

Bianca Chang是澳大利亚一位年轻的设计师和纸艺术家。受到纸品以及微妙阴影的启发,她开始了手工剪纸雕塑创作,其作品在画廊和私人展上得到展出。作品是手工绘制再手工雕刻。她采用的纸张为80gsm的100%再生纸,非常环保。雕塑呈现出纸品独有的美感。硬朗的线条,立体的层次,柔美的光影,造就了作品特别的气质。
Bianca Chang is a young designer and paper artist based in Sydney, Australia. Inspired by the subtlety of tone on tone signage and the shadow-play of three-dimensional letterforms, she started working on a series of hand-cut graphic paper sculptures which she has since exhibited and continues to develop through gallery showings and private commissions.
The majority of her works are created by hand-plotting and cutting multiple sheets of 80gsm 100% recycled paper – minimising the impact of paper consumption and consciously transforming a typically disposable medium into a long term piece of art.
Bianca currently works at Mark Gowing Design.
Bianca Chang