In the era of pursuing artistic aesthetics, whether it is a hurried tour in an art gallery or a receptive listening in a museum, both of them reflect people’s pursuit of artistic life as well as the improvement of artistic accomplishment. However, painting, as two-dimensional art, is difficult to leave a profound viewing experience due to its boring exhibition ways. Therefore, we hope that in cooperation with CHENSEE, the two-dimensional art can be transformed into a multi-dimensional art space through art recreation, giving more impressive and more immersive viewing experience.
▼多维的艺术体验,multi-dimensional experience of art
The exhibition space that is 15 meters long and 8 meters wide is divided into three parts by an arched gallery. This link connects two functional spaces, which serve as the art scene experience area and bussiness communication area respectively. While enjoying the paintings in the gallery, you can find another “secret hall of art” implanted as a new viewing experience and hidden visual focus. It not only ensures the display function, but also reshapes the geometry of the space, creating a rhythmic experience of art.
▼展厅构筑过程, construction process of the stand
Looking at the entrance, between black and white, the black arched gallery forms a strong contrast with the bright internal communication area. The stretching force of space created by the arched gallery attracts passers-by to go inside.
▼展厅外立面-入口黑色的弧形画廊与内部明亮的交流区在空间中形成一种强烈的对比,exterior of the stand-the black arched gallery forms a strong contrast with the bright internal communication area
▼“秘境”展厅生成过程,generation process of “secret hall of art”
Compared with the relatively low-key art gallery, the “secret hall” seems to be a space existing in another dimension of the exhibition hall. Its design reflects “painting”— an art carrier with various display ways. The re-created art wallpaper, using the specular reflections on the ceiling and the floor, creates a magical surrealist scene: giving people the fantastic visual experience when looking up to the ceiling, at the same time, a profound experience of weightlessness while looking down to the ground, which transforms the viewing process into an immersive experience.
▼“秘境”展厅中天花上的光眼视觉效果,the luminous eye effect from the ceiling
▼地面上的镜面反射形成深邃的失重感,使寻常观展过程变成一种多维、多感官的沉浸式体验,the ground mirror creates a profound experience of weightlessness which transforms the viewing process into an immersive experience
The scene experience area is mainly based on experiencing, creating an atmosphere of home by virtue of sofas, tea tables, ornaments, artworks, etc., and simulating the scenes of art works hanging at home. Living art is a proposal for artistic lifestyle, providing more imagination of home.
▼居家沙发,茶几,摆件,艺术品等营造出家的氛围,an atmosphere of home created by virtue of sofas, tea tables, ornaments, artworks, etc
▼画作在不同空间之间的对话与呼应,the paintings correspondence from different spaces
项目名称: “橙舍的画”展厅
地址: 深圳会展中心
Design Firm: PMT Partners
Principal Architect: HU yan, ZHAO Weihao, ZENG Zhe
Project Architect: ZENG Zhe,
Project Team: HUANG Jiarong, ZHOU Ziyue, LU Zeqiang
Photography: ZENG Zhe
Client: Red Dragonfly Artworks Co, LTD
Area: 120 square meters
Address: Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center