台北 40 年老宅变身为温馨亲子空间

2019/01/21 11:30:56
这间位于台北精华区的40年老宅,家中长辈几年前曾协助全室装修,却因长辈的规划与居住者需求不符,使得屋主后续生活常感到困扰与不便。夫妻俩考量许久,决定送给即将上幼稚园的儿子一份礼物 :「一个可以在这里快乐成长、舒适生活的家。」
Located in one of Taipei’s most expensive districts, this 40-year-old house was renovated a few years ago by the the owners’ family elders. However, the design did not meet the owners’ needs and made living troublesome and inconvenient. The owners pondered on the issue and decided to transform the house as a gift to their son (i.e., a home where he can live and grow up happily and comfortably) prior to his entrance to kindergarten.
▼室内公共空间概览,overall view of the interior public space
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The original house contained problems such as poor indoor layouts, dim lighting, small space, and a gas stove placed in the balcony (that made cooking and laundry hanging problematic). To solve these problems, the designer blended the study room with the public area, enlarging the living and dining rooms to create a spacious, open environment. Continuous windows were added to light up the views and the occupants’ hearts. Today, this space has become the mother’s favorite place to play and relax with her child and a location praised by her friends as oozing a relaxing atmosphere that is found only in coffee shops.
▼起居室和亲子活动室(改造后的书房空间),将书房开通纳为公共区域之一,living room and gallery (the study room after being renovated), blending the study room with the public area
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▼起居室空间,还原外推的前阳台,纳入了绿意,the living room, the front balcony is restored, adding greenery to evoke a sense of comfort
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Overall, the house was decorated with lightly colored wooden materials to elicit a warm feeling, and a mint blackboard wall was inserted into the living room to allow the child to showcase his creativity. The concept of addition by subtraction was practiced to remove unnecessary fixtures and preserve functionality. Portable furniture was incorporated to provide living with more flexibility.
▼从起居室看亲子游乐区(改造后的书房空间),设置薄荷绿的黑板墙,gallery (the study room after being renovated) view from the living room, organizing the mint blackboard wall in the galley
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▼客厅薄荷绿的黑板墙细节,details of the mint blackboard wall
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▼亲子游乐区(改造后的书房空间),连绵的窗户使室内空间变得明亮,the gallery (the study room after being renovated), continuous windows are added to light up the views
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The front balcony was restored and added greenery to evoke a sense of comfort. Walls of the dimly lit kitchen have been torn down and replaced with a sliding glass door to create bright views, allowing the parents to see what their child is doing while cooking. The designer also moved the gas stove back to the kitchen, fulfilling the kitchen’s “purpose.” In addition, the designer added small tiles (which the owners love) and rustic elements, making the mother begin to cook for her son once again as she no longer has to worry about the cooking smells ruining the clothes.
▼厨房和餐厅,开通厨房的墙面改为玻璃拉门,the kitchen and dining area, walls of the dimly lit kitchen have been torn down and replaced with a sliding glass door
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▼厨房,将瓦斯炉移回,墙面添加小花砖与乡村风元素,the kitchen, moving the gas stove back to the kitchen, and adding small tiles and rustic elements
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The opening to the guest bathroom was subtly changed and placed at an angle that improved traffic flow and prevent the toilet from facing the kitchen. Furthermore, lemon and mosaic tiles were inserted to imbue the small bathroom with a sense of brightness and energy. Concerning the master bedroom, its pillars were used to build an independent dressing area, and the main bath door was altered to prevent it from facing the bedroom. A partition wall was pushed 60 cm outside to form as a wardrobe. Said changes made the sleeping space wider and much more comfortable.
▼主卧,利用原本的柱体形成独立更衣区,修正主浴门使其避免正对寝室,the master bedroom whose pillars are used to build an independent dressing area, and the main bath door is altered to prevent it from facing the bedroom
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▼主卧一角,a corner of the master bedroom
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▼儿童卧室一角,a corner of the child bedroom
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▼客浴,将开口改方位并以斜切角处理,室内使用柠檬黄色彩与马赛克小花砖,the guest bathroom, the opening is subtly changed and placed at an angle, and inserting lemon and mosaic tiles to the guest bathroom
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The rest of the white space is saved for the children, mother, and father to store their toys, purchases, and private collections, respectively. This is the story about two parents transforming their home for the boy they love.
▼改造前后平面图,the before & after floor plan
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地点:台北 / Location: taipei
坪数:28坪 / Square meters: 92.68
成员:2大1小 / Members:Two adults and one child
屋龄:40年 / Age of the house: 40 years
Materials: Oak veneers, painted wooden boards, pine set boards, painted black iron, painted perforated plates, environmentally friendly ICI paint, ultra-wear-resistant wooden floors, formaldehyde (minimal use)
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