Pedra da Ra 观景台

2017/07/12 17:53:37
CSA arquitectura
Appreciation towards
CSA arquitectura
for providing the following description.
Pedra da Ra瞭望台是由Riveira市政厅主导的,以刺激当地旅游业发展的景观项目。自1980年代开始,Pedra da Ra就作为瞭望台而被人们所熟知。人为设计的混凝土攀爬台阶,让来访者可以栖居石上,饱览大西洋的绝美景致。
The project for the “Pedra da Ra” lookout point is based upon a municipal investment Programme which aims to promote the tourist possibilities of the Riveira City Council. The lookout point known as “Pedra da Ra” has been used as such since the 1980s, when a concrete staircase was built to climb on the rock and from there one could observe the Atlantic Ocean’s horizon.
▼景观环境,view of the space
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Over time the original staircase deteriorated while losing all its meaning. The project is born out of the necessity for the demolition of that aggressive concrete staircase. This aggression is acted on both the environment and the rock itself. Thus, one sees the need to propose an action towards the recovery of the natural state of the site.
▼景观环境,view of the space
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The first proposal featured just to clean the site up: first by tearing down the original staircase. Then, move land and clean up the environment of sediments and shrubs. As a result of this cleaning, however, new rock formations appeared and made us rethink the original project. We had to convert it from just a look out one into another that originated distinct pedestrian paths as diverse as the one towards the nearby Celtic settlement – The Cidá Castro- of great archaeological value. There is also the slope path, which leads one towards the dunes of The Corrubedo Natural Park. Ultimately, we have attempted to build a new setting from where one is able to contemplate both horizons over the Atlantic Ocean and the Corrubedo Natural Park. However, first and foremost, we propose the Cida settlement to be turned into a unique natural space by virtue of its archaeological past and its landscape value.
▼在场地内建造全新的落脚点供游客休息,to build a new setting from where one is able to contemplate the beautiful view
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该项目优先选取当地材料,如于4公里外当地采石场运送而来的花岗岩等。于此同时,设计师对原厂地回收的石瓦,pedras vellas和从其他项目场地中回收的鹅卵石重新加以利用。这些回收的材料被用以作为路径铺装,实现了该项目低成本低维护的设计标准。场地中的攀爬植被移植自周边山丘。回收的石材,天然的花岗岩,自然植被和攀爬植物是场地的维护成本降至最低。
As a result of a search for belonging, the project was primarily based on the use of local materials such as the wild granite, coming from a nearby quarry, just 4 km away. Plus, the reutilization of both the stone tiles, so called pedras vellas, and the recycled cobble stone, coming from scraps of other works. They are to be used for paving some paths, which will simultaneously achieve a low-cost and low-maintenance upkeep. The plants to be used for the vegetation will include the creeping species found on the nearby hill and will be replanted around the Pedra da Ra. Given the nature of the chosen stone, the wild granite type plus the vegetation, the ground creeping plants, the resulting space will be one of little or no maintenance at all.
▼选取当地材料和回收材料,primarily based on the use of local materials and recycled materials
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总的来说,该项目仅实施了基本的场地更新措施,将一个单纯的瞭望台空间,转变成一处可以自由移动和栖息的景观环境,为其赋予了全新的使用意义。新的场地环境让来访者以不同的视角观察和思考自然,并通过不同材质,声音和气味所营造的空间感知,获得不同的感官体验。该项目为这个静态的环境营造了动态的空间感知,使来访者获得视觉之外的触觉体验。Pedra da Ra让人造环境成为自然风光的载体,呈现出独一无二的观景空间。
In summary, the project has proposed a fundamental transformation. It goes from being a space which is based on the visual, meaning a centralized focus on a specific point, to become a one of pathways and diverse movement. The origin of new trails will allow one to contemplate nature from different points, but above all, to experience and feel it through the different senses by means of sub textures, sounds, and smells. Ultimately, the project has attempted to reinforce the flow of movement over the static and regain the tactile experience in addition to the visual. Thus, achieving a set of a unique characteristic, where nature takes center stage and the architecture acts only as a framework.
▼感官之旅, to experience and feel it through the different senses by means of sub textures, sounds, and smells
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▼景观节点,detail of design
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