知末案例   /   MVRDV


2022/06/02 16:55:24
6月1日星期三,鹿特丹市长艾哈迈德·阿布塔利布(Ahmed Aboutaleb)在荷兰新研究所(Het Nieuwe Instituut)的仪式上为The Podium揭幕,这座29米高的平台由MVRDV设计,使人们可以通过143级台阶到达博物馆屋顶。The Podium具有醒目的亮粉色外观,构成600平方米的临时创意会场。它是整个鹿特丹建筑月(六月)的核心,并且将在七八月份举办爵士音乐会或瑜伽课程,以及为鹿特丹儿童准备的夏令营等活动。
▼项目概览,General view
Wednesday June 1, the mayor of Rotterdam Ahmed Aboutaleb opened The Podium in a ceremony at Het Nieuwe Instituut. Designed by MVRDV, the 29-metre-high platform makes the roof of the museum accessible via a 143-step external staircase. Painted a striking pink to increase visibility, MVRDV’s design creates a 600 m2 creative temporary meeting place that will form the heart of the Rotterdam Architecture Month throughout June. In July and August, The Podium will become the place to be for a jazz concert or yoga class with a view of the city. Various activities will also take place for the children of Rotterdam, including a summer camp.
▼近景鸟瞰,Closer aerial view
设计该临时装置的初衷,是为了吸引人们进一步关注目前正在荷兰新研究所顶层展出的MVRDV作品展「MVRDVHNI: The Living Archive」。由于博物馆外的公共空间正在施工,荷兰新研究所的主入口不够明显,也不容易进入,因此MVRDV设计团队提出将大型室外楼梯用作备选入口的想法。
The commission to design a temporary installation arose from a desire to draw further attention to MVRDVHNI: The Living Archive of a Studio, an exhibition of MVRDV’s work currently on show in the top floor of HNI. Due to work being conducted on the public space outside the museum, the main entrance of Het Nieuwe Instituut is currently less visible and accessible, so the MVRDV design team came up with the idea to create an alternative access route via a large outdoor staircase.
▼远景鸟瞰,Distanced aerial view
▼醒目的亮粉色外观,A striking pink skin
▼装置与建筑立面,Facade of installation and building
▼装置与博伊曼斯·范·伯宁恩艺术仓库,Installation and Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen
设计灵感来自于荷兰新研究所屋顶全景,以及由乔·科南(Jo Coenen)设计的特色屋架建筑。为了尽可能可持续地建造The Podium,设计团队选用脚手架材料和可回收地板饰面。The Podium可以通过室外楼梯进入,也可以通过下面的展览楼层进入。而对于那些不能使用楼梯的人来说,他们可以坐电梯或者走荷兰新研究所的内部通道。
The designers were inspired by the panoramic view from the roof of Het Nieuwe Instituut, and by the building’s design by Jo Coenen, with its characteristic pergola. In order to produce The Podium as sustainably as possible, scaffolding material and recyclable floor finishes were chosen as materials. The Podium is accessible via the outside staircase and via the exhibition in the floor below. For visitors who cannot use the stairs, The Podium is accessible by elevator or via the internal access of Het Nieuwe Instituut.
▼装置外观,External view
▼大型室外楼梯,Large outdoor staircase
六月,The Podium构成了鹿特丹建筑月的核心。它俯瞰着包括MVRDV设计的
在内的各种鹿特丹标志性建筑,展示出鹿特丹这座建筑城市的品质。在七八月份,各大合作方将在The Podium组织活动,如Motel Mozaïque音乐节、北海爵士音乐节、Operator音乐节、Roffa Mon Amour电影节和鹿特丹爱乐乐团演出等。
In the month of June, The Podium forms the heart of Rotterdam Architecture Month. Thanks to the view over various iconic buildings in Rotterdam, including the Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen designed by MVRDV, The Podium displays the qualities of Rotterdam as an architectural city. In July and August, various partners will organise activities at The Podium, including Motel Mozaïque, the NN North Sea Jazz Festival, Operator, Roffa Mon Amour, and the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra.
▼屋顶平台一览,Overall of rooftop
MVRDV的设计副总监、建筑师Gijs Rikken说道:“该装置符合MVRDV在屋顶景观规划方面建立的传统,在鹿特丹,我们的屋顶规划始于2006年的蓝色屋顶扩建项目Didden Village,随后是2016年的项目Stairs to Kriterion。今年,我们通过橙色的屋顶漫步道
Rooftop Walk
The Podium
“The installation fits with a tradition that MVRDV has built up in the programming of the rooftop landscape”, says architect Gijs Rikken, associate design director at MVRDV. “In Rotterdam it started in 2006 with the blue rooftop extension Didden Village, followed by the Stairs to Kriterion in 2016. This year we will enhance the rooftops with the orange Rooftop Walk and the pink Podium. We want to bring more attention to this second layer of the city with colour and special installations: if we make it greener, more sustainable, and more connected, the city will become more liveable for everyone.”
▼基地俯瞰,Top view of site
On Ascension Day, saw the opening of that other high-level installation, the Rotterdam Rooftop Walk, opened. For a small fee, visitors can stroll on an orange carpet over various roofs, with the highlight of the walk being a bridge spanning the Coolsingel. The Rooftop Walk is an initiative of the Rotterdamse Dakendagen and was designed in collaboration with MVRDV. The extensive programming on the carpet should make visitors more aware of what is possible on roofs: from a platform for drones that deliver parcels, thus reducing traffic jams, to rooftop gardens and various solutions for water storage, to a small village.
Project Name: The Podium
Location: Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Year: 2022
Client: Het Nieuwe Instituut
Size and Programme: 600m2 – Temporary public event space
Architect: MVRDV
Founding Partner in charge: Winy Maas
Design Team: Gijs Rikken, Michele Tavola
Visualisations: Antonio Luca Coco, Luana La Martina
Copyright: MVRDV Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs, Nathalie de Vries
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