
2019/07/05 20:02:18
The house, built in the 1940s, when Grandfather Martinho returned from Brazil, received a new family, the new owner is an interior designer who returns from the city to his small village TOURO, situated in the interior of Portugal. Located at 800 meters of altitude, the village has a thousand residents. In the village, in a small alley, is the house of Grandfather Martinho, 2 adjoining buildings with an annex, built in stone.
▼住宅外观,house exterior
Martinho祖父住宅是COVO Interiores的第一件作品,这栋住宅的设计展现出对河流、草地、场所及周边环境的深入了解。住宅代表了COVO Interiores所信仰的一切:生活、村庄中的个性以及持久为人们提供庇护的花岗岩。将多种多样的艺术形式和大量知识融入设计中并达到整体和谐统一,也是设计面临的一大挑战。在室内设计专业人员的指导下,包括砖匠、木匠、水管工、施工员、油漆工、电工在内的所有工作人员各自完成不同任务,以为这个四口之家(夫妇及两个孩子)提供舒适生活作为目标而共同努力。
The river, the Covo, the place and the belonging are better understood in the house of Grandfather, our first work. The House of Grandfather Martinho represents everything we believe in, life, individuality within the village, the granite that sustains protection. It was also a challenge, joining the various arts, the many knowledge, combining works, performing harmonies. Bricklayer, carpenter and plumber. Constructor, painter and electrician. All orchestrated in the baton of interior design, distinct tasks, gathered in the same goal, enable a comfortable life for two adults and two children.
▼村庄环境肌理,context of the village
▼首层平面图,ground floor plan
The contiguous building where grandfather kept the cereals and the wine kite will be transformed into a small studio, enabling the owner, who is a designer, to develop work.The exterior was preserved to the fullest, respecting the origin and the memory and the surroundings. The thick stone walls are filled in the spans by thin, white-coloured boxes, revealing the interior and conferring the lightness and balance of this stacked stone heap.
▼邻近建筑曾是祖父用于储存谷物、葡萄酒的地方,被改造成业主的小型工作室,the contiguous building where grandfather kept the cereals and the wine kite will be transformed into a small studio
Next to it, an annex houses the garage and technical areas. Which is already a junction of various clones, small buildings, that kept hay for the animals to eat. Where it was so intentional to preserve the historical essence was in this attached volume, rebuilt with a contemporary intervention, which was added to the building, in the form of the inverted cover that gives way to a terrace overlooking the Nave’s mountain range.  The grille of the wrought-iron porch has been restored. The detail of the illuminated tear, which separates the stone masonry from the flat cover, gives it the modern touch, surprising the look.
▼附属建筑与住宅关系&阳台的铁艺栅栏已得到修复,the relationship between the house and the annex&the grille of the wrought-iron porch has been restored
▼用作车库和设备区的附属建筑,an annex houses the garage and technical areas
▼灯光明亮的裂缝细部将砖石和屋顶分开,赋予了这个建筑现代的触感和惊艳的外观,the detail of the illuminated tear, which separates the stone masonry from the flat cover, gives it the modern touch, surprising the look
Martinho祖父住宅的修复充分尊重了场地、自然环境和材料。房屋的两层地板由花岗岩打造,窗户面向街道和山峦开敞,两间房间预示着未来,鸡群在庭院中穿梭。整座房屋充满着回忆和好奇心,又尽显未来和现代感。主体建筑曾经是祖父居住过的地方,现作为居住空间使用。房屋整体分为两层,每层55平方米。一楼曾是动物饲养区,现在,一个内有楼梯间和卫生设施、使用橡木材料的空间,将其分隔成了起居室和厨房。屋顶框架在原有的栗木结构基础上得到修缮,原有的Marseille瓦片已被替换。虽然房屋内部空间本身已非常简约,但浅色系和极简主义设计语言的运用仍然在视觉上进一步拓展了空间。整体装饰以点缀了一丝苔藓颜色的中性色为主,这一设计参考了周围的自然环境,融合了COVO Interiores所信仰的归属感和价值观。
The House of grandfather Martinho was recovered respecting the place, the moth and the materials. Two granite floors, with windows that open to the street and the mountains, two rooms foreseeing the future, the chickens that run through the courtyards. A house filled with memories and curiosities, full of future and modernity. The main block, the house where the grandfather lived, welcomes the habitational space, divided by two floors, with 55m2 each. The ground floor, formerly the place for the animals, gave way to the living room and kitchen, divided by a central box of oak Wood, which houses the staircase and sanitary facilities. The roof frame has been restored taking advantage of the original structure of chestnut wood, the Marseille tile has been replaced. Inside, light colors and minimalist language contribute to maximize the boundaries constructed and visually clear the space that itself is already quite reduced. The decoration of neutral colors with notes of moss color, refer to the surrounding nature, integrating the belonging and values in which we believe.
▼起居室空间,living room
▼整体装饰以点缀了一丝苔藓颜色的中性色为主,the decoration of neutral colors with notes of moss color, refer to the surrounding nature
▼厨房及餐厅,kitchen and dinning area
▼起居室与厨房用餐区之间的楼梯,stairs between living room and kitchen&dinning area
The upper floor gives way to 2 rooms with their sanitary facilities.
▼二层平面图,first floor plan
▼主卧室,master bedroom
▼儿童房,children’s room
以过往为灵感,COVO Interiores的设计在保留传统外观的基础上结合了现代生活的舒适性。这使得历史记忆得到了保留,空间也得到更新。COVO Interiores在遵循原有设计原则的情况下提出了新的解决方案——通过使用水泥地面、宽墙、花岗岩,让房屋保持其原有的特性并具有良好的功能性。这栋房屋面向街道,由村庄的底蕴塑造。它与周围房屋融为一体,既栖居在村庄之中,又欣赏着村庄的一切。它与空间、街道和建筑群有着至简至深的联系,所有一切都与当地的地理环境和谐地融为一体。
We have maintained the traditional appearance, inspired by previous generations, and conjugating the comfort of modern life, renewing space, keeping memory. Functionalized the space, the House maintains its original character, with new solutions, in old principles. Cement floor, wide walls, granite and above all lots of light. A house facing the street, structured by the importance of the village, integrated in the surrounding houses, observing and living with this place, simplicity, deeply articulated with the space, the streets and the built set. All inserted, harmoniously, in the geography of the place.
▼夜景,night view
The House of grandfather Martinho
Name: House of grandfather Martinho
Location: Touro – Viseu – PORTUGAL
Author: COVO Interiores – José Morgado, Mário Morgado
Project Year: 2019
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