

Known as a scrappy building along a rough street in Austin, we were approached to re-imagine a former liquor store as an all day cafe + custom bicycle shop. The City of Austin wouldn’t allow us to make the space larger, so we had to work within the existing 90 year old footprint to make something exciting.
▼店面概览,overview © Leonid Furmansky
场地原有的混凝土建筑建于1920年代,立面上布满了破旧的招牌和雨棚。随着South Congress大道的复兴,设计师需要通过改造项目重塑场地特征。
The building was a 1920’s concrete building, completely hidden from years of ill-covered signage and awnings. Looking to capitalize upon the re-revitalization of South Congress Avenue, the first move of architecture was to give the address something iconic.
▼咖啡店入口,entrance © Leonid Furmansky
Architects renovate the storefront for visual intrigue. Working within an existing window opening, we designed a “krinkle storefront”. Like potato chips or a wrinkled shirt, the windows work to reflect light to drivers and street. As if to say, there are “good days + bad ones”…the windows reflect the sky accordingly. As acyclist, there are good days and bad ones. One can blame the weather or tool, but the windows remind one there’s an upward and downward view of the sky.
▼褶皱立面,增强店铺的视觉吸引力,a “krinkle storefront” increases the visual intrigue © Leonid Furmansky
改造中,设计师清理掉应用材料,展示出材质的原貌。不同图案的釉面瓷砖,精心设计的天窗和标牌创造出轻松有趣的氛围,展示着South Congress社区非凡的活力。
Applied materials were removed and original materials were cleaned to restore their original state.Encaustic patterned tile, purposefully placed skylights and signage provide a surprisingly playful and casual experience. A built reflection of the South Congress neighborhood.
▼入口点餐台,墙面采用瓷砖装饰,the counter, wall decorated with tiles © Leonid Furmansky
▼用餐区,不同材质营造轻松有趣的氛围,dining area, various materials provide a playful and casual experience © Leonid Furmansky
▼店铺的另一侧是定制自行车店,the other side of “the Meteor”, a custom bicycle shop © Leonid Furmansky
The original steel trusses and pine roof was sandblasted to expose the original materials. An overhang is added to keep sun + water away from customers. The pink terrazzo floor was restored, including the 1920’s in-floor safe.
▼经过清理,展示出材质的原貌,restore the original state of the material after cleaning © Leonid Furmansky
encaustic patterned tile © Leonid Furmansky
▼黄昏到夜晚,店铺外观,view of “the Meteor” from dusk to night © Leonid Furmansky
Project size: 2250 ft2
Site Size: 7500 ft2
Project Budget:$650000
Completion date: 2019
Building levels: 1
Photography: Leonid Furmansky