

Appreciation towards DnA_Design and Architecture for providing the following description:
松阴溪是松古盆地最重要的水系资源。松阴溪水利历史悠久,水利工程消除农田旱灾及水患,保证当地的农业灌溉水运、渔业、 粮食增产、居民日常用水等需求。
Songyin River is the most important water resource in Songyang County. It has a long history of water conservancy, with water facilities spreading in the region to eliminate farmland drought and flood, and ensure the demand for agricultural irrigation, water transport, fishery, grain production and daily water consumption of local residents.
场地环境,context ©王子凌
▼水文博物馆鸟瞰,aerial view to Water Conservancy Centre ©王子凌
▼总平面图,master plan ©DnA建筑事务所
▼展厅所在的建筑主体,the main volume that accommodates the exhibition area ©王子凌
▼建筑外观,exterior view ©王子凌
The building programs was then readjusted by opening up the original internal functions of monitoring hall, archive and canteen to public. The archive can enlarge into an exhibition hall of local conservancy history. The monitoring center will be open by appointment to visitors and local schools as part of education program. The canteen will provide food & beverage and also function as multi-media space for teenagers.
▼建筑入口空间,entrance area©王子凌
▼步道和休闲空间,the passages and leisure area©王子凌
▼室外休闲空间,outdoor leisure area©王子凌
▼展厅,exhibition area ©王子凌
▼展厅,exhibition area ©王子凌
Building volumes are differentiated by program. The public programs are unfolded into arc volumes similar to conservancy facilities, and service blocks are linear shapes.
▼建筑体量与水体环境,the cluster of building volumes intersects with the water park ©王子凌
▼办公服务设施,officefacilities ©王子凌
The arc building envelop of public programs are further transformed into amphitheaters to provide surfaces for outdoor activities, and walkways to the roof gardens and viewing terraces. This brings a spatial identity to the interior, in terms of spatial form, sequence, enclosure, and natural lighting, etc. The interior and exterior of the volume are further interacted into a structure to accommodate both indoor programmatic space and outdoor activity surfaces.
▼监测大厅,monitoring hall ©王子凌
The cluster of building volumes intersects with the water park on ground level to create a series of water courtyards. Passages on water surface adjusting to the topography as either micro dams or covered bridges will reproduce the spatial experience of various elements of Songyang water conservancy.
一系列水庭院,a series of water courtyards ©王子凌
▼伸向水庭院的露台,terrace extending to the water courtyard©姜晓东
▼露台,terrace ©王子凌
▼庭院局部,water courtyard ©王子凌
As one of the many infrastructure projects in Songyang County that are spreading along the outskirt of its urban center and mountain area, the Water Conservancy Center and Water Park could provide a connecting and interacting platform between urban center & rural villages.
▼水文博物馆和自然环境,Water Conservancy Centre in its context ©王子凌
▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view ©王子凌
▼首层平面图,ground floor plan©DnA建筑事务所
二层平面图,first floor plan©DnA建筑事务所
设计单位:北京DnA_ Design and Architecture建筑事务所
建筑面积:6746 m2
占地面积:3373 m2
Project Name: Water Conservancy Centre
Location: Baisha Lake Power Station, Hengshan Mountain, Songyang County, Lishui, Zhejiang Province, China
Program: Water managing facilities / Exhibition/ Leisure
Client: River Dam, Dykes and Reservoir Management Department of Songyang County
Architecture Design: DnA_ Design and Architecture
Principle Architect: Xu Tiantian
Lighting Design: Zhang Xin Studio, Architecture Department of Tsinghua University
Gross Floor Area: 6746 m2
Building Foot Print: 3373 m2
Design Period: 2016.04-2016.12Construction Period: 2017.03–2019.08
Photographer: Wang Ziling,Jiang Xiaodong