

mojito 中文译为莫吉托,是一款源自古巴的上品鸡尾酒,清新、舒爽是它的本色,而对于彼此相恋的人来说,送给对方一杯冰镇的 mojito 是他送给你的爱意。《莫吉托与茶》中说:“我路过庄园却只爱一朵玫瑰,我见过银河却只爱一颗星”。换句话说,此生我只钟情于你,所以我要给你一个名为 mojito 的家,裹挟我对你的所有温暖和爱意。
Mojito, translated as mojito in Chinese, is a top-grade cocktail from Cuba. Freshness and comfort are its natural color. For people who love each other, giving each other a glass of iced mojito is his love. "Mojito and tea" said: "I passed by the manor but only loved a rose. I have seen the Milky way but only loved a star.". In other words, I only love you in this life, so I want to give you a home called mojito, which will hold all my warmth and love for you.
平面规划 | Plane Planning
客厅效果图 | design sketch
客厅实景照 |Live photos
People are always looking forward to exploring the outside world. Maybe there are famous paintings telling stories in the museum that attract them, or the sound waves in the bar make the soul baptism. We don’t know. However, the living room with a different style may satisfy the young people’s pursuit of "freshness".
客厅效果图 | design sketch
客厅实景照 |Live photos 电视右侧的圆形光影像 mojito 中无数闪耀着光芒的气泡,在灰色的背景墙上跳跃,让整个空间动感十足。
The circular light shadow on the right side of the TV is like the countless sparkling bubbles in mojito jumping on the gray background wall, making the whole space full of motion.
The arcade on the top reminds people of the Royal Palace in the Renaissance, and the retro modern fashion sense is the eternal expression of romance.
The red and white "mother’s arms" sitting alone sofa adds a lot of vitality to the simple white and gray main color living room. The white sofa and the gray TV background wall complement each other, and the light luxury reveals the "luxury" different from the golden splendor.
休闲区效果图 | design sketch
休闲区实景照 | Live photos
休闲区效果图 | design sketch
休闲区实景照 |Live photos
男主人喜欢的火箭队的 Logo 在隔板上尤为醒目,休闲区的巧心思便是拱形的壁炉和典雅的壁画,欧式风情迎面扑来,洋溢着整间屋子。
The logo of the rocket team, which the host likes, is particularly eye-catching on the partition. The ingenious idea of the leisure area is the arched fireplace and the elegant mural. The European style is coming to the face, filling the whole room.
餐厅效果图 | design sketch
餐厅实景照 |Live photos
设计师将厨房与餐厅半开放式融合,让男女主人随时都能瞥见彼此的身影。以 mojito 酒杯为原型的餐凳让人仿佛置身于一个浪漫的古堡,圆形的冰块造型支撑着纯白的餐桌,这些看似毫无关联的元素拼凑在一起竟然如此和谐,在此处就餐,纵是一顿简餐也能吃出几多风味。
The designer integrates the kitchen and the dining room in a semi-open manner, so that the host and the hostess can see each other at any time. The dining stool based on mojito wine cup makes people feel like they are in a romantic castle. The round ice shape supports the pure white table. These seemingly unrelated elements are put together in such a harmonious way that even a simple meal can be eaten here.
书房效果图 | design sketch
书房实景照 |Live photos
The study integrates green plants into it, and is separated from the transparent black frame glass to form a natural and fashionable reading space. The quiet and minimalist atmosphere makes readers feel like they are in the embrace of nature.
主卧效果图 | design sketch
The master bedroom uses gray and white colors in a large area to create a quiet and peaceful atmosphere. The light gray and dark gray in the space are layered in the vertical stripes, enriching the visual sense of the space and creating an eternal and profound sleep space.
The main toilet uses the classic black-and-white gray color matching. The design of dry and wet separation can ensure the dryness of the toilet. The simple and fashionable washstand reflects convenience and practicality.
次卧效果图 | design sketch
次卧实景照 |Live photos
项目名称:Project name | MOJITO
项目地址:Project address | 邦泰 · 天誉
项目面积:Project area|165
服务模式:Service mode| 全案
主案设计:Main design| 刘世平 黄高
参与设计:Participate in design | 梁庆文 李龙飞 李忠正 李佳露
落地设计:Design execution | 林云志 蒋永超
软装设计:Soft decoration design| 李杨
驻场设计:驻场设计|李文琴 彭宇航
项目 PM:谢弟彬
Have Idea Design
郑先生 | 13568108310
公司地址 | 宜宾 | 新世纪百货 14 楼