

Studio Saar:新兴建筑事务所 Studio Saar 为印度跨国电子制造商 Secure Meters 在萨南德(印度古吉拉特邦一个以汽车制造闻名的城市)完成了一个专门的工业设施。Secure Sanand 的设计旨在创造一个令人振奋的工作环境,提高员工福利,同时减少能源消耗,包括最先进的生产设施、员工食堂和娱乐中心、一个面积在一到三英亩之间波动的季节性湖泊,以便于雨水收集,并将在现场种植 2000 棵树。
Studio Saar: Emerging architecture practice Studio Saar has completed a purpose-built industrial facility for Indian multi-national electronics manufacturer Secure Meters in Sanand, a city in the Indian state of Gujarat famed for automobile manufacture. Secure Sanand has been designed to create an uplifting work environment and promote staff wellbeing while reducing energy consumption and includes state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, a canteen and recreational hub for staff, a seasonal lake that fluctuates between one to three acres in size to allow for rainwater harvesting and will see an additional 2,000 trees planted on the site.
© Ankit Jain for Studio Saar
© Ankit Jain for Studio Saar
The expandable factory building was designed by the architects to be built in phases, allowing for production to commence in record time. Drawing on the client’s ethos that places employee wellbeing at the forefront of its operations, the ambitious development provides an inclusive environment for workers that seeks to promote communication and collaboration, breaking down silos and challenging the strong sense of hierarchy often found in manufacturing work environments.
© Ankit Jain for Studio Saar
Secure Sanand 坐落在一块 25 英亩的场地上,该场地以前是一个湖床,已被重新利用并指定用于工业发展。Studio Saar 的总体规划在场地内创建了三个不同的区域,分别用于生产线、员工休闲和访客参观。该方案包括四栋建筑:主要生产设施、公用设施间、食堂和娱乐中心以及接待大楼。这些建筑物由有遮蔽的人行道连接在一起,人行道上覆盖着白色的、起伏的风筝状织物顶棚,可以抵御天气,同时兼作引导用户穿过场地的导向工具。
Secure Sanand 位于一个 25 英亩的场地上,该场地以前是湖床,现已被重新利用并指定用于工业发展。Studio Saar 的总体规划在场地内创建了三个不同的区域,用于生产线、员工娱乐和访客。该方案包括四座建筑物:主要制造设施、公用事业湾、食堂和娱乐中心以及接待大楼。这些建筑物通过有遮蔽的走道连接在一起,走道上覆盖着白色的、起伏的风筝状织物天篷,可提供天气保护,同时还可作为引导用户穿过场地的寻路工具。
© Ankit Jain for Studio Saar
© Ankit Jain for Studio Saar
主要的生产区由大型开放式空间组成,可增加生产线并具有高度的灵活性,以满足不断变化的劳动力需求。这些实用主义的建筑有清晰的设计语言。建筑结构和饰面采用白色,营造了一种更轻松明亮的氛围,而灰色的石板覆层则使该方案与周围环境紧密相融。该建筑具有独特的锯齿形立面参考了早期的工业建筑,可以使自然光渗透到下方的工作区域,并为太阳能电池板提供了空间,其产生的能量可满足园区 50%的电量需求。高效的隔热外壳为建筑隔热以减少内部产生的热量,集成的地面制冷系统改善了内部制冷功能,提供了一个舒适的工作环境。
The main manufacturing wings consist of large open plan spaces, enabling additional work lines as well as a high degree of flexibility to meet the ever-changing needs of the workforce. The utilitarian buildings have a clear design language. A white colour palette was chosen for the structure and surface finishes, providing a lighter ambience, while grey stone cladding roots the scheme in its surroundings. The buildings feature distinctive sawtooth façades that reference early industrial architecture, allowing natural light to infiltrate the working areas below and provide a space for solar panels which generate up to 50% of the overall energy demand. With a highly efficient thermal envelope, the buildings are insulated to reduce the heat generated inside and an integrated floor-cooling system improves cooling within, providing a comfortable working environment throughout.
© Ankit Jain for Studio Saar
入口建筑位于生产车间附近,建筑顶部覆盖着倾斜的开放式天篷,以欢迎的姿态迎接访客进入,内部设有会议室、培训室、更衣室和医疗中心。开放性的设计欢迎所有人的到来,同时又能确保只有经过登记的员工才能进入工厂。上层结构独立于下方的舱室,允许 Secure 改变每个独立组件的使用而不影响整体。
An entrance building is situated adjacent to the manufacturing facility. Covered by a tilted open canopy that welcomes visitors inside, the building houses meeting rooms, the APJ Abdul Kalum training room, changing and locker rooms, and a medical centre. It is designed to be open and welcoming to all, while ensuring only staff that have been screened can enter the factory premises. The super structure is independent of the pods below, allowing Secure to morph the use of each individual component, without compromising the whole.
© Ankit Jain for Studio Saar
© Ankit Jain for Studio Saar
食堂和娱乐中心位于项目中心,其设计与生产和办公建筑的白色功能性外观形成对比,这也增添了场地的趣味性。裸露的混凝土与入口特有的耐候钢顶棚并列,划分了场内的休闲区与邻近的工作区。建筑内设有健身房、娱乐区、食堂和厨房,可以 300 度俯瞰周围的树木,旨在为员工营造一个轻松的氛围。该建筑的设计可以保护建筑不受太阳光照射的影响,热空气可以通过水源冷却并在建筑内部循环。
A canteen and recreation hub, which sits at the heart of the development, is designed to counter the white, functional appearance of the manufacturing and utility buildings, and is a playful addition to the site. Exposed concrete is juxtaposed with a characteristic corten steel entrance canopy, distinguishing the leisure area from neighbouring work areas on the site. Housing a gym, recreation area, canteen, and kitchen, with 300-degree views out over the surrounding trees, the building is designed to provide a relaxing atmosphere for staff. The building allows for the creation of a heat stack and wide cantilevers protect the building from the sun. The air is cooled by water source cooling and circulated around the building.
© Ankit Jain for Studio Saar
在新冠疫情大流行的四个月里,食堂被改造为临时的员工住所,使他们能够继续工作并供养家庭,这进一步证实了该方案的灵活性。该建筑作为一个多功能大厅,使 Secure 能够打造一个独立的单间,包括一张床、小型存储室和为电子设备充电的电源。通过定制的通风系统,空气经过被动和主动通风系统的处理,满足了疫情期间保持员工健康所需的最高空气质量标准。
Further demonstrating the scheme’s flexibility, for four months during the Covid-19 pandemic, the canteen was repurposed to provide temporary workers’ accommodation enabling them to continue working and provide for their households. The building’s design as a multifunctional hall allowed Secure to create single accommodation units containing a bed, small storage unit and power for charging electronic devices. Through a bespoke ventilation system, the air was treated with both passive and active ventilation systems, meeting the highest air quality standards required for employee health during the pandemic.
© Ankit Jain for Studio Saar
© Ankit Jain for Studio Saar
由于现场存在潜在的洪水风险,项目中开发了一个季节性湖泊。在雨季,湖泊面积从 1 英亩扩大到 3 英亩,能够 100%容纳并储存现场汇集的雨水,并在湖泊中储存更长时间。湖周围的地下水补给井会慢慢地将水过滤,再循环到指定的地下蓄水池。
Due to the site’s potential flood risk, the development incorporates a seasonal lake that expands from one acre to three acres during the moonson period, allowing 100 percent of rainwater to collect on site and be stored in the lake for longer periods. The lake is surrounded by ground water recharge wells that slowly filter water back to designated underground reserves.
© Ankit Jain for Studio Saar
为了加强使用者与自然的关系,进出现场的路线两旁排列种植了 600 棵新树木,为工作人员往返于工作和家庭之间提供了一个平静而愉悦的旅程。场地原有的树木是一群织布鸟的家园,为了保护小鸟的栖息地,这些树木被保留下来,并得到了广泛的保护。未来还将在周边地区再种植 2000 棵树,进一步提高员工的福利和满足客户对重新造林的承诺。
Designed to reinforce the user’s relationship with nature, the routes in and out of the site are lined with 600 newly planted trees to curate a smooth and enjoyable journey for workers travelling between work and home. Existing trees on the site, which were home to a flock of weaver birds, were retained and given a wide berth to protect the habitat. An additional 2,000 trees will be planted in the surrounding areas in the future, further contributing to employees’ wellbeing and the client’s ongoing commitment to reforestation.
© Ankit Jain for Studio Saar
© Ankit Jain for Studio Saar
Saar 工作室的联合创始人 Ananya Singhal 表示:“我们热衷于向客户展示工厂应该并且可以成为鼓舞人心的工作场所,并为使用者带来快乐。通过将食堂置于开发的中心,为员工提供了一个休闲放松的地方。该项目并非没有挑战,但通过与项目团队的密切合作和高效的工程施工,我们创建了一系列真正适应不断变化的需求的建筑,也确保了其在未来数年的使用寿命。”
Secure Meters 首席运营官 Sridhar Radhakrishan 表示:“建筑实际上关系着人的健康。人们希望在一个他们每天停留大量时间的空间里感觉良好。Saar 工作室清楚地了解这一需求,并为我们做了一项了不起的工作,设计了这个远超我们想象的办公园区。建筑师亲自参与了我们从开始到完工的扩建工作。在与各利益相关者的密切合作下,整个项目在不到 9 个月的时间内以创纪录的速度完成了一个实用性极强的创新设计。”
Ananya Singhal, Co-founder of Studio Saar, said: “We were keen to demonstrate to our client how factories should and can be inspiring places to work and bring joy to the people that use them. By placing the canteen at the centre of the development, we have been able to provide a place for workers to relax and unwind. This project has not been without its challenges, but through close collaboration with the project team and efficient engineering we have been able to create a series of buildings that are genuinely adaptable to meet the everchanging needs of the teams to ensure its longevity for future years.”
Sridhar Radhakrishan, Chief Operating Officer at Secure Meters, said: “Architecture is really about wellbeing. People want to feel good in a space where they spend significant time daily. Studio Saar clearly understood this requirement and did a terrific job for us by designing a campus that was so much more than we ever imagined. The architects were personally engaged in our expansion from inception through to completion. Working in close collaboration with various stakeholders to produce an innovative design that is also extremely functional, the entire project was also executed in record time in under nine months.”
© Ankit Jain for Studio Saar
© Ankit Jain for Studio Saar
© Ankit Jain for Studio Saar
© Ankit Jain for Studio Saar
© Ankit Jain for Studio Saar
© Ankit Jain for Studio Saar
现场负责人 Nitin Thatte 说:“对我而言,在 Sanand 工厂工作完全是一种乐趣。每天早上,园区都给人一种非常温馨的氛围,进入园区时,我的内心充满了自豪感。而这里的食堂总是令人钟爱,其内部景象给人一种进入五星级酒店的感觉。生产车间自然光线充足、通风良好,非常适合在其中办公。工厂整体空间设计与生产过程巧妙地结合,有助于减轻人们在工作一整天后的疲劳。我们始终确保它保持一个世界级的生产水平,团队充满干劲,他们也乐意成为这令人惊叹的一部分。”
Nitin Thatte, Secure Sanand Site Head at Secure Meters, said: “For me, working at the Sanand plant is a total pleasure. Every morning the site gives a very welcoming vibe and the heart is filled with pride to entre the premises. The sight of the canteen is something to cherish always and gives a sense of entering a 5 star hotel. The manufacturing shopfloor is handsomely ventilated by natural light and is really awesome to work in. The whole plant is neatly integrated with the manufacturing process and helps reduce human fatigue at the end of the day. This site is truly a world class facility and we ensure that it remains so, always. The team is motivated and likes to be a part of such an amazing atmosphere.”
© Ankit Jain for Studio Saar
© Ankit Jain for Studio Saar
可持续性是设计的主要驱动力,材料的选择在满足可持续性目标的同时回应了客户的需求。水泥、沙子、钢材等主要材料均产于当地,而覆盖层则来自 Secure Meters 的总部乌代普尔。该园区设计方案已被印度绿色建筑委员会(IGBC)授予最高白金评级。
Sustainability was a major driver of the design, and materials were chosen to respond to the client’s needs while meeting sustainability goals. All major materials including cement, sand, steel were sourced from local sites while the cladding was sourced from Udaipur, where Secure Meters is headquartered. The scheme has been awarded the highest platinum rating by the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC).
© Ankit Jain for Studio Saar
© Ankit Jain for Studio Saar
© Ankit Jain for Studio Saar
▽建筑模型 Model
© Studio Saar
▽入口建筑平面图、剖面图、立面图 Entrance Building – Plans, Sections and Elevations
© Studio Saar▽食堂,1 层平面图 Canteen – Floor Plan and First Floor Level
© Studio Saar
▽食堂,屋顶平面图和一楼天花板放射平面图 Canteen – Roof Plan and Reflected Ceiling Plan – First Floor
© Studio Saar▽食堂剖、立面图 Canteen – Sections & Elevation
© Studio Saar
▽制造设施平面图 Manufacturing Facility – Plan
© Studio Saar
▽制造设施剖、立面图 Manufacturing Facility – Section & Elevation
© Studio Saar