Labels 2时尚中心将来自全球的国际时尚品牌展厅集中在同一建筑当中,其中还包括活动大厅、餐厅以及顶层休息室等公共空间。设计的策略以旁边的Labels 1仓库为基础。立面上重复排列的拱形窗户是这座历史建筑最显著的特征,同时也是设计的入手点所在。
The fashion center Labels Berlin 2 is a concentration of showrooms for international fashion brands in one building, including public spaces such as an event hall, a restaurant and a lounge at the top floor. The design strategy is based on the adjacent warehouse building Labels 1. The interior spaces of this historical building are strongly characterized by the repetition of arched windows used in the façade. This motif became one of the starting points for the design of the project.
▼建筑外观,exterior view
The use of two differently cut sine curves generates a specific aesthetic for both the supporting structure and, in a modified form, for the façade. The result is that the structure and rhythm establish a formative motif for the perception of the new building and link it to the existing neighborhood.
▼俯瞰施普雷河的屋顶平台,the roof terrace overlooking the Spree River
▼室内空间,interior view
Connected by a heat exchanging device, the whole concrete structure of the building is permeated with water tubes and used as a radiator for heating as well as cooling. The energy consumption for heating and cooling of Labels 2 Berlin is reduced by 40% due to this combined technique of activating the building mass and using water from the Spree River. HHF architects won the international competition among selected architects in September 2007. The building opened in January 2010.
▼室外露台,outdoor space
▼场地平面图,site plan
▼首层平面图,plan level 0
▼二层平面图,plan level 1
▼三层平面图,plan level 2
▼四层平面图,plan level 3
▼五层平面图,plan level 4
▼六层平面图,plan level 5
▼东立面图,east elevation
▼正弦曲线示意图,sine curve diagram