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巴塞罗那 70 平米公寓,走廊变多功能空间

2020/03/12 17:04:21
David’s Attic in Barcelona features an abundance of built-in furniture and storage elements made from matte-finish MDF, and carefully-positioned mirrors to make the home appear more spacious.
▼公寓概览,overview of apartment © Luis Diaz Diaz
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As we entered to the original flat we felt disappointed with the 1970’s configuration of the 70-square-metre flat. “What a shame that the terrace is not connected to the living room!” We noted. The apartment had a long corridor and an adjoining row of small, dark rooms that weren’t taking advantage of sunlight from the outdoor terrace. Our main goal was to broaden the home without losing any rooms.
▼公寓走廊,corridor  © Luis Diaz Diaz
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为了优化空间的使用,必须打破常规的限制。 公寓内传统的走廊是空间的浪费。为了使走廊不再成为单纯的连接空间,公寓新的布局赋予了走廊多重功能:走廊的一侧容纳了厨柜套组及衣橱,另一侧摆放了60厘米宽的书桌,梳妆台及长凳。
▼走廊被改造成多功能空间, corridor was transformed into a multifunctional space © Luis Diaz Diaz
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▼梳妆台,dressing table © Luis Diaz Diaz
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To optimise the space, conventional limits had to be diffused. Typical hallways are a waste of space. They should be more than just be a place to get from A to B: the flat’s new layout sees the hallway transformed into a multifunctional space that accommodates a kitchen suite and wardrobes on one side, and a 60-centimetre-deep desk, dressing table and bench seat on the other.
▼厨柜套组,kitchen suite © Luis Diaz Diaz
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At the end of the corridor, a large open-plan living and dining room is revealed. Spanning the entire width of the flat, the area looks out onto the terrace which is accessed through sliding glass doors. Here a low, L-shaped sofa with bright blue cushions wraps the corner of the room. It’s built into a wall of shelving which displays artworks and decorative objects.
▼起居室与露台由玻璃滑门相连,living room is connected to the terrace by glass sliding door © Luis Diaz Diaz
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▼嵌入墙体的置物架,shelves built into wall © Luis Diaz Diaz
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Two bedrooms and a bathroom are located in rooms along the corridor and accessed through doors that match the cabinetry. The bathroom, which is accessed via the corridor and the master bedroom, is clad in grass-green tiles that contrast the apartment’s otherwise brown surfaces.
▼铺有草绿色瓷砖的浴室,bathroom in grass-green tiles © Luis Diaz Diaz
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The sink is placed outside the bathroom in the hallway, a feature that was inspired by a sink in the hall of French-Swiss architect Le Corbusier’s project Villa Savoye. Althought the sink in Villa Savoye is a device that is placed in the entrance lobby for hygienic reasons, what we enjoy about this fact is not its functional reason -— but the displacement of a domestic element in an unexpected space.
▼水槽置于浴室外,sink placed outside the bathroom © Luis Diaz Diaz
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巴塞罗那 70 平米公寓,走廊变多功能空间-31
公寓内的色彩搭配旨在营造出一种温暖的包裹感,以突出走廊两端的光线变化,从荫蔽的走廊入口逐渐变化至阳光充裕的起居室。建筑师偏好使用自然氧化的原材料,公寓的地面即采用了“工业化”橡木地板。同时,这类材料亦能轻松缩减建造经费。走廊中厨房的台面和水槽采用了Huguet Mallorca品牌定制的水磨石。
The selected color palette wants to create an enveloping, warm feel in the apartment, enhancing the different phenomenological sensations throughtout the path, from the entrance, where shadows are embraced, until the living, where natural light explodes. As architectes, we believe in working with raw materials for the natural way they age (patina) and also, these materials can easily meet the required budget. ‘Industrial’ oak parquet flooring was chosen for bare-walking. The countertops of the kitchen in the corridor and the hallway sink are crafted from a custom terrazzo by Huguet Mallorca.
▼厨房台面采用水磨石,countertops of kitchen made of terrazzo © Luis Diaz Diaz
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Several mirrors have also been inserted throughout the apartment to make living spaces appear larger and bounce natural light into the dark corridor. A reflective panel in the bathroom additionally helps conceal the shower. This project was carefully built by Triflex.
▼公寓中的镜子在视觉上放大空间,mirror in the apartment apartment to make living spaces appear larger © Luis Diaz Diaz
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▼公寓平面及剖面,plan and section © MHAP
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Architects: MH.AP Studio (Marina Huguet Blasi, Andrés Peñuela Betancur)
Location: La Bordeta, Barcelona, Spain
Area: 70 m2
Year: 2019
Client: Private
Constructor: Triflex
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