


The project is located in La Isla Merida Shopping Center, in the Yucatan, Mexico. It is considered one of the largest and most important shopping centers in Southeast Mexico.
The purpose of the project is to generate a facade that breaks with the rigid structure of the premises. The design of the facade generates a texture that provokes a contrast between shadows and reflections with the different solar illuminations, even at night with artificial lighting.
Using 3 triangular modules, each formed by 3 plates, the result were pieces with different reliefs. These modules created a pattern that is repeated as many times as necessary and by rotating its position it creates an effect of non-repetition, achieving a single texture.
Since the beginning the idea was to design a versatile module, which allowed it to be adapted to the interior and exterior needs of the Liverpool warehouses, thus having the possibility of having windows and accesses without breaking with the triangular grid.
Being designed pieces, a commercially standardized product was not implemented. The dimensions of each piece were designed in such a way that there was no excess waste and adjustments in each of its corners.
The selection of the material was based in the low maintenance and efficiency in the assembly. For these reasons, we decided to use apparent concrete, which at the same time generates a sense of solidity and durability.