

Guided by the owner’s interest in simple and clean spaces, the architecture of this building renovation was an exploration of how to make ordinary building parts look extraordinary. Located north of the University of Texas, the building’s quiet composition is a reaction to the busy and graphic mess of the surrounding streetscape.
At the start of the project, much of the existing 75 year old restaurant was beyond use. Sewer lines had vanished, asbestos was hidden between layers of layers of repairs. What had to remain was the use and some of the structure’s walls to receive a building permit. 15% of the existing exterior walls and footprint were re-used. Everything else is new.The building’s forms are based on the simple shapes of pioneer Texas structures, which were often basic gables roofs with overhangs for porches. The pioneer language here is translated into a composition of two forms: a gable + a box.
▼带悬挑门廊的坡屋顶,basic gables roofs with overhangs for porches
▼项目由坡屋顶和方形体块组成,周围街景繁忙且混乱,the project is composed of a gable and a box,the surrounding streetscape is busy and disordered
Each form has a different function as a direct representation of use, the gable (dining room) and the box (kitchen). The dining room is a column free 20 foot x 60 foot space with exposed Douglas Fir wood framed studs and rafters. The box (kitchen) is left understated to conceal the kitchen HVAC and related building systems.
▼餐厅,松木材质的屋顶框架裸露在上空,the dining room with exposed Douglas Fir wood framed studs and rafters
Simple available materials were used throughout. Pre-finished corrugated white siding is the primary exterior material, cladding walls and roof, broken with moments of site-built windows. Taking the language to the interior, a palette of white drywall, Douglas Fir framing and concrete floor carries throughout. To avoid structural beams and expensive window systems costs, the wall’s 2×6 wood studs are left exposed with insulated glass units glazed between them. Great attention and detail was given to conceal all ductwork and lighting from view, to quiet the overall visual experience.
▼裸露的木框架之间镶嵌玻璃,exposed wood studs with insulated glass units
Recognizing the knowledge of the pioneers, simple sustainability strategies were used to extend the building’s lifespan. To reduce heat and water intrusion, deep overhangs cover all windows, blocking out the sun, shedding water away and keeping patrons dry. Readily available skylights are spaced at 4 foot intervals facing North to provide ample daylight for lunch service and rhythmic shadows throughout the day. At night, the experience differs to reflect the menu. Warm adjustable down lights provide general lighting while a concealed tape light uplight each side of the ceiling.
▼正午时光线透过天窗照亮餐厅,ample daylight lights up the dining room through skylights at noon
▼可调节的点式暖光灯与隐藏在顶棚的灯带,warm adjustable down lights and concealed tape light
As a whole, the building is a reflection of the a simple ask from the owners: Make ordinary things become extraordinary.
▼夜景,night view
▼剖透视,perspective section
Project size: 2450 ft2
Project Budget: $1000000
Completion date: 2019
Building levels: 1
Architect, Interiors, Lighting, Exterior Signage: MAGIC architecture
Structural Engineer: MJ Structures
Photo:Chase Daniel