马修斯之家丨澳大利亚墨尔本丨Kennedy Nolan

2022/08/08 18:05:27
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Matthews House·Kennedy Nolan
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·A Brief Introduction
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该住宅位于墨尔本,为三层砖砌式。业主委托当地建筑师Kennedy Nolan,设计团队对建筑外观及室内空间进行了深入而细致的深思与设计,打造了一个既古典又现代的家。
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02.BEGINNING·The body
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Matthews House最初由墨尔本现代主义建筑师Theodore Berman设计,他以“定义时代的保龄球馆”和最后的豪宅设计作品合集而为世人所知。
Matthews House was originally designed by late Melbourne modernist architect, Theodore Berman, who was known for his ‘catalogue of era-defining bowling alleys’ and eventual lavish houses.
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这所家庭住宅遗留的历史痕迹在很大程度上可以从上世纪中叶的房主和其仆人的居住环境上窥见一斑。对于Kennedy Nolan来说,这是一个有趣的挑战,一个通过重塑空间来完善住宅现代和实用功能的难得机遇。
The original footprint of the family residence very much reflected on the mid-century occupancy of the servants and the owners. This meant an interesting challenge for Kennedy Nolan to work with, as well as an opportunity to reshape the spaces to improve modern and timeless functionality.
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"概念上,我们对这个项目的设想以二十世纪的美学为基础,它混杂、凌乱且不完美,因此需要我们在某些情况下纠正既定的规划原则,"Patrick Kennedy说。"我们把整个项目设计分解成一系列需要解决的问题,或者是一系列有待优化的改进措施。"
"Conceptually, our aspiration for this project was grounded in the elevation of an eroded and imperfect twentieth century aesthetic with a strengthening, and in some cases correction, of an established planning principle," saysPatrick Kennedy. "We find it useful to look at the whole projectas a series of problems to be solved, or a suite of measuresto be optimised."
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The majority of floor plan involved the ground floor and private areas on the levels above. The kitchen area in particular, rather outdated and functionally cramped, is expanded, amalgamating with the former maid’s quarters to allow a better connection between internal and external gardens.
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Arresting Verde Alpi Green marble tiles are spilled from the frontwall to the kitchen counter to the island bench, contrasted by provincial white cabinetry and raw Classico Travertine flooring.
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瓷砖墙的旁边是一个圆形的舷窗,它曾经是通向室外的一个出口,现在已经被缩小了——这是Kennedy Nolan惯用的经典技法,经常出现在他们的住宅项目中。
Against the impressively tiled wall is a circular porthole that was once a large opening into the exterior which has been reduced—a classic Kennedy Nolan motif often found in their residential projects.
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"材料的选择既体现了这所建筑的现代主义传统,同时也兼顾实用性——古典的生石灰华和深沉的Verde Alpi色调结合在一起,以增强整体质感,创造视觉层次。"设计建造师Adriana Hanna解释道。
"Materials were chosen to honour the modernist heritage but also for longevity and robustness—a combination of Classico raw travertine with the intensely deep tones of Verde Alpi applied in varying scales to heighten the overall textural experience and create a visual hierarchy," explains project architect Adriana Hanna.
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While the aesthetic was inspired by Mies’s iconic Barcelona Pavilion, it was a integral and new soul.The introduction of new materials was intentional and would integrate well with existing ones, adding a unique atmosphere to the space.
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In the bedroom, the walnut that was heavily paired with salt-lake pink stone on the upper levels was also modified, with the pink now replaced as soft highlights that grace the space.
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To push the atmosphere further, micro-circular white tiles are lined in the main bathroom—a similar treatment that resonates with the mosaic-like green tile found on the other side of the porthole surface.
Matthews House一个受人喜爱的居所,它是对上世纪中叶社会的一种意义深远的致敬。毕竟,设计的重点并不是给房子一个崭新的身份,而是要延承它的历史文脉,通过空间来进一步推进既定的叙述。
A robust face is a beloved home, Matthews House is a thoughtful tribute to the mid-century modern era. After all, it’s not about giving the house a completely new identity, but carrying its history with pride and providing space to further the well-established narrative.
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Kennedy Nolan
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Kennedy Nolan 成立于1999 年,以其致力于独特的建筑形式的设计实践而闻名。其设计源于现代主义的乐观理念——理性、实用、技术赋能——以及积极的观点,即空间的设计和陈列布置可以支持和加强联系,为生活增添趣味和热情。
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