Alexey Kondakov per Napoli是乌克兰艺术家在意大利的首次个人艺术展。这个展览由非盈利机构“Showdesk”组织,在那不勒斯文化局的赞助下,被视为艺术家居住项目的最后一步,并邀请Alexey Kondakov来到那不勒斯城市中心参与活动。
Alexey Kondakov per Napoli is the title of the first ukrainian artist’s solo ex- hibition in Italy. The exhibition, organized by the non-profit organization “Showdesk”, under the patronage of the Department of Culture of Naples, is the final stage of the” artist residence project, which saw Alexey Kondakov as our guest, right here, in the heart of the city of Naples.
During his sojourn in Naples, the artist created 16 new works which, inspired by his day-to-day life experience, investigate and illustrate the urban fabric. Kondakov presents a personal narrative portrait of the city, breaking into the pre-formed schemes of the observer, creeping into the perception of space and time, in search of new interpretations of the city.
Kondakov’s artistic practice is based on the digital collage technique through which he tells stories that often call upon the observer to complete using his or her own imagination. The use of light and his composition technique – star- ring actors extracted from paintings predominantly in the Romantic style – create an obvious short-circuit with both the outskirts of the city as well as its urban contexts, thus giving the observer illusory scenarios that often evoke awe and disbelief. Giving voice to the silence of the imagination, Kondakov pays homage to the city of Naples by way of a personal tale of interpretations, soft tones, colors and veiled sensations.
The residency was held between August 22 and September 5, welcoming Kondakov as the first artist of the young and ambitious project “Artist in Reci- dence” promoted by Showdesk, and aimed at highlighting the area and its lo- cal artistic heritage. The project “Artist-in-Residence” focuses on achieving a proper dialogue between contemporary artists and the multifaceted reality of Naples. It is a moment of parallel creative activities between a city with many sources of inspiration and the multiple sensations which may develop in the conscience of the artist. Artists will have the opportunity to observe, to live and to develop their ideas about the area through direct experience.
Alexey Kondakov