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拱之住宅丨Kister Architects

2022/08/05 15:58:43
项目坐落于充满浓厚现代主义氛围的考尔菲尔德,前身是一栋建于 20 世纪 70 年代的双层错层住宅,项目的内容即对这座住宅进行重新的设计。
Located in Modernist Caulfield, the original structure was a double-storey, 1970s, split-level residence in need of reimagining. Referencing the home’s Modernist beginnings while designing a contemporary extension for a growing family was key to the brief but, with the acquisition of a second parcel of land to the south, what began as a single-site, double-storey addition morphed into a double-site, single-level extension.
▼沿街立面,facade along the street
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Landscape architects were engaged early in the design phase to ensure an integrated vision for the expanded site. As a primary response, the original concrete façade detail has been stretched away from the original building to form the ‘skin’ of the master retreat. Eschewing what has become a conventional strategy, that is, to add a double storey to the rear, this master wing is accessed by a private glass bridge at ground level.
▼原住宅的混凝土立面细节以拱门的形式延伸出来,以在两栋建筑之间形成呼应,the original concrete façade detail has been stretched away from the original building
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▼新旧建筑之间围合而成的庭院,thecourtyard enclosed between old and new buildings
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▼由庭院看拱门,viewing the arch from the courtyard
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▼室内外之间紧密的视觉连接,tight visual connection between interior and exterior
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A curved shroud conceals the main bed from the neighbours’ view but maintains connection to nature and light. – a priority throughout. As a family home, the spreading out of the house and garden enhances the work-from-home potential, with the glazed corridor to the master retreat proving to be an excellent pacing area. The clients can both work from home uninterrupted while their children play in the garden or rumpus.
▼连接新旧部分的玻璃走廊,the glazing bridge between the original building and the extension
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▼由后院看客厅入口,viewing the living room from the backyard
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Modified cladding materials achieve a concrete look and feel, without the expensive, non-environmentally friendly in-situ concrete. Solar panels, hot water and pool heating offset daily energy use, as well as extensive insulation, high-performance double glazing and external blinds. Storm water is collected to flush toilets and irrigate the landscape.
▼后院户外休闲区,outdoor recreation area in the backyard
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▼泳池,the pool
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Blurring the distinction between the existing structure and the new was a deliberate strategy designed to create a unified architectural entity. A once-dark, enclosed undercroft, the original, elevated entry was rebuilt to create a new, ground-level foyer, light-filled and linked to the landscape, behind the original arches.
▼主入口,main entrance
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Spaces within the home – the generous kitchen, lounge, sunken living room and glazed dining area – are delineated to maximise versatility and garden aspects, resulting in a haven for the entire family, with easy transitions from public to private zones, inside and out.
▼室内概览,overall of interior
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▼玄关,entrance area
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▼玄关细部,details of the entrance area
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The prevailing aesthetic is a nuanced balance of old and new: white-on-white concrete flooring meets original terrazzo and bright blue plush carpet, timber lining envelops the interiors and burnt orange velvet couches nod to the home’s history. So, too, do the custom-bronze glass and flocked carpet in the sunken pit. The original glazed skylight has been scaled up and wrapped in a timber-lined ceiling to link with nature.
▼由下沉式客厅看厨房,viewing the kitchen from the sunken pit
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▼由餐厅看厨房,viewing the kitchen from the dining table
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▼下沉式客厅,the sunken living room
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Skylights minimise the need for artificial lighting and are but one of the sustainable principles adopted throughout. Integrated floor heating within the exposed concrete floor acts a heat bank during winter while the concrete maintains a cool finish in summer.
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▼壁柜与衣橱,cabinets and closet
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On its generous suburban block, the new build sensitively integrates contemporary family living with an architectural relic of a celebrated era. The versatile design embodies biophilic principles, focusing on connection to landscape and flexible living, whilst also enhancing the existing home.
▼一层平面图,ground floor plan
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▼二层平面图,second floor plan
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Architects: Kister Architects
Area: 375 m²
Year: 2021
Photographs: Peter Bennetts
Builders: Basis Builders
Landscape Architect: Acre Studio
Interior Design: Kister Architects
Lighting Design: Kister Architects
Electrical: True South Electrical
Landscaping: Form Landscaping
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