

The project was based on an existing edicule located near one of the lateral boundaries of the site. The initial program contained only one bedroom, a bathroom and a warehouse that totaled 24sqm, this was expanded adding kitchen, service area and living room and turned into a 60sqm house.
▼住宅外观,exterior view ©Larissa Sad
The work had a restricted budget and a short time to execute, which directed the materials and the constructive method to be adopted. The construction lasted less than 3 months and cost less than $ 150sqm. The white color was adopted because it makes the house more discreet and also helps to reflect the heat of the sun, making the place more pleasant.
▼住宅外观,采用白色作为住宅的主色调,exterior view of the house with the white palette ©Haruo Mikami
A molded concrete bench in loco is used for food preparation and also as a dining table, the window creates a framed view of the garden. The house opens up creating a generous relationship with the garden and also enabling good ventilation and natural light.
▼住宅外观,大型的落地窗使得室内外空间建立起紧密的联系,exterior view, the french windows create a generous relationship with the garden ©Haruo Mikami
▼从住宅内部看室外,大型的落地窗为住户提供了一个良好的花园景观视野,viewing the outside from the inside, the window creates a framed view of the garden ©Haruo Mikami
▼住宅室内局部,设置模数化的混凝土台面,可作为备餐台和餐桌使用,partial interior view, the molded concrete bench is used for food preparation and also as a dining table ©Haruo Mikami
▼可滑动面板组织空间分析图,diagram of how the sliding panels organize the space
The sliding panels in metal frame and closing in compensating raw serve to hide the appliances and organize the space while giving privacy to the intimate area of the house.
▼住宅室内局部,木质滑动面板可以确保空间的私密性,partial interior view, the wood sliding panels help with the privacy of the space ©Haruo Mikami
The thermo acoustic tile was an economical solution that provides comfort to the residents, besides, being very light, it allows the structure of the house to be very delicate and simple. The white envelope creates an environment for artwork to be exposed.
▼室内空间局部,使用轻质的热声屋瓦,确保了住宅结构体系的精致性和简洁性,partial interior view with the lightweight thermo acoustic tile, allowing the structure of the house to be very delicate and simple ©Haruo Mikami
▼室内空间局部,白色的墙面为艺术品的展示提供了一个绝佳的背景,partial interior view, the white envelope creates an environment for artwork to be exposed ©Larissa Sad
▼住宅平面图,floor plan
Name of the project: Little House
Office: Daher Jardim Architecture
Architect responsible: Gabriel Daher Jardim
Location: Brasília – DF – Brasil – Latitude 15°54’32.06″S Longitude 47°56’20.12″W
Year of conclusion of the work: 2019
Total built area (m2): 60m2
Photographer: Haruo Mikami
Photographer: Larissa Sad
Other participants:
Collaboration arch. Thaynah Oliveira
Structural consulting: Eng. Fábio Pereira Araújo
Foreman: Divino Moreira
Sawmill: Sabino Linhares
1. Cristal Vidros / Glasses
2. Ferragens Pinheiro / Thermo acoustic metallic tile
3. Ferragens Pinheiro / Metal structure
4. Tiles / Lume