A new beach house has recently been completed in Aranya, Qinhuangdao, China. Qinhuangdao, with its geographic reason as having the nearest beach, is known as the most populous city for millions of people from Beijing and Tianjin to enjoy their summer holidays. Yet an-hour drive down south from the massive crowd, a small town – Aranya, for its serene beach environment and great community engagement, in the last 5 years has become the destination for the new middle-class, to pursue a “quality holiday resort” lifestyle,and ideal location for beach houses.
▼住宅鸟瞰图,距离海滩仅咫尺之遥,享有壮丽海景和阿那亚礼堂的尖屋顶景观,bird-eye’s view of the housewithin steps to the beach, taking insweeping view of the sea andthe pitched-roof of the Aranya Chapel
Located in a prime position within steps to the beach, this site not only takes in sweeping view of the sea without any obstruction, but also well enhanced by the pitched-roof “spiritual center”of the Aranya Chapel. While we were asked by the client to redesign a new house to fit its wonderful setting, we thought the previous building that had a footprint running west-east towards the sea and stretching to the south has a potential to orient the house to maximize the sea view while blocking out the summer sun. Thereafter, we reclaimed and altered the existing on-site structure to add a shorter wing on the south side to allow an open-plan for more living spaces. In a sustainable way, we re-create a new spatial experience that flows “through” the building, which engages people with the surrounding of this prime site as one moves through the house, providing a sense of the entire natural/communal environment in incidental moments.
▼住宅外观远景,distant exterior view of the house
住宅东立面外观,面朝大海,将海景最大限度地纳入眼底,exterior view of the east elevation of the housefacing towards the sea to maximize the sea view
The House T’s north façade is reconfigured with two volumes interlocking together: a thickened white T-shape cast-in-concrete wall sitting on a dark layered schist rock plinth. This solid “T” armour of the north façade shelters the building from cold winter northern winds, while at the same time its undulating surfaces and punched in and out openings provide the audiences with a vivid expression, as most of the public coming towards the beach and the chapel will pass by this prime located property along the north side.
▼住宅北立面外观远景,现场浇筑的白色混凝土墙呈厚重“T”型,坐落于深色片岩基座之上,distant exterior view of the north elevation,a thickened white T-shape cast-in-concrete wall sits on a dark layered schist rock plinth
▼住宅北立面外观近景,北立面位于公众去往沙滩与礼堂的必经之路上,close exterior view of the north elevation of the house, most of the public coming towards the beach and the chapel will pass by this prime
partial exterior view of the north elevation,its undulating surfaces and punched in and out openings provide the audiences with a vivid expression
▼住宅一层空间概览,采用开放式布局,有充足的光线,overview of the open ground floor space withabundant day light
一层起居室空间,设有精心布置的大窗,面向无需打理的外部花园,享有极致的景观视野,the living room on the ground floor with strategically located large windows and amazing views, facing a maintenance free exterior garden
▼从一层的图书馆看起居室,享有绝佳的海景,viewing the living room from the library on the ground floor with a good view
the library on the ground floor the white terrazzo floor
Our architectural intent was to create a series of dynamic spaces that could work for multiple gathering niches and more communal spaces for entertaining. As one wandering into the House T from the arrival entrance, diffuse light streams in from all sides through the building, as well as the airflow. The house has an abundance of strategically located large windows, providing abundant day light, minimizing the need for lighting. While the ground floor been fully open-planned throughout with semi-outdoor vestibule, kitchen, dining and library, the generous heights of the living room give a feeling of openness and airiness which embraces the views of sea and sky. These living spaces positioned at the ground level, facing a maintenance free exterior garden in a flexible state between private gathering and communal bypass, also engages in its best capacity to connect to the beach activities. On the contrary, deep window seats under the skylight in the library take advantage of the secret vista, creating the perfect place to relax with a book for some private time.
一层餐厅空间,开窗引入自然光线,采用横砌的片岩板条作为墙体饰面,the dining room on the ground floorwith windows guaranteeing the daylight,the walls are cladded withthe rock strips
一层餐厅和厨房局部,采用木制壁柜和大理石台面,partial view of the dining room and the kitchen with wooden cabinets and marble counters
The concept of the house also makes it easy to navigate between the 2 levels. Following the stairs next to the library, one will arrive at the second floor with 4 bedrooms, each with distinguished features. Either spectacular view with the sea, or with a balcony from which you can see the sea, and also feel the breeze without the sunburn, or a frameless corner window open to the inner courtyard.
▼二层入口处的公共休息空间,the public rest area at the entrance of the second floor
the bedroom on the second floor with the scenery view of the sea andthe Aranya Chapel
Majority of the building materials were locally sourced, particularly the rock strips for the ground floor extending from exterior into the interior. We also adapted many local craftsmanship from terrazzo flooring to pebble mosaic. The most advanced was the undulating wood grain molded cast-in-concrete on the façade.
▼住宅浴室,同样享有海景,浴缸周围使用镶嵌磨平鹅卵石,the bathroom with a good sea view, using pebble mosaicas the enclosure of the bathtub
Ultimately the House T is intended to provide a myriad of atmospheres defined by the spectrum of natural environment and communal life which characterizes the entire setting of the site.
▼住宅夜景外观,night view of the house
▼总平面图,site plan
一层平面图,ground floor plan
▼二层平面图,2F plan
▼东立面图,east elevation
▼北立面图,north elevation
摄影:宋昱明,广松美佐江 / 锐景摄影
LOCATION: Aranya, Qinghuangdao, China
Design Date: 2015/11-2017/5Completion Date: 2018/8CLIENT: Aranya
PROGRAM: Residential,Recreational
SITE AREA: 1355㎡
STATUS: Completed and occupied
DESIGN TEAM: Wang Shuo, Zhang Jing, Li Danlei, Yang Shangzhi, Cao Shibiao, Xue Xiaofei, Zhang Yue, Sun Qingfeng