巴西 Paudalho II 经济住宅丨巴西伯南布哥丨NEBR arquitetura

2022/05/09 11:47:24
项目坐落于绵延的山谷中,被不断扩张的住宅社区所包围。场地呈现出不规则的肌理,复杂的地貌限制了城市景观在乡村地区的发展。项目由伯南布哥内陆自治市Paudalho委托,由建筑事务所NEBR arquitetura设计,这一系列住宅延续了城市居住社区的形象,同时保证了每栋住宅的私密性。
▼项目鸟瞰,Aerial view © Manuel Sá
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Surrounded by valleys and the expanding community, the territory of intervention reveals an irregular surface geography and circumscribes the urban landscape of rural habits. This chain of houses continues the social phenomenon of urban occupation with a private character, designed by the architectural office for the interior municipality of Paudalho in Pernambuco.
▼主立面,Front facade © Manuel Sá
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▼专属的立面色彩,Each house has a unique color on its front façade © Manuel Sá
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▼分析图,axonometric drawing © NEBR arquitetura
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In the sensitivity of thinking about the inhabiting is the communion between context and dwelling in function of the fulfillment dream of the own house. This exercise makes up the use of a simple and honest architecture, an instrument for inclusion and democratization of housing conditions, by revealing plurality for embryonic buildings of this nature.
▼住宅依地形而建,The houses are built on the natural undulations of the terrain © Manuel Sá
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▼从街道望向建筑,View from the road © Manuel Sá
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Conceiving popular dwellings goes beyond the project narrative because architecture is a product of construction and not the other way around. It is worth clarifying the architect’s basal commitment at the construction site, which is to overcome difficulties imposed by economic limitations of the archetype conditioned to local artisanal constructions.
▼极简的建筑语言与锋利的几何美感,Minimalist architectural language and sharp geometric beauty © Manuel Sá
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▼室内概览,overall of interior © Manuel Sá
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In this process, the building party with emphasis on formal suppression simplifies the constructive process and draws a set of straight lines in accordance tinged by the topographic panorama. Thus, the geometrical sharpness of simple vocabulary articulates edges embroidered by topologically pure volumes. At its core, the tangible emptiness in height clears confabulate when living, a space substantial to human life.
▼晚霞中的建筑,project in the dusk © Manuel Sá
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▼住宅夜景,Night view © Manuel Sá
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巴西 Paudalho II 经济住宅丨巴西伯南布哥丨NEBR arquitetura-28
▼场地平面图,Site plan
© NEBR arquitetura
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▼平面图,Floor plan
© NEBR arquitetura
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▼正立面图,Front facade
© NEBR arquitetura
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Architects: NEBR arquitetura
Location: Paudalho, Pernambuco, Brazil
Author: Edson Muniz
Staff: Amanda Brandão, Chico Santos and Kaike Nascimento
Construction: MM Construtora
Area: 70 m²
Year of the project: 2021
Photographs: Manuel Sá
Manufacturers: Cerâmica Bom Jesus, Alcoa, Norvidro, Pamesa, Norcola
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