

APOLLO。Appreciation towards APOLLO for providing the following description:
这座住宅位于东京市中心,房主是一对夫妇,丈夫在金融行业工作,妻子就职于高端家具行业。这位丈夫曾经是以为爵士音乐家,他希望设计师能够在客厅中融入其偶像John Coltrane的音乐元素。
This small house in downtown Tokyo is owned by a husband who works in finance and his wife who works in the high-end furniture industry. The husband had previously been a jazz musician, and the starting point for the design was his request that the living space reflect the world-view of his role model John Coltrane’s music.
▼住宅外观,exterior view
▼入口立面,entrance facade
The building is elevated by pilotis, with the entryway located next to a Parking area sheltered by the overhanging volume
A staircase leads to the second floor, where a jazz-bar-like dining and kitchen area offers an ideal spot for sharing a meal or drinks with family and close friends.
二层空间概览,overview of the second floor
▼爵士酒吧风格的餐厨空间,a jazz-bar-like dining and kitchen area
客厅拥有倾斜的双层高屋顶,屋顶上的天窗带来大量的自然光线,T台般的钢桥营造出具有工业感的氛围,墙壁上还悬挂着一幅巨大的John Coltrane的照片。这里是房主欣赏爵士乐的好去处。
The living room is defined by its slanted double-height ceiling and skylights that bring in plenty of natural light, while a catwalk bridge lends an industrial ambiance. The residents enjoy listening to jazz in this space, where a photograph of John Coltrane hangs on one wall. On a small balcony facing the road, steel louvers block visibility from below to ensure privacy.
客厅概览,living room
▼客厅中融入了John Coltrane的爵士音乐元素,the living space reflect the world-view of the client’s role model John Coltrane’s music
▼从客厅望向餐厨空间,view to the dining area from the living room
▼T台般的钢桥营造出工业氛围,a catwalk bridge lends an industrial ambiance
▼客厅鸟瞰,aerial view
▼阁楼细部,attic detailed view
▼悬浮的楼梯,the floating staircase
The master bedroom is at the back of the ground floor, with a bathroom in front filled with peaceful light that pours in from an adjacent courtyard.
首层过道,corridor on the ground floor
▼浴室通过与之相邻的庭院获得充足的采光,thebathroom is filled with peaceful light that pours in from an adjacent courtyard
The children’s room and other private spaces are located in an open arrangement on the third floor, which also provides access to a rooftop bar where the residents enjoy garden parties with their frequent guests.
▼屋顶露台,roof terrace
By avoiding partitions in the compact structure, the design succeeds in creating a single open room linked vertically from floor to floor. The result is a theatre-like small home whose residents live their own story.
纵向连接的一体化开放空间,a single open room linked vertically from floor to floor
▼住宅夜景,exterior night view
Architect Information
APOLLO Architects & Associates Co., Ltd
Credit Information
Architecture : Satoshi Kurosaki/APOLLO Architects & Associates
Photography : Masao Nishikawa
Project Outline
Location : Meguro ward, Tokyo
Date of Completion : September 2018
Principal Use : Private housing
Structure : Timber
Site Area: 72.19m2
Total Floor Area : 116.57m2 (42.93m2/1F, 42.93m2/2F, 25.59m2/3F, 5.12m2/PHF)Design Period : October 2015 – February 2018
Construction Period : February 2018 – September 2018
Structural Engineer : Masaki Structure Laboratory (Kenta Masaki)Lighting design : SIRIUS LIGHTING OFFICE
Material Information
Exterior Finish : Galvalume
Floor : Walnut Flooring and tile Flooring
Wall : Emulsion Paint
Ceiling : Emulsion Paint