

Battery East Vista, one of the last remaining unimproved elements of the Presidio Bay Trail, has been transformed into an active theatrical overlook to the Golden Gate Bridge. In close collaboration with the Parks Conservancy and National Parks Service, MSLA created an elegant and elemental design for the historic military site.
对于Presidio Bay Trail其中最后一批未被开发的地区,设计提出营造一个亲切的场所供人们休息,观赏这令人心动的景色。场地元素包括阶阶梯座椅,以及对当地植物的小知识注释标识,这些元素被整合到炮台东的散步道中。
▼设计草图,design sketch
The challenge was to preserve the open character of the landscape and reveal the beauty of the GGNRA, while creating a place to accommodate thousands of daily visitors arriving by foot, bicycle and car.
▼从公园眺望金门大桥,an active theatrical overlook to the Golden Gate Bridge
▼观景台,scenery platform
MSLA 解锁新思维,缓解场地附近繁忙的交通流线之间的冲突,将历史遗留下来的炮台融合到设计当中,成为当地热闹的观景地。
The solution was fundamentally simple: by reconfiguring the trail to align with the historic “covered way” that linked the earthen batteries, the circulation and relationship between the overlook and trail was greatly improved, while simultaneously recalling the history of the site.
Location: San Francisco
Project Type: Public Park and Trail
Client: Parks Conservancy and National Parks
Awards: 2017 NCC – ASLA Merit Award, 2016 ASCE Parks and Rec Project of the Year