

2018年9月22日“一条视频”的新零售线下店在上海三个商业中心同时开业,并在接下来的一个月后成为“上海居家日用热门榜”第一名(来自大众点评榜单)。新零售的概念最早由马云于2016年提出,他认为新零售是“线上线下和物流结合在一起”的产物,因为随着时间的推移,互联网人口红利给电商带来的粉丝自然增长的效益将遇到瓶颈。正是在这样的背景下,一条选择进军线下市场。一条创始人徐沪生在接受媒体采访时指出:“按我个人的估算,线下获客的成本应该是线上成本的十分之一。”▼一条莘庄店(上海仲盛世界商城),Xinzhuang Store ©陈平楠
As to the new retails, the most important task of offline shops is to acquire new customers and coordinate with the online retails in the pursuit of the highest repeat customer rate. And eventually, the total profit from both online and offline retails based on such high repeat customer rate is what the new retail is distinguished for. Therefore, only when we understand the disparity between the new retail and traditional one, can we successfully design a correspondent offline space or experience.
To achieve the traffic increase, offline shops can rely on two approaches, opening all paths for traffic or creating attractive scenarios for experience (a start point for repurchase through QR code scanning).
▼一条新天地店,(LuOne凯德晶萃广场),Xintiandi Store ©一条
Increase paths for the traffic
The Xinzhuang Store is situated at the 3rd floor of a shopping mall, where used to be a restaurant. The entrance is very narrow, only about 1 meter wide. And the facade facing the center of the shopping mall is a dim metal curtain full of oil stain and dust. Such location and entrance is none other than an adversity to a retail business. Another problem is that the store is of a loft structure, but the upper floor has no direct access to the 4th floor. As a result, customers have to reach the upper floor through an inner staircase. Even worse, the upper floor of 300m2 in total is divided into three large and five small rooms connected by narrow passages for only one person. All the difficulties strictly limit the traffic increase which the new retail most concerns.
▼场地原状问题分析,analysis of the original site
2. 对策 Strategies
To solve these problems, our strategy is to add 6 devices, increasing traffic through opening all joints.
The first device is “Yidatiao” (a distinctive structure), which helps to create a whole image. We expose the inner space by removing the metal curtain and build an architectural installation combing stair and shelves. This structure, also functioned as a display shelf, is quite eye-catching under the delicate light. Customers in the atrium will be attracted firmly and continue their ventures to the upper space through the stair-like structure. This structure made of simple and light-weight flat steel is an outcome of over 10 rounds of discussions. Such a light steel structure is fully designed from its structure to small decorations, not only presenting a style of simplicity but also resulting in notable identity.
▼“一大条”装置,“Yidatiao” installation ©吴清山
The second device is the reform of the entrance. Supported by the client and the business department of the shopping mall, we enlarged the entrance from a one-meter-wide door to a six-meter-wide access with a video installed right above. Together with the first device, the access has contributed significantly to the traffic increase.
入口改造,entrance after reformation©吴清山
The third and fourth devices are two passages recognized by netizens as “Rabbit Holes”. These passages connected the isolated rooms on the upper floor in small architectural shapes. The pink archway was shaped resulting from avoiding those tube wells, walls and beams, applying multiple arches to cover the wide tube wells in the inner side. The white veranda in various widths, originally a kitchen, was designed into a hut in air. The “Rabbit Holes” has emerged as a pilgrimage site for netizens.
▼粉色兔子洞,thepink “Rabbit Hole”©吴清山
▼白色兔子洞,the white “Rabbit Hole”©吴清山
The fifth and sixth devices are both canopies of the coffee bar. To attract traffic, the outside seating area was designed into the style guiding the people from the escalator to the coffee bar inside. Meanwhile, the connection of this extension area and the adjacent coffee shop leads to competition as well as mutual support between the new and traditional retails.
▼外摆咖啡区,the outside seating area©陈平楠
▼室内咖啡吧台棚架,the canopy of the coffee bar©吴清山
Creating experience scenario
The experience scenario must be created with new retail characters.We have summarized the characteristics of ‘Yitiao.tv’ into four keywords, ‘video, master, selection and fast renewal’, based on which, we have designed four scenarios, presentation of videos, interaction with masters, selection and fast renewal of scenarios and goods. All these images aim at the impression that ‘You can fully experience the aesthetics of life just as described in the video’.
1. 视频的呈现
Presentation of the video
视频大致分为大、中、小三种尺度呈现。最大的视频被设计在入口处。在设计莘庄店的时候,把入口扩大结合视频一起设计,最终得到了一个40平方米的大屏幕,成为商场里最大的广告面。其余两家店,则根据不同的空间制约,采用了转角屏和透明屏。除了入口大屏,另一个大屏幕是莘庄店的咖啡大棚上的融合屏的投影,一是结合咖啡吧成为一个新奇的场景,同时也为排队等候的顾客提供了一种观赏可能。中等尺度的视频结合收银台区设计——十个50寸电视机不停循环播放着一条生活美学的视频,供排队结账时观看。最小尺度的屏幕采用iPad Mini,结合主力商品的场景,播放15秒的视频,使人快速了解商品详情。
Videos are presented on screens of three different sizes. The largest screen is arranged at the entrance. Taking the Xinzhuang Store as an example, by combining the video with the expanded entrance, we built a screen of 40m2, which becomes the largest advertisement screen in the mall. The other two stores apply corner screen and TOLED respectively due to the space limitation. In addition to the entrance screen, there is also a large one made of SLEDs on the canopy of the coffee bar of the Xinzhuang Store. It forms a novel scene with the coffee bar, meanwhile providing a visual focus for the queuers. The medium-sized screen integrated with the cashier area. Ten 50-inch screens play the same content about the aesthetics of life repeatedly for the customers in the checkout queue. The smallest one is iPad Mini which is used for a quick introduction of the commodities in the correspondent scenario of main commodities through playing a 15-second video.
视频结合收银台区设计,the medium-sized screen integrated with the cashier area©吴清山
Interaction with masters
The interaction area is designed according to the spatial characteristics of different stores. The Xinzhuang Store uses the ends of entire space (the last room accessible by customers on the upper floor) as a display and interaction hall where the vessels made by “professionals” are displayed. Such design is helpful to attract customers to the last room.
For conventional stores with wide entrance, we combine the attractive coffee area with book-selling area, equipped with projectors. Such combination creates another compound scenario, where customers can buy and read books, as well as interacting with masters, those idols from videos can now interact with their fans in reality. Meanwhile, those who wander outside can also be attracted as new customers.
大咖线下分享会,interacting with masters©一条
▼顾客线下分享,offline activity ©一条
Selection and fast renewal of scenarios and goods
As the goods on the online platform of ‘Yitiao.tv’ is refreshed daily, so is the goods sold offline, which is essentially different from the traditional stores with unchanged designs. Because of the relatively fixed commodities, the traditional stores are accustomed to designing the tools (referring to the cabinets, tables and racks used for display of the commodities) suitable for the commodities. In this way, the cost could be amortized over the time. But in case of ‘fast renewal of goods’, retailer needs to make a large number of props, which is difficult to bear either time or cost. So, our strategy is to apply large props for many scenarios, design simple and general props of various commodities while using small ones in a more flexible way to facilitate the changes.
▼室内挑高空间,the full-height interior space©吴清山
Experience of light and VI
The battlefield of new retail is a battlefield of experience. All visable details should take into consideration. The light and VI (visual design), their coherence with the design are all of great importance.
At the beginning, we considered illumination only for part of the area. With the project going forward, we decided to combine illumination both for the whole area and parts. Because the emphasis of the illumination for parts brings in sense of boutique store, to achieve traffic increase, customers prefer to do shopping with relaxed mood. By balancing the business-style through professional illumination design, both the quality of the illuminated commodities and the relaxed shopping environment can be achieved.
室内人工灯光营造出的氛围,the unique atmosphere created by artificial lighting©吴清山
The VI design also weights. As a continuous process, the experience degrades with any missing in design of advertisement video system, product packaging or graphic design like promotion posters, even with perfect hardware and props. After discussing with the client, we decided to remove the outline of the LOGO (round and square shapes), using directly the logo character as the design element. It could not only maintain its distinction but also make it more applicable to various scenarios. For example, we applied it into the video, package, poster and pamphlets and even the small electronic price tag, which was jointly designed by six teams, the whole standard structure is applicable to multiple scenarios.
▼入口处的导视系统,guiding system at the entrance©吴清山
In conclusion, different from traditional retail business, an offline store of new retail mode aims at high repeat customer rate, therefore, traffic increase and transformation are key for design. The logic for the new retail space strategy is that all the space design is carried out for the scenario. All the scenarios come from the traffic-based experiences, and all the traffic are related with the conversion rate. Meanwhile, in order to provide better experiences for the customers, the designer should not only build good spatial quality, but also combining the design of space connection, decoration, illumination and VI to achieve continuous and integrated experience.
一层休息区,seating area on the ground floor©吴清山
Finally, there is another impressive thing worth mentioning, the speed. As the new retail originates from E-commerce, the emphasis of speed required by the internet industry is also implemented in the design and construction of offline stores. Within 4 months, three stores covering nearly 1000m2 and a modular pop-up shop are designed and opened, which seems to be almost impossible. Thanks to the highly close cooperation of the design and construction teams and the owner, yet it is absolutely not an easy job to present the new retail space in such a perfect way eventually.
▼通向上层的楼梯,stair leading to the upper floor©吴清山
▼莘庄店一层平面图,ground floor plan (Xinzhuang Store)
▼莘庄店二层平面图,first floor plan(Xinzhuang Store)
特别感谢华霞虹教授对本文的建议Special thanks to professor HUA Xiahong for her Suggestions for this article.
设计总监:阿科米星建筑设计事务所 / 唐煜、庄慎、游诗雨、王迪
室内设计:蘑菇云设计工作室 / 徐迅君、崔强松、杨育青、陈刚、王东、陈昕
VI 设计:七月合作社 / 韩文斌、秦川杰、王瞻远
灯光设计:倘思照明设计有限公司 /钟鸣、赵梦周、吴蓉、唐轸
结构设计:源规建筑结构设计事务所(普通合伙) / 张业巍、李秋云
施工单位:璟筑建筑工程有限公司 / 杨元磊(莘庄店、新天地店)章冉装饰设计工程有限公司 / 陈松(浦东店)摄影:吴清山、陈平楠
Programing: Nextmixing
Principal Design: Atelier Archmixing/ TANG Yu, ZHUANG Shen, YOU Shiyu, WANG Di
Interior Design: Supercloud/ XU Xunjun, CUI Qiangsong, YANG Yuqing, CHEN Gang, WANG Dong, CHEN Xin
VI Design: July Cooperation Company/ HAN Wenbin, QIN Chuanjie, WANG Zhanyuan
Lighting: Tungsten Studio/ ZHONG Ming, ZHAO Mengzhou, WU Rong, TANG Zhen
Structure Engineering: Shanghai Wildness Structural Des. Firm Inc. (General Partnership) / ZHANG Yewei, LI Qiuyun
Contractor: Jingzhu Construction Engineering Co., LTD/ YANG Yuanlei (Xintiandi & Xinzhuang store)Zhangran Decoration Design Engineering Co. LTD/ CHEN Song (Pudong store)Photographer: WU Qingshan, CHEN Pingnan