
2015/01/25 08:00:00
Gustafson Porter
伦敦海德公园内的戴安娜王妃纪念泉Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain
Gustafson Porter
Gustafson Porter
’s competition winning scheme for the Westergasfabriek, responded to the park’s master plan by offering diverse spatial and temporal experiences. The Westergasfabriek is a partially dismantled 19th century industrial site with vestiges of its layout intact and preserved in the new concept. The landscape design for the Westergasfabriek park illustrates in a contemporary form man’s changing views and attitude towards the environment and its resulting landscape types. It also highlights the project’s placement between city and nature.
▲ bird view 鸟瞰,与城市紧密相连。开阔的几何空间与小尺度自然空间并存。
The Industrial Revolution created the background for some of the most devastating pollution. This pollution increased during the Second World War and the subsequent rapid economic rebuild. The ecology movement has been and is a necessary response. This project for a new public park on the heavily contaminated site of a former gas factory presented us with a problem that we could only respond to with an ecological view. Polluted soil could not be taken offsite to create new problems elsewhere. So a cut-and-fill balance was calculated, bringing in new soil to displace polluted soil, retaining existing ground levels around the buildings and creating a new undulating terrain that was the consequence of surplus soil. The use of the park is two-fold, a green park environment and a cultural centre with indoor and outdoor activities. A central promenade ‘The Axis’ links the town hall with the Cite des Artist and a variety of spaces between. The adjacent spaces give it a varied ambience. A mix of native plants and selected varieties express a dynamic between human needs and natural order. At the east end the ambience of the park reflects the more formal traditional garden type. The central area reflects the post-war attitude towards landscape as a support for sports, leisure and recreation. The north-west Overbracker polder reflects the recent past which is representative of a need for a pure nature / ecology approach. The west end reflects current thinking, that environmental harmony must be achieved with man as a participating partner.
公园的中心是举办各种活动的区域。一个大斜坡草坪通向一个人工湖,石铺的湖底抽干时可用作举办活动和节日的场地。加固草坪可以允许音乐会和展览的设备在其上通行,但草坪开阔的空间和中心位置,让其成为了家庭野餐,闲散散步和悠闲活动的理想场地,例如可以放风筝,或者让孩子玩们玩球类和运动游戏。这个湖和北边的露天剧场一起限定了空间区域。雕塑的露天剧场遮挡了来自铁路的噪音,并且提供了一个朝南的坡面让人们可以舒适地斜躺在这观看草坪上的活动。 亲水设计和湖里的踏脚石成为炎热夏天里完美的游玩场所。大道和汽油罐在广场北部。Westerpark现存的大树朝东面带伸,而新的行道树和树林种植在沿着公园全长的土坡上。大道顺着一条斜线穿过这些树木,并且在继续往西南面发展并且接触到圆形水面和之前是汽油罐的莲花池之前,横跨中轴通过村庄的北部。树林的种植特色在储油罐附近有所改变。新种的垂柳像裙边一样装饰着油罐剩下的基础结构,这里装载了最严重的污染并且被封盖起来,成为了一个安静的荷花池和绿色的水上花园。水池里还添加了浮木过道和高低不同的平台。
At the centre of the park is the Events Field. A great field slopes into a stone-lined lake which can be drained for large events and festivals. Reinforced grass allows for the traffic of equipment for concerts and fairs, yet the fields spacious quality and central location, makes it ideal for family picnics, lazy strolls and casual activities, such as kite-flying, ball games and the energetic games of young children. The Lake and Amphitheatre Mound to its north frame the space. The sculpted amphitheatre shields the park from the noise of the railway and provides a south-facing surface on which to comfortably recline whilst watching activities spread out on the field below, whilst the proximity of water and stepping-stones in the lake make it a perfect area for play on hot summer days. Broadway and the Gas Holders at the North Plaza the Westerpark’s existing large trees extend eastwards as a band of new trees and woodland plants on a mound that runs the length of the park. Broadway slices a diagonal path through these trees; it passes across the central axis just north of the village, before continuing south-west and linking to the circular Aquatic and Water-Lily Pools in former Gas Holders. The character of the woodland planting changes in the vicinity of the Gas Holder pools. New Salix babylonica and alba sistris skirt the edge of the remaining basement structures of the gasholders which have been filled with the worst pollution and capped to become a contemplative water-lily pool and verdant aquatic garden in which floating timber walkways and terraces have been inserted.
▲ centre of the park 公园的中心。大草坡,大草坪,人工湖。
▲ stone-lined lake 石材铺就的线性浅湖。
▲ stone-lined lake 石材铺就的线性浅湖,冬季可作为冰场,夏季抽干可作为活动场地,有水时也是观景和亲水好去处。
▲ stone-lined lake 石材铺就的线性浅湖
▲ slopes  & stone-lined lake 草坡与石材铺就的线性浅湖。草坡限定了空间,阻隔了来自铁路方向的噪音,并提供了向阳的休息处。
▲ North Plaza
▲ North Plaza
▲ The character of the woodland planting changes in the vicinity of the Gas Holder pools. New Salix babylonica and alba sistris skirt the edge of the remaining basement structures of the gasholders which have been filled with the worst pollution and capped to become a contemplative water-lily pool and verdant aquatic garden in which floating timber walkways and terraces have been inserted. 油罐原来的结构被保留,成为了安静的荷花池和绿色的水上花园。水池里还添加了浮木过道和高低不同的平台。
▲ 北部的自然小尺度空间。
▲ 北部的自然小尺度空间。
▲ 北部的自然小尺度空间。
▲ 北部的自然小尺度空间。
▲ 北部的自然小尺度空间。
▲ 北部的自然小尺度空间。
Client: Projectbureau Westergasfabriek,
Westerpark District Council + City of Amsterdam
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Size: 11.5 ha
Status: Completed 2004
Architect: Francine Houben, Mecanoo
Engineer: Arup, Tauw
Structural Engineer: Pieters Bouwtechniek
Contractor: Marcus bv
Project Manager: Northcroft Belgium sa
Management: Tauw
Consultants: (Specification writer) Bugel Hajima
photo © Rob Feenstra , Gustafson Porter, Thomas Schlijper, Katrien Mulder, Hélène Binet
Gustafson Porter
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