

Edmond Wong
背景﹕长久以来,衣服、衫裤都有大小选择,但为何眼镜这件如此贴身的工具, 却只有单一尺寸? 这给人们带来不小困扰和不适,卻长期不被人关注。MONO眼镜正是要作出根本的改变 -利用最新的3D打印技术, 为眼镜带来前所未有的多样化的尺寸选择, 从而提升舒适度。
Tagline: Seamless – Ultra Light – Interchangeable
If clothes and footwear have sizes to choose from, why not eyewear? MONO is an eyewear collection set out to bring the perfect-fit and thus enhance wearing comfort by providing the choice of size, a fundamental yet long-missing “feature”, made possible by the latest advancements in 3D printing technology.
如何做到? 我们设计了自家的镜框尺寸系统,量身定做一副镜框只需要3个基本数据,它们分别是:镜框的宽度、鼻托的宽度以及眼镜臂的长度。 每个数据可以分为S码、M码和L码, 组成一个三位的编号。当用家找对自己的编号, 无论任何款式都会合身, 就像找到合适鞋子尺码一样。
How it works: We have invented an unique sizing system governing three
measurements critical to wearing comfort- the width of front frame, the depth of nose pad and the length of temples. Each measurement is represented by S, M or L
indicating Small, Medium and Large, forming a 3 digit code.
This code is your ideal size of frame, even if you switch from one style to another, just like the your ideal size of shoes.
一体成型的镜框: 传统眼镜框的生产工序繁复费时, 一幅眼镜包含十多件部件, 亦增加了组件松脱的可能; MONO 镜框则以3D打印一气呵成,没有螺丝及铰链, 无需组装, 只需表面加工及装上镜片,便可佩戴。这亦有賴MONO独特的「DNA 連接」, 应用了3D打印的尼龙物料的弹性, 不需铰接亦能把眼镜臂折迭。
Monolithic Frame: Conventional glasses frame is composed of many parts, reducing its reliability. We manage to reduce them to just ONE- there is no screw, no hinge. The whole frame is 3D-printed in one monolithic structure with no assembly required, here comes the collection name MONO.
极轻: MONO镜框比一般板料(Acetate) 镜框轻一半。因此能做到佩戴舒适,而保留粗框眼镜的风格,并不像一般金属框 , 單靠减少物料而靠轻重量, 却犠牲了框线的表现。
Ultra Light: We cut half the weight from conventional acetate frame by using material of lower density. This enhances the wearing comfort without compromising the expression of the rim frame.
可换式镜片: 由于MONO的鼻托是镜框「扭曲」而成,这在镜框型成了缺口,令到镜片能很轻易地拆下, 换上其它功能的镜片。 这消除了同时带着阅读镜和太阳镜外出的煩惱,更把MONO变成「现实世界的过滤镜」-你可随每日心情的不同,为镜外的世界加上欢愉温暖的黄啡色又或者是淡蓝色带点忧忧的调子。MONO共有八种有色镜片可供选择, 全都可以造成处方镜片, 并提供UV400的防护。
Interchangeable Lens: The lens can be detached with just a snap thanks to the bend which opens up the frame. They also double as durable nose pads.
Turning MONO from a prescription glasses into sunglasses is effortless,
reducing the need to travel with two pairs of glasses.
This makes MONO a photo filter in the real life. Filter the world beyond the lens with a cheerful tint of brown or a sober shade of blue depending on your mood of the day.
8 colors of lens. Prescription Possible. Polycarbonate lens are picked for its lightness and shatter resistance. They provide UV 400 protection, blocking 100% of harmful rays.
可换式镜框: 对于各时尚达人来说,眼镜如何佩衬全身的穿撘可能更为重要。同一款的镜片,能配上四色镜框, 以衬托不同衣物。
Interchangeable Frames: MONO is a statement eyewear for the fashionistas.
Interchange the frames in four available colors (black, white, red and blue) to match your total look of the day.
五款镜框: 整个MONO 系列共有五款镜框﹐把五个经典款式重新演绎,低调中见不同。
5 Styles of Frames: We provide 5 styles of frames reinterpreted from classic profiles.
The designs subtly reveal your sophistication and fit for both casual & formal wear.
M- RC: Rectangular, M- FV: Ful Vue, M- RD: Rounded
M-WF: Wayfarer, M- AV: Aviator
关于 ITUM: 由建筑师Edmond Wong创立以开发3D打印的产品,。 MONO系列的缘起来自Edmond 对圆形眼镜情有独钟却头型略大,找不到合适眼镜的烦恼。 他伙拍注册视光Simon Ling共同协作, 冀望应用新科技为带来眼镜一个革命 -把定做眼镜平民化。
About the brand – ITUM: Necessity is the mother of invention, MONO is no exception.
Edmond, an architect based in HK, had difficulty in finding a pair of glasses that fits his larger-than-normal head. As a seasoned user of 3D-printing for prototyping architectural models, he realized that the technology was the way to make eyewear more personalized and thus founded a company, ITUM, in mid-2014 to build the next generation of eyewear.
He works closely with his friend Siuyiu, a registered optician, to make sure the frame and the lens are working together to achieve the highest wearing comfort, visual clarity and protection to eyes.
Edmond Wong