

Natsumi Zama
Appreciation towards
Natsumi Zama
for providing the following description:
一个有趣的服装探索系列,设计师希望将二维的材料转化为三维。灵感来自日本和服的剪裁:一块完整的布制作成为一套三维的和服—这也是Natsumi Zama 对服装感兴趣的原因之一,服装设计师旨在将这个主题作为一生的追求。2→3 系列中,日常熟悉的衣服比如衬衣等与平面的布匹结合,产生了新的美丽与吸引力。
This collection is started from exploring how a material can be transformed in its two dimensional form to a three dimensional object. As Japanese traditional clothes kimono, even flat piece of cloth can be three-dimensional clothes to fit to human body when it’s worn. This concept is one of the reasons I’m interested in clothes and, it would be my lifetime theme of creative activity. My aim for this collection is to present this interest in beautiful and attractive way by using familiar garments such as shirts a typical of daily clothes.
Natsumi Zama