

阮,起源于公元前 217~105 年,阮更与四川大有渊源。《新唐书》载,唐武周时,蜀人蒯(kuǎi)朗在古墓中得之,与《竹林七贤图》中阮咸所弹乐器相似。元行冲认为:“此阮咸所作器也,其声高雅,乐家遂谓之阮咸。”
At the beginning of design, everything started with a musical instrument, Ruan. Ruan, originated in 217-105 BC, has a great relationship with Sichuan. According to the new book of the Tang Dynasty, Kui Lang, a man of Shu, got it in an ancient tomb during the period of Wu Zhou of the Tang Dynasty, It is similar to the musical instruments played by Ruan Xian in the painting of Seven Sages in the bamboo forest. Yuan Xingchong thought: "the instrument made by Ruan Xian is elegant, so the musician called it Ruan Xian." -现代- 设计做久了,逐渐的开始忽略了风格,就像这个作品,不知该怎么归纳?现代、轻奢、简约、亦或中式... 围绕着屋主的需求:简洁明快、黑白分明、功能满足。
After a long time of design, I gradually began to ignore the style, just like this work, I don’t know how to sum it up? Modern, light luxury, simple, or Chinese. Around the needs of the owners: simple and bright, black and white, function to meet. 平面图| Plan
客厅 | Living room
Stepping into the porch, you can see the incarnation of Ruan. The short and straight pole, the wall lamps on both sides, is the tuning shaft, and the body becomes the ground.
Let the whole family flow in the rhythm of music. There are empty and real, open and close, concave and convex, black and white, high and low, large marble patterns, and wood patterns running through them... There are white walls and elegant gray tones.
Loosen the normally tight string, put it in the dining room, and let it shine. Who said the light must be straight, Let the light become soft, curve... With warm light and parent-child fun, baked out a batch of sweet biscuits.
主卧室|Master bedroom
The master bedroom is the "synthesizer" of the whole household, which integrates all the household elements: the elder room ~ stable wood grain, the daughter room ~ arc shaped bedside table, the boy room ~ blue curtains, the living room ~ black marble, and the cabinet door is also the same stone grain as the floor tile.
Parents’ room
In modern design and decoration, the only natural texture that can make people feel intimate is wood grain. It not only represents the years of the elders, but also represents the growth and development of wood. Artemisia argyi leaves are green, which means we should leave the lingering charm of spring to our parents.
男孩房 | Boys’ room
Adopt elegant haze blue as the main tone of the house. With the deep space overlooking the earth background, imitating the "God’s perspective", it always reminds the boy, the fans. Only by jumping out of the circle can we control the whole situation. Girls’ room
Different from the elder brother’s room, the younger sister’s room is full of romantic sentiment and should be lively and lively. With cold background matching, coffee color and pink soft clothes, the care of the whole family will be given to the little princess to let her grow up happily.
设计机构 I Designer Department:十亩设计
主案设计师 IFounder&Designer:设计部
项目地址 I Project address:四川内江 · 锦巷府
项目类型 I Project type:硬装设计,软装宅配
面积 I Square Meters:135㎡
户型 I Door Model:平层
Awards 荣誉
2017 第五届日立中央空调 Hi-Design 室内设计大赛“优秀奖”
2018 中国(四川)首届鲲鹏奖大赛公寓类组“优秀公寓设计奖”
2018 十间坊中国实战设计大赛“全国入围奖”
2018 十间坊实战赛事创意空间手作西南赛区“第一名”
2018 中国人文设计大赛入围奖
2019 鲲鹏奖第二届中国室内装饰设计大赛公寓类组“银鲲鹏奖”
2019 鲲鹏奖第二届中国室内装饰设计大赛“中国百强设计师”
2019-2020 年度 40 UNDER 40 中国(四川内江)设计杰出青年
2019 华鼎奖金奖
2019 十间坊实战赛中国城市优胜奖
2019 金住奖-2019 中国(内江)十大居住空间设计师
2020 十间坊中国实战设计大赛“中国城市优胜奖”
2020 金住奖-2020 中国(内江)十大居住空间设计师
2020 幸福家年度公益设计师
地址/内江市东兴区万达中央华城二期 2 号门旁十亩设计