

Youfangping Village is affiliated to Joujianfang Town, Lantian County, facing Mountain Jade across the Bashui River. It is located at the northern foot of Qinling Mountains within the basins of seventy-two valleys, with numerous mountains surrounded and affiliated to basins and watersides. As the village is located in the mountainous area, it is a great summer resort for a large number of people from surrounding cities and counties every middle summer. Except for this period, there are few people visiting the village. Most people in the village are left-behind and the labor force drain is severe. 2017, under the joint leadership of Xi’an Municipal Government, Lantian County Government and China State Construction Northwestern Regional Headquarters, in response to the national poverty alleviation efforts, our design team try to discuss the New Interpretation of Local Landscape, poverty alleviation through technology.
▼项目概览-溪台,overview of the project-streamplatform
▼项目概览-长亭区域,overview of the project-the long pavilion area
Reasons for Return
Every resource in the village presents single and disordered, and its traditional scenes and tourism resources need effective excavation. The degradation of the village is mainly connected with human. The lacks of motivation for returning and employment opportunities are the inducements which lead to insufficient vitality in the village. Therefore, the design aims at providing villagers with the reasons to return and arousing visitors’ nostalgia.
▼原有风貌及施工过程,original context and construction process
▼景观设计平面,landscape plan
▼与景观融为一体的长亭,the long pavilion blends into the landscape
四季长亭景色,雪景,four-season scenes ofthe long pavilion, snowy scene
四季长亭景色,夏景,four-season scenes ofthe long pavilion, green scene
Reshape the space
▼长亭、台阶、树池、村落标识设计分析,design analysis of the long pavilion,steps, tree pools and a sign of the village
The original village committee square is the only spacious place in the whole village. Yet because of its single function and the great security risk in original ramps, there are few villagers staying there. The design firstly sets up parapets serving as guidance, considering the image demonstration of the main entry as well as people’s activities. In this way, an entry space with a vivid image will come into being to undertake the flow of outsiders. And also, a sign of the village will be set up, which tourists can easily recognize from all directions. And then a new corridor will be established to provide a more comfortable space for the villagers to keep the tradition of chatting, with the combination of steps and tree pools to transform the scarp in the place. The join of terrain and corridor creates an intensive and abundant space with high participation. Besides, part of the original place will be reserved to provide more possibility about this space. Deriving from the chimneys common in Youfangping Village, the design of the village sign aims at demonstrating a typical vulgar painting about farming civilization, with the remote villages which boast “curling smoke” as the conception. The static are old cottages with a profound history and the dynamic are those wisps of curling smoke, showing lamps and candles of myriad families which have been passed down generations by generations. That is exactly the tranquil and comfortable normal life inherited from ancient times.
地形与亭廊的衔接,形成了变化丰富,参与性强的集约空间,the join of terrain and corridor creates an intensive and abundant space with high participation
▼竹窗、木格栅与毛石砌墙,bamboo window, wood grid and rough wall
▼台阶及树池细节,detail of the tree pool and steps
▼长亭内部空间,interior of the long pavilion
New approach to the site
以曲折回廊的形式设计下行步道,the down footpath will be displayed in the form of zigzag cloister
▼长亭区域夜景,night view of the long pavilion area
溪台平面,stream platform plan
▼长亭平面,the long pavilion plan
溪台立面,stream platform elevation
▼长亭立面,the long pavilion elevation
▼溪台剖面,stream platform section
▼台阶平面,steps section
项目规模:5000 m2(入口区)项目状态:在建
设计单位:中国建筑西北设计研究院有限公司 建筑装饰与环境艺术工程设计院
摄影版权:pm视觉系 叁山影像 周晓阳
PROJECTNAME: The Landscape design of Youfangping Village
PROJECTLOCATION: Jiujianfang/Lantian/XI’AN
PROJECTOWNER: Xi’an Municipal Government/ China State Construction Northwestern Regional Headquarters
DESIGN: China Northwest Architecture Design And Research Institute Co.Ltd-ADEA
LANDSCAPE PROJECTTEAM: Xia Fei, Liu Yuyun, Ren Ziyan, Li Jiayang, Zhao Xiaojing, Zou Linyu, Zhang Yixin, Guo Wenhao, Wang Jiejue, Cheng Xuan, Wu Yuyao, Zhao Qiang, Gong Deqiang, Lei Sicong, Bai Donghao, Wu Yue, Yan Geng, Yang Jiangfei
OTHER PROFESSIONAL TEAMS: Xu Jingkai, Che Shunli, Liu Feng, Liu Tao, Wang Chen
LANDSCAPE DEEPENING TEAM: China Northwest Architecture Design And Research Institute Co.Ltd-ADEA- Art studio
LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION TEAM: China Construction Eighth Engingeering Division.corp.ltd