

——Tony Chi
项目名称丨 新世界花园-清·谧
空间性质丨 135 平米私宅
设计风格丨 台式简约
设计机构丨 DoLong 董龍设计
施工单位丨 大品大工程
服务模式丨 全案托管
全案标准丨 10000 元/平
影机构丨 Ingallery
People’s psychological feelings, visual feelings and feelings to express will be constructed and continued from the beginning of the building; in the final life needs and presentation, people can echo and add points to each other. This is a way of life induction and improvement.
Space carding
The project is an old residential reconstruction project beside the ancient city wall. The configuration in the house more than ten years ago can no longer meet the living needs of the two owners. We disrupted the original space, re zoned, widened the spatial scale of the south bedroom, removed the living room with very low utilization rate, and re planned the spatial relationship of studio, restaurant and mini bar to show the spatial vision of the large flat floor. We combine natural materials with white space and unique soft clothing to try a different and unique style from the past.
We have always believed that the beauty hidden in daily life, and the most interesting things are often hidden in the most ordinary moments. Therefore, we deliberately limit the expression desire of self-design methods and focus on realizing the best living experience of the project;
As a buffer area for entering the room, the porch is designed with sufficient storage function, and the neat interface is ensured by unifying the wall color system and closing method;
▼改造后的工作室拥有 4.5 米的大间距,我们划分了以飘窗为中心的工作区和以书架为中心的阅读区;
RE-VIVE 取代了传统的沙发功能,它更能表现家具的多功能和自由的空间关系。
The transformed studio has a large space of 4.5m. We have divided the working area centered on the bay window and the reading area centered on the bookshelf; Re-vive replaces the traditional sofa function, which can better express the multifunctional and free spatial relationship of furniture.
▼这把来自 NATUZZI 的 Re-Vive chair,其设计团队 Formway 非常善于将创新科技与躺椅动态机制相结合,使得这把休闲椅具有极佳的舒适坐感。我们将它放置于此,不仅能提供舒适阅读体验,同时也能让主人随时小憩一会;
Formway, the design team of this re-vive chair from naturzzi, is very good at combining innovative technology with the dynamic mechanism of the recliner, making this leisure chair have an excellent comfortable sitting feeling. We put it here, which can not only provide a comfortable reading experience, but also make the host feel comfortable at any time;
The Sexy Robot from the Hajime Sorayama breaks the inherent mechanical impression and shows the smooth side of machinery like water, which can reveal emotion and confuse the creative space with the real space;
The bar is located at the convergence point of the whole residence, connecting the porch, restaurant, studio, leisure area and corridor. In the design, we want to highlight the relaxed and tolerant living atmosphere. Most of them choose natural and affinity materials, and the large area of blank space provides a better performance space for the diversity of soft clothing.
We strive to build a poetic life scene, presented with a warm and simple temperament, in response to the inner artistic conception and real emotional connection of residents;
The mapping of external environment color to indoor space is the best natural "filter".
Artist Huang Yulong is the most representative Hoodie man, who has a very high degree of recognition in the space;
In order to harmonize the deep color matching of kitchen electricity in the kitchen, we have selected dark floor cabinets for color blending. At the same time, we have set different operation heights for different operation areas to achieve the best ergonomic effect;
We set up a glass brick wall at the end of the original narrow main corridor, and the back of the brick wall is lit with a specially customized light box, showing a picture full of sequence;
After the original south bedroom is widened, it has become the area with the most complex functions of the whole project. It has a learning area with excellent vision, a huge library area, a piano area that can play a song, and a video area when the curtain drops.
The space boundary is blurred by sandblasting stainless steel on the top surface, which is also quite interesting;
设计共创 DesignCo-creation 后疫情时代促使居住者与设计者共同思考:我的生活/我的甲方的生活到底需要什么空间承载?这个家需要解决什么具体问题?我们希望家中的空间有着怎样的情感回应?
The post epidemic era urges residents and designers to think together: what is the space bearing of my life / my party A’s life? What specific problems does this family need to solve? What kind of emotional response do we want in our home space?
In this project, we have created the whole space together with the residents, thinking from the two perspectives of designers and residents, what a home with sunshine, family, company and memories should look like.
At the moment of restoring the height wall in its original position, we felt that everything was worth it!
品类 品牌
1 调温系统 FCH/特灵 TRANE
2 中央新风 英国布鲁格林 BlueGreen
3 净水系统 美国 3M
4 艺术风口 和璟 HEJIIL
5 洁具 德国汉斯格雅 Hansgrohe/TOTO
6 水槽 铂浪高 BLANCO
7 卫生间五金 TOTO
8 电器 Miele、Panasonic
9 瓷砖 唯美 L&D
10 地板 德国 PERGO
12 橱柜 柏丽 Nobilia
13 大理石 腾辉石材
14 高级定制 威法 VIFA
15 不锈钢 卓艺不锈钢
16 岩板 德赛斯 Techsize
17 门窗 米泺 MI
18 集成烹饪设备 方太 FOTILE
19 智能影音 极米 XGIMI
20 精造工艺 大品大工程
设 计 师丨王盟
王盟 首席设计师
《融》、《梦幻 Ballet》、《致可爱的你》、《沐光之澄》、《雕刻时光》、《相佑》、《清宁》、《馥郁时光》、《雯华》…………
2021 年上海设计周新锐设计奖
2021 年凭作品《融》荣获金堂奖入围奖
2020-2021 年度 40 UNDER 40 中国(南京)设计杰出青年
2020 年第 15 届金外滩奖“最佳居住空间奖”
2020 年 DESIGN FOCUS 国际空间设计大奖·年度优秀奖
2020 年凭作品《清宁》荣获 2020 年度 VIFA 威法最美产品大赛特等奖
2019 年艾特奖-陈设艺术(软装)设计奖
2019 年艾特奖-公寓设计奖
2019 年十间坊-中国城市优胜奖
DoLong 董龍设计
南京 DoLong 董龍设计
成立于 2008 年
设计为本 工程直营
服务过 1000 多位尊贵业主
“优秀”92% “满意”100%
累计实景作品 300+套
获国内外重要设计奖项 100+座
2021 年上海设计周新锐设计奖
2021G+AWARDS 全球设计精英大赛-中国(南京)TOP10
2021 金住奖中国(南京)十大居住空间设计师
40UNDER40 中国(南京)设计杰出青年(2021-2022)
2021 营造家奖年度设计 TOP500
2020VIFA 威法最美产品大赛特等奖
2020DESIGN FOCUS 国际空间设计大奖年度优秀奖
2020 金外滩奖最佳居住空间奖
2019 国际空间设计大奖-艾特奖最佳住宅建筑设计奖
2019 中国设计力青年榜中国杰出青年设计师奖
2019 中国室内装饰协会金腾奖全国 100 强
2019 芒果奖中国别墅优胜奖
2018 蒂森克虏伯别墅设计师大赛新锐设计师奖
2018 金堂奖中国室内设计年度优秀住宅公寓设计
2016 第七届筑巢奖最佳公寓户型设计奖
2015 国际空间设计大奖-艾特奖最佳公寓设计奖
2014 江苏省室内设计学会永隆·星空杯住宅空间工程类金奖
2013 金堂奖中国室内设计年度优秀餐饮空间设计
2012 金堂奖中国室内设计年度优秀别墅设计
2011 金堂奖中国室内设计年度优秀住宅公寓设计
2010 第一届中国国际空间环境艺术设计大赛
2010 第一届金堂奖中国室内设计年度住宅公寓设计金奖
2009 中国室内空间环境艺术设计大赛住宅空间三等奖
南京市建邺区泰山路 8 号舜天产业园内主楼 4F
DoLong 设计(溧阳)公司
溧阳市燕城大道 253 号通用大厦 3F-305 室