

十如(Integral)位于桂林九美桥,项目一期和二期总面积达 511,800 平方米,其中一期已于2019年建成,预计今年年底将全面完工。吕元祥建筑师事务所(RLP)接到溢达纺织有限公司(Esquel)的委托后,实地造访桂阳大道旁的湿地,受到桂林山水的启发,决定将建筑与自然地貌相融合,设计一座最大限度展示中国山水文化、并与最新工业概念(Industrial 4.0+)相结合的产业园区。
Integral is located at Jiumeiqiao in Guilin. The total area of the first and second phases of the project cover a site with area of 511,800 square metres. The first phase was completed in 2019 and the entire project is expected to be completed by the end of 2020.The development of Integral is driven by Esquel, leading textile and apparel manufacturer’s initiative to change the traditional image of low-tech processing industry by integrating conservation elements with “Industrial 4.0” in its new state-of-the-art specialty spinning and garment manufacturing plant in a scenic natural area — Guilin, China. It is an industrial eco-tourism garden embracing the concept of Buddhism with sustainability elements woven into it.
▼项目外观,建筑融于自然之中,external view of the project, architecture merging into the nature ©吕元祥建筑师事务所
Esquel believes that enterprises can play a critical role in protecting environment. The architecture was designed to embody the sustainable principles of “restoring land, recycling water, replenishing resources, harmonising people and nurturing local plant and animal species.” In order to reduce the environmental damage, the industrial eco-tourism garden combines advance textile industry technology and an eco-tourism experience to advocate that humans should maintain a humble attitude towards nature and not strip the earth of its goodness to achieve the state and concept of ” nature and humanity co-exist in harmony”.
▼建筑与周边保留的自然环境,architecture and the remained nature environment ©存在摄影
Design of Integral began with studies of the site’s topography and geology and also referred to the history and culture of Guilin. The ultimate plan was to turn this manufacturing-led area into a new type of conservation-led development. The design artfully combines three industries on one site – planting and farming, manufacturing and tourism. RLP team has repaired the original wetland landscape as an entry point according to location conditions and placed large building blocks on a large dry area at the south side of the park where it was deteriorated from long-term excavation by the old factory’s activities. The ethos was to retain the ecological environment as much as possible including the bamboo forests, fish ponds and swamps on the north of the park. RLP undertook seemingly endless effort to restore the original lake and allow small-sized buildings to sit along the lake to echo with the buildings in the south.
▼鸟瞰效果图,aerial rendering ©存在摄影
The highest point of the entire project is 22 metres only. The design was intended to extend the main building horizontally instead of vertically. The large production workshop and craft centre are then more easily integrated into the natural environment. It makes the garden the main focus, and the building playing more of supporting role in the overall aesthetic.
▼限制建筑高度,使庞大的建筑体量更好地融入环境,the height of the buildings were limited, in order to better integrated with the envieonment ©存在摄影
选材Materials selection
Building materials are a direct representation of the culture and technology from the era. With the use of steel and concrete as the main building materials in modern construction, the erosion of cultural diversity as a result of economic globalisation, the homogeneity of materials and styles are the common dilemmas faced by traditional oriental architecture and authentic regional culture.
▼由不同材料组成的建筑,buildings in different materials ©存在摄影
For this project, RLP design team became devoted to the study of the local folk culture in Guangxi, and discovered that blue bricks and grey tiles were used as materials extensively for the construction of the ancient houses in the villages. The bamboo panels and strips are commonly seen in people’s daily lives. Therefore, the architects used these local unique blue bricks and recycled bamboo strips on the outer surface of the main building. Not only paying tribute to the traditional folk crafts, but also practicing sustainable development and environmental protection concept through “turning trash into treasure”.
▼青砖和竹条体现广西民俗文化,blue brick and bamboo strips embodied the local culture in Guangxin ©存在摄影
Apart from the core textile workshop and craft centre, the park also features botanical gardens, plantations, exhibition halls, staff restaurants, learning centres and other facilities. Upon the completion of the second phase, a retail commercial area and performance centre will open to enrich the experience of employees and tourists alike. Large area of the roof of the craft centre is covered with green plants, which not only increase the greenery area, but also help to insulate and maintain the temperature of the building. It also allows for a “roof farm” which can provide fresh and safe organic food to the staff restaurant.
▼纺织车间,textile workshop ©存在摄影
▼工艺中心,craft center ©存在摄影
The architects added a layer of semi-transparent bamboo curtain with gradient on the façade of the blue brick wall of the textile craft centre, like a window screen looming on the brick wall. It smoothly merges with the flowers and trees all around and also softens and breaks up the long exterior façade of the massive building, making the factory appear more harmonious and humble in the natural environment.
▼工艺中心立面,facade of the craft center ©存在摄影
▼竹条细部,details of the bamboo strips ©存在摄影
Five main buildings of the first phase are located in the pits of the park, making the overall layout as wide as possible, which effectively facilitate the penetration of the southward winds in summer. Through the semi-closed façade of bamboo stick to enhance the wind speed to create a more comfortable experience; In winter, the restored mountain slopes become a natural screen that blocks the strong northeast winds.
▼半封闭的竹条加强通风,semi-closed facade of bamboo facilitated the ventilation ©存在摄影
The architects skillfully utilised a “transparency” design strategy, using glass walls to strengthen daylight to improve visual connectivity on the factory floor, display centre and employee restaurant. To further achieve the effect of visual connection, the space of architecture, courtyard and nature are interdependent, blurring the definition of indoor and outdoor spaces.
大量落地玻璃形成视觉连通的效果,glass wall improved visual conectivity ©存在摄影
▼使用青砖的立面细部,details of the brick facade ©存在摄影
绿轴Green Axis
Everyone must pass a leafy green walkway axis in the park, which was purposefully designed to not only lighten the mood of the staff on the way to and from work, but also enables an exciting walk for every visitor.
▼被绿色环绕的园区道路,passage between the buildings surrounded by green plants ©存在摄影
Integral is a human-centred project, respecting nature as RLP firmly believes that the concept of sustainable building development should respect nature, co-exist with and be integrated into nature to become part of it. Through a considered concept and concise technique, the design team ensures every design detail in the garden responds to the spirit of the craftsman of Esquel Textile Factory to strive for excellence. Every landscape plan integrates with Guilin’s poetic and natural scenery, every innovative practice is mutually reinforced with the ethos of the intelligent industrial 4.0 by Esquel Group. This unique factory is also designed for the employees for their contribution to the society so that they can have the most ideal working environment. RLP and Esquel are both pursuing a corporate vision that integrates user experience, product quality, building energy efficiency, and environmental protection.
▼从园区中眺望远处景色,view to the distanced landscape from inside the project ©存在摄影
夜景,night view ©存在摄影
项目名称:桂林 九美桥 十如
设计方:吕元祥建筑设计事务所 (RLP)项目设计&完成年份:2015 & 2020
Project Name: Guilin Integral
Design: Ronald Lu & Partners
Design & Completion Year: 2015 & 2020
Leader Designer & Team: Guymo Wong, MK Leung, Henry Cheung, Matthias Ma, Zhu Mufeng
Project Location: Guiyang Road, Jiumeiqiao, Guilin
Gross Built Area: 285,725 s.q.m.
Photo Credits: Arch-Exist
Partners: Guilin Design Institute, Tianjin Zhongtian Architecture Design Institute
Clients: Esquel Group