瑞典 Umeå 大酒店

2015/02/03 08:00:00
巴塞罗那金色Vincci Gala酒店 / Hotel Vincci Gala
项目也用到了这个品牌的金属链条,而且使用面积巨大,成为酒店重要的元素。  更多请至:
StoraHotellet获得了2014年全球最佳新精品酒店大奖。作为Stylt Trampoli最近的项目之一,这个酒店坐落在瑞典Umeå北部的Bothnia海湾,是一间历史悠久的老酒店,过去还曾被海水浸染过颜色。受到该城市航海传统的启发,KriskaDECOR赋予了酒店一个丰富的全新面貌,精致碰撞粗糙,正像过去上流社会的人在酒店的会客厅和餐厅遇见水手。KriskaDECOR还为酒店大堂和接待区提供了令人惊叹的彩色链条挂帘。
StoraHotellet was awarded the WORLD’S BEST NEW BOUTIQUE HOTEL 2014 prize. This hotel, one of the last projects of StyltTrampoli studio, is a venerable old hotel with a saltwater-stained past, in Umeå (Sweden), way up north on the Gulf of Bothnia. Inspired by the city’s seafaring heritage, KriskaDECOR has given the hotel a sumptuous new look where the refined meets the rough, just like the high society once met the sailors in the hotel’s parlours and dining rooms. KriskaDECOR delivered amazing multi-coloured chain curtains for the lobby and reception area.
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KriskaDECOR curve curtains
Approximately 95 KriskaDECOR curve curtains decorate the lobby’s ceiling. And the colours used are the satin brown, satin black, satin coffee, satin green and shiny emerald. The coloursselection pretend to recreate the seabed colors of the sea and seabed algae.
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“反差是整个设计的概念——天鹅绒与帆布,浪花上的飞沫与香槟酒,”StyltTrampoli的创始人兼创意总监Erik Nissen Johansen解释到。“我们让大海再次回到酒店精致的大厅里。”
“The whole concept is about contrasts – velvet and sailcloth, sea spray and champagne,” explains Erik Nissen Johansen, founder and creative director of StyltTrampoli. “We have let the ocean back into the elegant parlors of the hotel.”
StoraHotellet (“Grand Hotel”) was built in 1895 with funds provided by the local Seamen’s Mission. The building housed the finest hotel in town as well as the Mission’s own offices. It was a meeting of two worlds – high society, and even royalty, rubbed shoulders with the captains, sailors and old salts off the ships in the harbor.
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The room categories are named after the sailors’preoccupations,such as Superstition, Longing and Adventure.
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main stair
In the main stairwell hangs a threestories  tall chandelier made from rope and glittering plexiglass crystals.
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The menu at the new hotel restaurant, GotthardsKrog, is based on local products and flavored with inspiration from the great port cities of the world.
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GotthardsKrog是根据酒店的第一任老板Gotthard Zetterberg命名的,他是一个1883年Nordenskiöld的Greenland探险老兵。
“新StoraHotellet属于既当地人,也属于所有远道而来的客人。”酒店经理Anna GemrudMörner这样说。在酒店开幕的周末,当地人对酒店也明显相当好奇,超过两千人参加了酒店的讲解游览,而这项服务也将每周持续下去。
GotthardsKrog is named after the hotel’s first proprietor, Gotthard Zetterberg, a veteran of Nordenskiöld’s 1883 Greenland expedition.
“The new StoraHotellet belongs as much to the locals as it does to our guests from afar,” says hotel manager Anna GemrudMörner. That the locals are curious became  obvious during the opening weekend, when over 2000 people took part in guided tours of the hotel – tours that will be continuing weekly.
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StoraHotellet adjoins the indoor town square of Umeå’s new cultural arena, Väven, where StyltTrampolihave also developed Kulturbageriet, an artisanal bakery and café. Later this year, another hotel, U&ME, also designed by StyltTrampoli, will also open here. Behind the ambitious initiative isBalticgruppen, Umeå’s largest property owner and developer.
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Designed by: Stylt Trampoli studio
Location: Umeå, Sweden
Date: 2014
Metallic Curtains: KriskaDECOR
Photography: Erik Nissen Johansen, Luis Acosta
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