

What happens when Valencians desire is lightened up?
▼“OHHH, SÍ”灯光主题空间,light environment of “OHHH, SÍ”
这便是著名的José Padilla在他的作品中所传达出的概念——在这片土地上,我们需要光和爱去点亮一切。尽管有些巴伦西亚人可能会模仿影片“美国丽人”,尝试用鲜花点亮他们的生活。但是这种方式过于私人化,Wanna One并不想通过这种形式来实现目标。Wanna One是一家专注于市场营销、设计和室内设计研究的公司,由真正的巴伦西亚人和一位他们收养的法籍巴伦西亚人共同组成,他们希望在情欲的瞬间发现光。在这个瞬间里,你可以是一个人、可以跟配偶在一起、甚至也可以处于人群之中,你可以带着爱去享受这一切,当然也可以冷漠地旁观。Wanna One希望通过这次展览,探索这样一个主题:当人们身处于明亮的环境、或是明暗交错的环境、甚至是完全的阴影之中时,他们会对光怀揣着怎样的情感。同时,Wanna One也希望能够与Viabizzuno Valencia的灯光艺术匠人们合作,共同探索这一切。
It is true what the famous José Padilla said in his pasodoble, in this land we should do it with light and love. Although maybe there are Valencians which may do an American Beauty and do it with flowers. But that is more intimate. And Wanna One doesn’t want to go there. The interest in this marketing, design and interior design study, composed of true Valencians and a french, Valencian by adoption; is to look into the light in erotic moments. Being alone, in a couple or in a crowd; with love or without it. Wanna one wants to know if we like lights, chiaroscuro or shadows (and why) when we start doing it. And they want to discover it collaborating with light artisans: Viabizzuno Valencia.
▼“MMM”灯光主题空间,light environment of “MMM”
▼“MMM”灯光主题空间灯光细节,details of the light environment of “MMM”
因此,他们共同创作了这个名为“Cuando el deseo se ilumina(当欲望被点燃)”的互动性空间装置。该装置位于巴伦西亚,是一个位于多感官的协作式暂时性灯光空间。Wanna One与Viabizzuno Valencia在研究中说道:“看起来我们是将很多形容词放在了一起,但事实上,所有的形容词都在描绘同一种体验。”
Together they have created “Cuando el deseo se ilumina” (When the desire lightens up), an interactive installation, multi-sensory, collaborative and temporary in the Viabizzuno spazio in Valencia (Cirilo Amorós, 48). “It may seem there are a lot of adjectives put together but the all describe an experience,” they say from the study.
▼“AH-AH-AHHH”灯光主题空间,light environment of “AH-AH-AHHH”
▼“UFFF”灯光主题空间,light environment of “UFFF”
In “Cuando el deseo se ilumina” the visitors can play with five different light scenarios, in a conceptual and very carnal space, which invites to imagine ourselves in action. Play until you find the perfect light. That light in which you can see yourself moaning, gasping, screaming. Swearing. In short distances, there is still freedom of expression. And may nobody takes it from us, never.
▼“GRR”灯光主题空间,light environment of “GRR”
▼“GRR”灯光主题空间细节,details of the light environment of “GRR”
直到3月19日,设计师都可以根据巴伦西亚人的情感倾向进行以“mmm…”、“¡oh, sí!”或者“ah-ah-ahhh”等为主题的感知空间创作。尽管在项目结束之前,最终的结果都不得而知。这个由Wanna One所设计的装置是“4 stagioni”系列的一部分,该系列由Viabizzuno Valencia负责,将在冬天向游客开放。
Until the 19th of March, we could start sense if the Valencians are more of “mmm…”, of “¡oh, sí!” or of “ah-ah-ahhh”. Although we won’t know the final results until it finishes. The installation from Wanna One is included in the cycle “4 stagioni” organized by Viabizzuno Valencia, and it will open to visitors during the winter.
▼展厅空间细节,details of the space
▼展厅空间墙面细节,details of the wall surface
▼展厅内材料细节,details of the materials
此外,Wanna One还希望在这个空间装置中展现所有的感官体验。“即使装置的主题是光明,要表现的主要感官体验是视觉体验,我们仍然认为唤起参观者的其他感官体验、从而激发出他们的想象是十分重要。因为性是一种特殊的感官体验”。而绿色的可燃物也可以让那些来参加开幕式的人们感到愉悦。
Wanna One wanted to play with all senses. “Even if the leitmotif of the installation is the light and therefore the principal sense is the view, we consider that is important to stimulate the other senses to favour the fantasies of the audience. Because sex is the sensory experience par excellence”. And The Green Fuel to make salivate of pleasure those who come to the opening.