Nothing, but everything
A soft, quiet and healing private space in the downtown but hidden around. On the premise of meeting the functions of the project, the designer keeps restraint to create space, and constructs the place with pure architectural language, so as to win the beauty of surpassing time and rejuvenating.
▽入口 entrance
▽一层接待处 Reception
Simple colors and simple geometric shapes, interspersed with structures, stimulate complex visual feelings and psychological fluctuations, and enrich the space to the extreme. From rationalism to Romanticism and mysticism.
The long and narrow space will be divided into multiple functional spaces. Reception and waiting are relatively independent and penetrate each other. There is no obvious boundary to stimulate the curiosity of free exploration. Modest, tolerant and warm, happy in purity.
▽一层走廊 Corridor
Material, while giving space texture, often determines the expression of a certain emotion. The corrugated steel plate describes the modern and fashionable tone, echoes the rough grain texture of seaweed mud, and presents the process of scientific and technological innovation and exploration of the unknown nature.
The super modern texture builds a place with perceptible superiority, and makes the space become the emotional link between the brand and young consumers. Exposed materials, without modification, return to the original truth.
The artistic installation "Luo" floats in the space, creating a lightness and dreamy feeling. At the same time, it turns into a vigorous force to grow in the space, clear and transparent, awakening the power of nature and curing annoyance.
The light sense art corridor is a streamline link connecting the upper and lower floors. The water ripple sky light spreads and leads to the rest area hidden at the back of the stairs.
▽艺术楼梯 Art stairs
Light is always an important element to dramatize space. It is bright, clean, broad and free. The light is integrated into the shadow. The moonlight shakes and the tree shadow whirls. It seems that there is no rhythm, giving people a sense of breathing and pleasant.
The art of time is carried out by means of spatial narration and architectural walking. The designer carries out sequential, guiding and hierarchical reorganization of space with the "hand of God" to enlarge the perception of space.
▽二层走廊 Corridor
Compared with the popular red and pink women’s space, designers include their own aesthetic way and independent thinking of "contemporary women". Colorless is another extreme enrichment and injects more common emotions.
In order to maximize the number of beauty rooms and simplify the moving line, the space connects all rooms through a whole time corridor. The wall modeling strengthens the ups and downs of the surface and the changes of progressive breathing, just like a time journey to meet the transformation.
▽二层休息区 Rest area
▽二层走廊 Corridor
The second floor space is divided into several regular areas according to the demand to achieve reasonable utilization. The entrance retreats, and the curved shape is like several caves. The arch top surface depresses the space and weakens the sense of volume.
The profound meaning of "time cave" lies in time, static space, releasing physical and mental pressure, and catalyzing the rebirth and transformation of the body.
On the basis of continuing the layout of the head office, the focus of the new store is more comprehensive and detailed, with spare efforts to improve and improve the experience of details, and update and polish the storage and lighting.
The building facade is light and heavy, low-key and full of weight. It looks modest and confident in this bustling downtown, forming a strong contrast with the nearby old business street. The horizontal and vertical cylinders are connected by metal plates, and the deliberately retreated part is the entrance, showing the sense of order of modern architecture, with the shadow of Corbusier Langxiang church.
距离 2020 年底,总店正式投入使用,刚好一年,用新去回应旧,是致敬,又是轮回,“好的商业空间设计是可持续的,最终形成业主、消费者和市场之间一个良性的闭环”,设计师阎明说。
Reflect and look back in the design; Gaze and introspect in the "process". From the end of 2020, the head office will be officially put into use. It is just a year. It is both a tribute and a reincarnation to respond to the old with the new. "Good commercial space design is sustainable and finally forms a benign closed loop between owners, consumers and the market", said Designer Yan Ming.
▽一层平面图 First floor plan
▽二层平面图 Second floor plan
项目名称 Project name:奉天 SPA
项目位置 Project position:沈阳市浑南区
项目面积 Project area:260 平方米
设计公司 Design company:北京有典东西空间设计
设计总监 Design director:阎明
设计团队 Design team:贠吉娜、王美久子、付洋
完工时间 Completion time:2021 年 9 月
项目摄影 Photography:L STUDIO 高明亮
红棉中国设计奖 2020 室内设计奖
40 UNDER 40 中国(辽宁)设计杰出青年(2019-2020)
40 UNDER 40 中国(辽宁)设计杰出青年(2020-2021)
2021 金创意奖会所空间类-金奖
地址:沈阳市浑南区营盘北街 7-2 号招商局大厦 A 座 1815 室