Bulimba 州立学校大厅及教室设施,昆士兰州,Biscoe Wilson Architects

2018/09/25 17:14:48
该项目包含三个综合教室(GLA)和一个多功能大厅,整个项目也属于教育革命项目(BER)的一部分。Biscoe Wilson Architects在这个狭窄又倾斜的场地上构建出一个可容纳六个年级学生集合的多变空间,同时整个设计需要充分考虑到空间的灵活性、耐用性和可持续性,并展现Bulimba州立学校的教育观,即“可持续性不仅仅体现在节约能源和水,减少浪费上,更是满足当前的需求而不影响未来发展”。设计师将“山丘上”的学校已有部分与西侧的运动场连接起来,而建筑周边的空间则作为娱乐、存物或是菜园使用。
▼整个建筑位于狭窄又倾斜的场地上,the entire building is located on a narrow and sloping site
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Biscoe Wilson Architects were commissioned to design and document three General Learning Areas (GLA) and a Multi-purpose Hall as part of the Building the Education Revolution (BER) Program. As a prep to year 6 school, and a growing school on a tight and sloping site, the building needs to be designed for flexibility, durability, and sustainability. This emphasises and facilitates Bulimba State School’s values that “sustainability is not just about saving energy and water or reducing waste, but about meeting the needs of the present without compromising the future”.We developed links between the older section of the school on “the hill” with the western playing fields. The spaces between the surrounding buildings will be used for recreation, storage, and a vegetable garden.
▼学校整体空间外览,school space overview
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▼明亮的建筑入口,the bright entrance of the building
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▼建筑底层为三个综合学习空间(GLA), three General Learning Areas (GLA)  on the ground floor
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▼与室外相互渗透的通道,interpenetrating channel with outdoor
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▼可容纳六个年级学生集合的多变空间,variable space for a collection of six grade students
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Bulimba 州立学校大厅及教室设施,昆士兰州,Biscoe Wilson Architects-14
该建筑不仅符合BER大厅的“模板”设计的要求,同时它在许多方面超越了原有的功能需要。作为Stephanie Alexander厨房花园项目中的教学厨房毗邻多功能厅,场地上的新素食花园有助于培养孩子们积极的生活饮食习惯,整个厨房空间也满足了学校和社区的需求,其中Harvest桌是由Biscoe Wilson Architects亲自设计,并委托当地艺术家具制造商Matt Dixon精心打造。多功能大厅的下方是三个教室,与室外的景观和未来的花园区相连接。西侧的墙壁被设计为一个潜在的种植绿墙,屋顶的雨水收集将汇聚在教室下的水箱中。
Although the building meets all the functional requirements of the “template” BER hall design, it surpasses the mandatory requirements in many ways. A teaching kitchen apart of the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Programme adjoins the multi-purpose hall. A new veggie garden on the site encourages this program as it helps “children form positive food habits for life”. Adjacent the multi-purpose hall, the kitchen can cater for community or school functions. The timber ‘Harvest Table’ was designed and donated by Biscoe Wilson Architects, and crafted by local artist and cabinetmaker, Matt Dixon.Below the hall are three general learning classrooms which connect to the landscape and future garden areas. The western wall has been designed to incorporate a potential green wall. The roof water is harvested in tanks below the classroom level.
▼建筑旁的素食花园,a new veggie garden adjacent to the building
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▼屋顶的雨水收集将汇聚在教室下的水箱中,the roof water is harvested in tanks below the classroom level
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▼一层&二层平面图,the ground floor& the 1st floor plan
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▼立面图,the elevation
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Fully Enclosed Covered Area:1318sqm
Architectural Team:Robert Biscoe, Marion Wilson, Marty Bignell, Winson Leung, Alan Delmas
D&C Contractor:Badge Constructions
Structural Engineer:Milanovic and Assoc.
Project Manager:GHD
Year of Construction:2010
Photographer:Aperture Architectural Photography
Completion date:2010
Building levels:2
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