“悬链与弧线”是由建筑师Manuel Bouzas和Santiago del Aguila设计的临时装置,位于由建筑师Flores y Prats设计的Can Balaguer庭院内。设计参考了庭院中的石拱,以倒置的弧线与其呼应。装置的轻钢网格由悬索组成,覆以醋酸纤维材料,在室内投下温暖的光线。
▼装置的弧线与石拱相呼应,the arches of the installation corresponded with the stone arcs in the courtyard
▼装置为庭院提供荫蔽,the installation provided shade in the courtyard
▼轻盈舒展的装置,the installation stretched with lightness
▼装置细部,closed view to the installation
▼装置在室内投下红色的光线,the installation projected a warm light in the interior
“The catenary and the arc” a Temporary Installation by Manuel Bouzas and Santiago del Aguila architects, in the Can Balaguer courtyard (by the architects Flores y Prats) in Palma de Mallorca. The proposal takes as reference the arches of stone of the patio, and the opposite with a reverse geometry, catenaries formed light steel meshes, covered with acetates that project a warm light in the interior of the courtyard.
▼剖轴侧图,axonometric section
Title: La catenaria y el Arco
Architecture Office: Manuel Bouzas & Santiago del Aguila
Architects: Manuel Bouzas & Santiago del Aguila
Date: Carrer de la Unió, 3, Palma de Mallorca, Illes Balears, España.
Date: July 2019
Area : 200 m
Photographer: Antonio Bouzas Barcala
Colaborators: Clara Alvarez García y Alexander Zikanov