解·构丨中国广州丨LYM Space Design

2021/06/23 15:30:00
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LYM Space Design 2021——
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容易的事情,从不同方式去思考,在简单里发掘出巧妙的变易。在一个固有的空间里,从不同角度去拆解,万物有序而千姿百态。试图经过适应性改造与住户建立联系,这一过程,是「解」决,也是重「构」。Easy things to think of in a different way, in the simple to find a clever change. In an inherent space to be disassembled from different angles, all things orderly and various forms. This process is both "solution" and "construction".
| 广东房产频道·专访本案设计师-刘永明
Designer - Liu Yongming
本案的设计师刘永明将这份“理性”融入到自宅。380 方的三层顶楼复式,设计线以每层平面铺展,化零为整,通过垂直交通实现空间的交叠,让每一层的功能都得到最大程度的释放。分为上中下三层,中间层为客厅、餐厅、茶区和中西厨功能,是本案重要一笔;往下一层是父母房、小孩房和带有书房的套房;往上一层一个主套房和视听室、起居厅和功能区。
A layer of space
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|一层 平面设计图纸呈现
Graphic design drawing
Renderings are presented
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一层 效果图呈现
Renderings are presented
1 张 扬 与 克 制
「Entrance / Passing Hall」
Starting from advocating a minimalist lifestyle, which is different from the current "light decoration and heavy decoration", the designer has focused on building a restrained aesthetic tone of the whole space at the very beginning, mainly enriching the structure level, reducing excessive element presentation, weakening the existence of furnishings and furnishings, and making the space more authentic.
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Enter the door, enter the door suspends shoe ark body block, combine dumb smooth black steel plate to put aside frame, the agile and bright feeling of contemporary space is deconstructed and go out. The step of a marble at the bottom, there is an administrative level fall between sitting room and dining-room, gift the spatial mood that advance step by step, area of porch, tea, sofa becomes a line of cross.
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「Teahouse / living room」
When confronted with such an "unconstrained" space prototype, the designer wanted to achieve a "turning point" in the space -- a half-height suspended white low wall. It is the TV setting wall of sofa area since, became the porch setting that enters the door corresponding again, clever divide gives sofa area and tea area, bottom is suspended and dining-room area are linked together, join up 3 Spaces to become "confluence, with all" whole.
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1.4 米高度的半悬空玄关隔断,就像一个半通透的屏风,将原本一目了然的客厅分割成两个不同的功能区。当坐下来时,家人相互之间可以感受到彼此的动态而避免了眼神对视。亲密时无间,独处时尊重。The partition of 1.4 meters height is like the screen that is connected half fully, the sitting room that be clear originally breaks up two different functional areas.
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矮墙选用鱼肚白大理石做凹凸面处理,藏在细节里的艺术美。矮墙下方摆放 2.5 米长的实木,厚实、淳朴,与木质壁柜形成色彩统一,与白色大理石形成强烈对比。延伸出来的宽度刚好是茶区的条凳,也让客厅和茶区私密性更强,木头与矮墙之间的空隙方便了矮墙底部插座的使用。
A 2.5 meter long solid wood is placed below the low wall, thick and rustic, and the color is unified with the wooden wall cabinet, forming a strong contrast with the white marble. The width that outspread comes out just is the bench of tea area, also let sitting room and close sex of tea area privacy stronger, the gap between wood and low wall went to the convenience of the use of socket of low wall bottom.
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Tea area is lie between and ceaseless open space, between the rustic skin texture of walnut, sit around talk or it is one person tea can enjoy the carefree time with precious.
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The girder on sitting room original smallpox, stylist did not decorate painlessly, use the structural situation of building itself, with the curtain box on the edge design creates administrative level feeling together. Outside the window is the bustle of heavy traffic, it is to sit together with the family inside the window on soft black green leather sofa to see the warmth of TV, the implication of the home gathers, spread out slowly along with mood.
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SCENE03 内敛与自由
「Guest restaurant/Bathroom」
The hanging independent washing table is sandwiched between the two partition walls, creating an attractive exploration artistic conception. The setting of the wall just avoids the embarrassment of the restaurant and the stairwell facing the toilet. And the faucet is exactly installed above the raised part of the washbasin, so that people cannot see the articles such as the water cup on the washbasin when sitting in the living room, presenting a concise and refined detail.
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The toilet still echoes the concept of "volume". The use of wall partition maintains privacy and has the function of distinguishing. The upstairs water pipes are hidden in the walls, so the space is clean and orderly. And there is a gap between shower area and bath crock, the glass that hangs between the gap goes to the convenience of dry and wet area separation. The floor and walls are treated with matte stone to unify the Morandi color system. The texture and touch convey a calm mood, creating an experience like a star hotel and allowing people to relax physically and mentally.
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餐厅天花高度原本只有 2.6 米,把顶楼的小型泳池拆除后,让餐厅天花吊顶得以抬高,增设空间不显压抑。黑色的吊扇,黑色的餐桌,结合灯光,营造冷峻而充满戏剧性的高级氛围。
The ceiling height of the restaurant was originally only 2.6 meters. After the removal of the small swimming pool on the top floor, the ceiling of the restaurant was raised, making the whole space more sudden. The ultrathin black shape around the ceiling, combined with black ceiling fans, combined with lighting, creates a cold and dramatic high-level atmosphere.
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Orderly inward, free outward. Less elements, more texture; Less display and more white space. Natural stone is like leaving a trace of time, and two POTS of green plants grow vigorously outwards. Light, artistic conception, flowing vitality, beautiful life is captured here.
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解构纯粹,试着减少 20%的装点,展现 80%的品质生活。
In minimalism, we think about the meaning of structure and the needs of detailed living in different ways, which restore the compatibility of ontology and verify the variability of space. Deconstruct purity, try to reduce 20% of the decoration, show 80% of the quality of life.
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Project name | 项目名称-解·构
Diesigner | 主案设计-刘永明
Address | 项目地址-广州番禺区
Spatial properties | 空间属性-住宅
Area | 项目面积-380㎡
Material | 主要材质-灰色哑光砖、胡桃木、白色大理石、黑色钢板
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