林间教室,英国 / Studio Weave

2018/04/27 12:13:13
Belvue School is a secondary school for boys and girls with moderate to severe learning difficulties and a range of other additional needs. The school site sits adjacent to an under utilized woodland which the school are managing as an educational nature reserve. In 2014 the school had already raised enough money to install two shipping containers to act as storage and support spaces for the woodland but approached Studio Weave to enquire whether it would be possible to achieve some more flexible, larger extracurricular spaces with a similar budget.
▼项目周围的自然环境优美,a beautiful natural environment around the project
林间教室,英国 / Studio Weave-3
Studio Weave worked with the school to develop the design of two new woodland rooms that sit separately from the main school building and provide 150sqm of unique facilities, with a more domestic quality and intimate scale. Our approach to this project was about more than just designing a new building for the school, it was about creating a narrative for the woodland that would open up imaginative ways of engaging with this newly acquired natural asset.
▼项目一览,project overview
林间教室,英国 / Studio Weave-7
▼滑动闭合木门,the wooden sliding doors
林间教室,英国 / Studio Weave-9
We identified that the boundary between the playground and woods marks the border between familiar school territory and the magical, mysterious world beyond. At this very important threshold the woodland rooms act as a ‘gatehouse’, and symbolise the entrance to another world/secret garden. The design process included story writing workshops with the students to develop a collective narrative for the woodland and identify how this ‘gatehouse’ could interact with it. The classrooms were required to provide three types of much-needed learning spaces.
▼当滑动门完全打开时,室内外的界线变得模糊,入口变成空间的一部分;the boundary between interior and exterior blurs when the wooden sliding doors are fully opened, the entrance becomes part of the space
林间教室,英国 / Studio Weave-13
▼建筑背面一览,the back of the architecture
林间教室,英国 / Studio Weave-15
▼立面细节,detail of the elevation
林间教室,英国 / Studio Weave-17
The concave ceiling allowed us to create a lower head height as you enter the space creating an intimate domestic scale that opens up as you move towards the centre of the room. The curved soffit also enables light from the clerestory windows to spill across its entire surface, filling the space with natural light. The stack effect created by this form allows for the spaces to be entirely naturally ventilated.
▼屋顶向下凹曲,使空间变得低矮,从而构成一个亲密的居家式的尺度;the concave ceiling creates a lower head height, forming an intimate domestic scale
林间教室,英国 / Studio Weave-21
▼中央的空间完全打开,允许自然通风;the central space opens to the exterior, allowing for natural ventilation
林间教室,英国 / Studio Weave-23
The ‘Cosy Lounge’ is used for teaching and engaging with the woodland, offering a connection to wildlife that many students don’t otherwise have, as well as being a private sensory space in which to calm down. The ‘Sociable Kitchen’ includes a café, with food preparation area and dining for small groups. The ‘Messy Barn’ allows outdoor learning, whatever the weather. These functions enable students to learn essential life skills in their transition to becoming well rounded citizens in an inclusive society. Through encouraging and inspiring students to adopt extra responsibilities and be more autonomous the school nurtures their social, emotional and personal development, leading them towards employment opportunities.
▼“舒适的休息室一览”,overview of the ‘cosy lounge’
林间教室,英国 / Studio Weave-27
▼“凌乱的谷仓”的大型玻璃窗让在这里学习的孩子仿佛置身林间,the large window walls inside of the ‘Messy Barn’ allow the students to feel like study in the woods
林间教室,英国 / Studio Weave-29
▼壁龛空间为孩子们提供更加私隐的学习空间,the alcove space provides a more private space for the kids
林间教室,英国 / Studio Weave-31
In parallel to the design and delivery of the woodland classrooms building, Studio Weave worked with a forest management specialist on developing a woodland strategy to ensure good maintenance and sensitive upkeep of the woods. The woodland strategy seeks to bring benefits to the wider community, by improving biodiversity in the area and addressing the effects of the busy A-road that runs along the back of the woodlands.
▼设计概念图,the design concept
林间教室,英国 / Studio Weave-35
▼场地与周边环境,项目处在学校与林地的分界处;the surrounding environment of the site, which locates on the boundary of the school buildings and the woods
林间教室,英国 / Studio Weave-37
▼项目平面,the plan
林间教室,英国 / Studio Weave-39
▼立面,the elevations
林间教室,英国 / Studio Weave-41
▼剖面,the elevations
林间教室,英国 / Studio Weave-43
林间教室,英国 / Studio Weave-44
Photography: Jim Stephenson
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