

Peter Ruge建筑事务所与Peter Ruge, Kayoko Uchiyama, Matthias Matschewski, Alison McNicol, Jan Müllender, Alejandra Pérez Siller, Zubin Daboo等建筑师/艺术家合作,串联起柏林15个不同点而成为一条bambooline。他们提出一个临时的,可持续的城市废弃用地新方法。每个概念都使用竹子为基本要素,提出一个可持续发展的方案。每个点上的提案都与所在场地紧密联系。这个汇聚型的项目提供了有意义的竹类运用探索经验。
bambooline berlin
A sustainable development project for Berlin, Germany
Architect/Artist Peter Ruge Architekten
Peter Ruge, Kayoko Uchiyama, Matthias Matschewski, Alison McNicol, Jan Müllender,
Alejandra Pérez Siller, Zubin Daboo
Location 15 different locations in Berlin
Brief The bambooline berlin explores the cities urban development and proposes a new approach for the temporary, interim use of sustainable urban wasteland. A new, imaginary band complements the historically developed lines of the Berlin cityscape: the Berlin bambooline.
The Berlin based architectural practice Peter Ruge Architekten present examples of development strategies for 15 sites along the bambooline. From the Drei Linden border in the West; Ernst-Reuter-Platz; the Brandenburg Gate; Tempelhof Airport; Alexanderplatz; to the housing estates in Marzahn in the East, a variety of different projects are proposed. Each concept is based on an interim use of bamboo as a sustainable, CO2-consuming and fast growing material.
15 individual projects are developed from the needs and situation of each site. By creating an immediacy and sense of scale they allow direct access to the imagined solutions. The bambooline Berlin brings together these individual projects and provokes a meaningful experience with the material of bamboo.
Peter Ruge Architekten