In harmony with the sufficient sunshine in Northern Shaanxi and its simple building structure, the facade of the buildings adopts the most simple and bright white painting. In addition, some parts of the buildings’ concrete surface are preserved, reducing the whole construction process of building materials with the simplest expression. Our interior of the buildings hopes to bring the kids more warmth, so the ground is made of the soft and convenient PVC floor materials, and the wall surface is mainly presented by wooden texture.
▼通透互动的活动室,thetransparent andinteractive relationship of spaces ©夏至
▼活动室内景,interior view ©夏至
建成的状态 | After Construction
The establishment of Huangling New District Kindergarten lasted two years. Along with its construction, the new district of county also advanced itself rapidly. When the project was completed as a whole, however, the surrounding environment previously mentioned in our design actually no longer existed, and a large number of high-density residential buildings became the background of the kindergarten. Now, looking back at our original design, this more natural and open architectural strategy may be the most appropriate solution on this site, because it integrates a relaxing and free atmosphere into the high-speed construction of the new county, and keeps a wonderful world full of sunshine and possibilities for children studying and living here in the future.
▼建筑细部,facade detailed view ©夏至
▼西南侧街景,street view from southwest ©夏至
▼东南侧建筑外观,exterior view from southeast ©夏至
▼剖轴测图,sectional axon ©BIAD 第六建筑设计院
▼首层平面图,ground floor plan ©BIAD 第六建筑设计院
▼二层平面图,second floor plan ©BIAD 第六建筑设计院
▼三层平面图,third floor plan ©BIAD 第六建筑设计院
▼剖面图,sections ©BIAD 第六建筑设计院
设计方:BIAD 第六建筑设计院