

Soaring 828 meters above the metropolis of Dubai, the Burj Khalifa is the world’s tallest building. The design for the 162-story tower combines local cultural influences with cutting-edge technology to achieve high performance in an extreme desert climate.
▼夕阳下的项目远景,distanced view of the tower in the dusk ©SOM
▼世界最高的建筑,the highest tower in the world ©SOM
作为一个大型综合功能开发项目的主体建筑,哈利法塔包含办公空间、商业空间、住宅单元和一家阿玛尼(Giorgio Armani)酒店。大厦的Y型楼层平面使波斯湾的景致视野得以最大化。大厦的地面层周围环绕着绿地、水景和适宜步行的林荫道。
The centerpiece of a large mixed-use development, the Burj Khalifa contains offices, retail space, residential units, and a Giorgio Armani hotel. A Y-shaped floor plan maximizes views of the Arabian Gulf. At ground level, the skyscraper is surrounded by green space, water features, and pedestrian-friendly boulevards.
▼大楼采用Y型平面,首层景观环绕,the tower using Y-shaped floor plan with the ground floor surrounded by landscape ©SOM
▼地面景观,landscape on the ground floor ©SOM
The tower’s overall design was inspired by the geometries of a regional desert flower and the patterning systems embodied in Islamic architecture. Built of reinforced concrete and clad in glass, the tower is composed of sculpted volumes arranged around a central buttressed core. As the tower rises from a flat base, setbacks occur in an upward spiraling pattern, reducing the building’s mass as it reaches skyward. At the pinnacle, the central core emerges and forms a spire.
▼轴测图,axonometric ©SOM
Beyond its record-breaking height, the Burj Khalifa incorporates new structural and construction efficiencies to reduce material usage and waste. These include a “sky-sourced” ventilation system, in which cool, less humid air is drawn in through the top of the building. The tower also has one of the largest condensate recovery systems in the world.
▼施工照片,采用高效的施工方法,construction site, using efficient construction method ©SOM
Rising 828 meters over the desert metropolis of Dubai, the Burj Khalifa tower is the world’s tallest structure. The 280,000-square-meter skyscraper contains office, residential, and retail space, along with a Giorgio Armani hotel. Built of reinforced concrete and clad in glass, the tower is composed of three elements arranged around a central buttressed core. As it rises from a flat base, setbacks occur at each element in an upward spiraling pattern, reducing the tower’s mass as it reaches skyward. At the pinnacle, the central core emerges and is sculpted to form a spire.
▼建筑外观,体量随着高度攀升逐渐减小,external view of the tower, mass reduced as it reaches skyward ©SOM
SOM created a simple Y-shaped plan to reduce wind forces, as well as to foster constructability. Each wing, with its own high-performance concrete core and perimeter columns, buttresses the others via a six-sided central core, or hexagonal hub. The result is a tower that is extremely stiff torsionally. SOM applied a rigorous geometry to the tower that aligned all of the common central core and column elements.
▼建筑仰视,设计从伊斯兰传统花纹中获得灵感,look up to the tower, design inspired from the traditional Islamic patterns ©SOM
▼弧形立面,curved facade ©SOM
▼落客区,drop-off area ©SOM
The setbacks are organized in conjunction with the tower’s grid: the stepping is achieved by aligning columns above with walls below to provide a smooth load path. This enabled construction to proceed without the normal delays associated with column transfers. At each setback, the building’s width changes. The advantage of the tower’s stepping and shaping is, in essence, to “confuse the wind.” Wind vortexes can never sufficiently coalesce because the wind encounters a different building shape at each tier.
▼不同楼层气流分析,wind effect to the building on different levels ©SOM
▼大堂,lobby ©SOM
▼首层电梯厅,elevator lobby on the ground floor ©SOM
▼电梯厅,elevator hall ©SOM
▼顺应建筑形状的办公空间,office space adapted to the outline of the tower ©SOM
▼夜景,night view ©SOM
▼住宅基本层平面图,typical residential floor plan ©SOM
▼办公层平面图,office floor plan ©SOM
地点: 阿联酋迪拜
项目完工时间: 2010
用地面积: 104,210平方米
项目面积: 454,249平方米
楼层数: 162
建筑高度: 828米
类型: 商业+办公、酒店、综合功能、住宅
服务: 结构+土木工程
Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Project Completion: 2010
Site Area: 104,210 m2
Project Area: 454,249 m2
Number of Stories: 162
Building Height: 828 m
Market: Commercial + Office, Hospitality, Mixed Use, Residential
Service: Architecture, MEP, Structural + Civil Engineering, Tall Buildings