

位于国王学院Cranmer路的研究生宿舍由Allies and Morrison事务所设计,该方案于项目的设计竞赛中胜出并于近日落成。作为剑桥大学内首批主要被动式建筑,本项目为剑桥大学的研究生们创造了一个新家。项目共由两栋新建筑组成,一栋为花园式住宅,另一栋为别墅式住宅,共提供了59间研究生宿舍公寓。
The first major Passivhaus buildings in Cambridge, we have recently completed new graduate student accommodation for King’s College at Cranmer Road. Won through a design competition, the project creates ‘graduate campus’ for the College, delivering 59 graduate rooms within two new distinct buildings: a Garden Building and a Villa Building.
▼项目概览,Overall of the project
With a design life of 100 years, quality and longevity are of paramount importance. Located within the West Cambridge Conservation Area, the new buildings are contextual and quietly assured in their design, but nevertheless outstanding and pioneering in their performance.
▼毗邻Cranmer路的别墅式公寓,The Villa Building on Cranmer Road
The villa building echos the surrounding buildings in scale, volume and red brick
The Villa Building on Cranmer Road is a response to two existing Arts & Crafts villas within the site in terms of its scale, massing and palette of red brick. The Garden Building on the south side of the site is a slim, linear structure that defines a new generous garden at the heart of what is now a cohesive graduate campus for the College.
▼基地南侧的花园公寓,The Garden Building on the south side of the site
The graduate community were closely consulted as part of the briefing process. Their involvement led, rather unusually, to the inclusion of 19 non-ensuite rooms, instead with shared bathrooms. This created rooms with lower rents and allowed more rooms to be delivered overall.
▼室外花园,outdoor garden
Cambridge’s First Major Passivhaus Buildings
The two new buildings achieve Passivhaus certification. This significantly reduces their energy consumption and operational costs to deliver long-term value. An innovative direct-electric approach has been adopted, in line with a services strategy that is simple, efficient and easy to maintain. Distribution losses are minimised by point-of-use electric water heaters. The showers benefit from integrated heat recovery to minimise energy to heat the water.
▼花园公寓入口,Entrance of the garden building
此外,项目优秀的节能表现也得益于全木材CLT结构(交叉层压木材),这种材料能够有效减少隐含碳,并加速施工建设的进程。同时,CLT材料还助于建筑达到每小时0.16 – 0.19次换气的显著气密性表现,相当于普通被动式建筑标准的四倍。优秀的节能表现使本项目获得两项剑桥设计和建造奖 —— 可持续性和工程奖、最佳新建筑奖(建造费用超过200万英镑)。
The buildings benefit from an all-timber CLT structure (cross laminated timber), to reduce embodied carbon and deliver a rapid construction programme. This also helped achieve a remarkable airtightness of 0.16 – 0.19 air changes per hour (4 x better than the Passivhaus standards). The project was awarded two Cambridge Design and Construction Awards – the Sustainability and Engineering Award and Best New Building (over £2m construction).
▼花园公寓呈现出纤细的线性结构,The Garden Building presents a slim, linear structure
▼公共休息室,Common room
Location: Cambridge, UK
Uses: Education, Housing
Client: King’s College, University of Cambridge
Status: Completed
Size: 2,174 sqm
Units: 59 residential
Expertise: Architecture
Collaborators: Faithful & Gould, Smith & Wallwork, Max Fordham, LDA, Warm, RG Carter, Beacon Planning