

环境背景 | Environment Background
Over 700 hundreds years ago, a 50 meters-tall giant white Pagoda with its Nepal Buddhist temple – Baitasi – was built in ancient Beijing. Ever since then this temple and pagoda have merged into the surrounding hutongs and courtyards living with religious ceremonies and activities and eventually became part of the historical context for contemporary Beijing.
This giant white volume brings dynamic magnetism into the typical hutong fabric and courtyard life and is the most important context in our design for converting a 2-story cement residential building into a hutong gallery in the Baitasi area.
▼美术馆外观,exterior view of the gallery ©夏至
建筑性质 | Architectural Identity
▼美术馆鸟瞰图,设有屋顶花园,the bird-eye’s view of the gallery with the roof garden
Most of the cement residential buildings in this area were built after 1980s, when some local residents tore down courtyards to larger living area and a modern lifestyle. Cement block buildings have become a common typology with a larger scale than courtyards in hutong fabric. A conversion from residential into a public program including a gallery and three artist residencies will host community exhibitions and facilitate artists living and working in Baitasi hutong area, introduce new elements to integrate with local community, and bring a new transforming process into the region.
▼美术馆外立面,采用白色的外墙面,the white facade of the gallery©夏至
▼美术馆外立面细节,采用竖向窄窗,部分墙体被弧面分割,facade details, the gallery uses vertical narrow windows and part of the facade is cut by curve segments©夏至
▼美术馆入口,the entrance of the gallery©夏至
自然介入 | Natural Intervention
▼公共与私密空间分析图,public and private space analysis
Under the hutong preservation regulations, the building volume will remain intact, the original structure and layout will be reorganized to fit in new programs that include a double height gallery facing north, a salon and office on ground level and artist rooms above. In order to achieve sufficient light quality, a system of vertical voids is inserted into this dense block.
▼北侧的双层通高的公共展厅,the double height gallery facing north©夏至
▼室内展厅局部,留出部分边角缝隙作为采光井,使光线渗入,partial view of the interior gallery, in order to achieve sufficient light quality, a system of vertical voids is inserted into this dense block©夏至
▼庭院空间分析图,自然置入,the yard analysis, inserting the nature
通风采光措施分析图,缝隙置入,the natural ventilation and light analysis, inserting natural gaps
Two corner yards are brought back for light and air, open to the sky and neighbor’s tree canopy, as well as reintroducing traditional the courtyard context. Skylights peeling off from the roof or floor corners are another light strategy. Both corner yards and skylights are articulated with curve segments, indicating a continuous circulation. This is also a reflection of the experience when walking in the Baitasi hutong area. The visual of the pagoda is cut on and off by hutong scale and orientation. The curve fragments of form and light in this white interior bring the memory of pagoda into the dark grey cement block.
角落处的庭院空间,采用弧面设计,重新引入传统的庭院,the corner yards with the curve segments, reintroducing the traditionalcourtyard context©夏至
角落处的庭院空间,弧形天窗将光线引入室内,the corner yards, curve skylights introduce the natural light©夏至
▼从庭院的弧形天窗向上看,建筑与周围环境中的树木相联系,looking up through the curve skylight that is open to the sky and neighbor’s tree canopy©夏至
空间分布 | Space Organization
▼种植屋面与屋面视线分析图,analysis of the roof garden and views
▼屋顶(云朵)棚架分析图,用于建筑降温与植物用水,analysis of the cloud-like pergola on the roof that is used for building cooling and plants irrigating
The rooftop is open up as a public platform with a plant pavilion configured from vertical voids. The articulation of the plant pavilion will add in another layer into hutong skyline of cables and tree canopies.
▼屋顶花园,以透明玻璃的形式围合出整个屋顶公共区域,the rooftop garden that is open up as a public platform with a plant pavilion configured from vertical voids ©夏至
屋顶花园,室内主要墙体向上延伸至屋顶,成为屋顶花园的田埂,the rooftop garden, the main interior walls extend to the roof to form the separation at the roof space©夏至
建筑表达 | Architectural Expression
The building is a connection of historical context with future programs and will provide new possibilities into the hutong community life.
▼美术馆夜景,the night view of the gallery©夏至
一层平面图,1F plan
▼二层平面图,2F plan
▼屋顶平面图,roof plan
▼1-1剖面图,1-1 section
▼2-2剖面图,2-2 section
设计单位:徐甜甜/DnA_ Design and Architecture
摄影师: 夏至
Project Name: Baitasi Hutong Gallery
Location: Gongmenkou 4th Alley, Xicheng District, Beijing
Program: Exhibition/ Artist’s Residence
Client: Beijing Hua Rong Jin Ying investment & Development Co. Ltd.
Architects: DnA_ Design and Architecture
Structure Engineer: China Academy of Building Research
Lighting Design: Zhang Xin Studio, Architecture Department of Tsinghua University
Structure: Hybrid Structure
Gross Floor Area: 236m2 (After), 306m2 (Before)Building Foot Print: 158m2