A unique Ministry of Agriculture structure located on the Beer Sheba – Netivot road. The building expresses connection to the land which serves as a habitat for the seeds that germinate within it. It is built from three wings that serve as offices and a “kernel” constructed of aluminum, glass and steel which erupts and sprouts frim the ground and serves as its lobby.
▼鸟瞰图,aerial view
▼建筑外貌形如植入土地中的种子,the building expresses connection to the land which serves as a habitat for the seeds that germinate within it
▼夜景,night view
▼接待大厅,the entrance lobby
▼核心处的种子状建筑由铝、玻璃和钢结构打造,the “kernel” is constructed of aluminum, glass and steel
▼室内扶手细节,detail of the hand rail
▼接待大厅剖面,section of the core space
▼总平面图,master plan
Total area: 1,460 m²,
Client: Ministry Of Agriculture,
Established: 2004,
Status: In use