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猴儿们·德国插画家 Philipp Zurmöhle 个展

2015/09/09 08:00:00
Philipp Zurmöhle
Philipp Zurmöhle
是一名居住于德国纽伦堡插画师和平面设计师(他能胜任标示设计,插图,平面图形,网页平面设计等等工作),他在2015年6月至7月于德国纽伦堡展开名叫 „Raum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Laurentiu Feller“ 的绘画个展,画中主要角色是形形色色的猴子,他们造型与表情丰富却被避免描绘双瞳。整个创作超过4年,借鉴世界不同的文化符号打造出一个神秘的世界,讲述了一个关于贪婪,迷信还有希望的故事。
Solo Exhibition at „Raum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Laurentiu Feller“ (Nürnberg, Germany) from June 12th to July 5th 2015. Philipp Zurmöhle’s vibrant monkey drawings have a vigorous expression, which is contrasted by the creatures‘ empty soulless eyes. In his exhibition „Gathering Fortunes“ works are shown that were made over the period of 4 years. He creates a mystical world, that borrows many symbols of different cultures of the world. His graphite and water color works on paper tell tales of greed, luck, superstition and longings.
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Philipp Zurmöhle
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