

PINKI 品伊创意
Creative, Dream Realization.
Zhu ping, free artist, 1971 was born in Hubei, bachelor degree in 1993 Hubei academy of fine arts oil painting department, now living in Beijing, China.
She has a kind of invisible power, on the edge of the human spirit of hard struggle and across the inward; In there is no limit to the SINS of the black hole, she by inside and the dual antagonism of the destruction of the roar and spirit always so thoroughly subjugate the wrong time, all the endless meaning as dust floating in the earth, in the form of false masks under free and be saved. Almost all of the SINS of the truth of the styles are magic magic, she put her heavy night tear into soul magic angel, she thickness through unceasingly in between heaven and hell.
她穿越死亡与本能, 她在绘画中为本我或他者做出深入骨髓的分析,揭穿真像之外的真实。 撕去表像的面具,洞见死亡、挣扎与生之孱弱,她在极力地刻划最真实的人性。离实像愈近,离真实愈远。对她而言,人的躯壳已经是累赘,她只想戳穿心性、灵性,达到与神性会合。(文 | 蓝京华)
She passed the death and instinct, in her painting for me or he make a thorough analysis of the bone marrow, exposed outside just like real. Tore to table like masks, insight into death, struggle, and the weak of life, she tried to score the most real human nature. Near the more real image, far from the more real. For her, the person’s body is white, she just wanted to puncture the centrality, spirituality, to meet with the divine. (article | LanJingHua)
The destruction of
Silent and redemption
Come over and over again
Silent and redemption
The destruction of
Time record
The people of sin
Lost the angel
The people of sin
Time record
Care about those
Time record
Care about those
Time record
Confusion of ethics
Lost the angel
Tear state
Confusion of ethics
Some kind of lonely
Care about those
Some kind of lonely
Time record
The glory of the dead
Error is not love
Is not a sin
Time record
Outside of the mind
Back in the future
Dead all want to love
Error of brilliant
The darkness
Error of brilliant
Back in the future
Error of brilliant
Dead all want to love
Error of brilliant
Each a crack
The sufferings of the curing
泉国际(香港)艺术平台全面代理国内外有前瞻性纯粹艺术家的艺术作品,欢迎当代艺术的藏家朋友收藏。收藏客服咨询:18612639301 (刘先生)
Springs international (Hong Kong) art platform comprehensive agent at home and abroad have a prospective pure artist works of art, welcome friends of contemporary art collectors collection. Collect consulting service: 18612639301 (Mr. Liu)
Springs international art institutions and PINKI museum of international strategic alliance: the famous creative brand PINKI international creative group, is engaged in the study of Chinese contemporary art, collection, exhibition of independent art institutions, focus on carding and research the concept of Chinese contemporary art, high quality international art communication, makes the internationalization the Chinese contemporary art artist colonies.
Address: Beijing museum of art in (songzhuang), Beijing, China
Shanghai pavilion address: Shanghai jiading district HangGui road no. 1100, no. 1 and 4 f
Address: Hong Kong, 678, dun road, mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong overseas Chinese business center 15C
项目地址 | 重庆
设计面积 | 600㎡
软装设计 | 魅无界设计(MAXIMUM)泉国际ART机构已成功出品推出:1、陈蒙:失败是蓝色的 ,艺术是蓝色的,死亡也是蓝色的
2、象派 | 萧乾父书法艺术-进学解正续编稿
5、尋根與再詮釋 | 张振宇:新人文精神
6、一位有意思的艺术家 | 冯藏予:野生绘画艺术(Wild painting )7、象派 | 萧乾父-绘画艺术8、柳芳绘画艺术| 浮夸及沉沦呼吸的可能(Painting art)9、吴震寰诗选:关于对诗魂的触摸(Resolutely encourage)10、中国宋庄艺术论坛:"当代艺术对传统的理解"11、在梦开始盛放的地方| 李方艳——水墨绘画(At the beginning of the dream place)12、心灵的伊甸园 | 花开花落:圣兰的诗性绘画(Heart of the garden of Eden)13、尘世的心灵晃影 | 王冬梅艺术作品剖析(The world heart shadow)14、梦醒时分 | 畅泉纸本绘画(Blurred the heart like)15、幽暗之间穿行 | 畅泉纸本绘画(Through the gloom)16、尘欲勿语——畅泉:诗魂及哲思的觉悟(Ideological awareness)17、“麦子与畅泉" 的艺术灵魂撞击18、量子美学:张振宇——东方诗性的艺术哲学(Quantum Aesthetics)19、灵魂的孤傲者——刘卫贤绘画艺术(Art thinke)20、畅泉诗选 | 错觉及光的碎角还原(Gu Xiang outside)21、决裂自由诗性的纯粹复活:墨冲哲诗艺术(Zhe poetry art)22、绽放春暖花开的迷离景象——莫莉绘画作品
23、【展讯】" 仨一一 张方白、吴震寰、罗明君 " 艺术展——策展:彭锋
25、【泉国际ART】一位纯粹的艺术孤行者 | “刘柳工作室”记实系列
26、【泉国际ART】一位心灵魔法师的艺术觉悟 | “马轲-工作室”记实系列
27、【泉国际ART】中国雷州-茂德公古城开城大典 | “雷州现象”艺术大展
28、【泉国际ART】茂德公“雷州现象”| 一段神秘的樟树林传奇:龙门足荣村艺术传记
29、【泉国际ART】锵锵三人行 | 邱宗伟、吕春梅、王永生:艺术绘画作品
30、【泉国际ART】艺术锵锵三人行 | 龙进峰、陈默、王旭:心灵绘画作品
31、【泉国际艺术】欲火重生| 卫保刚:绘画作品(The ashes)32、【泉国际ART】艺术锵锵三人行 | 王华明、王笑今、杜可:绘画作品
33、【泉国际ART】隐相 | 杜江岩:绘画作品
34、【泉国际ART】心灵叠影 | 王冬梅:纸本艺术作品
35、【泉国际ART】空镜记 | 钟照:艺术作品
36、【泉国际ART】 狱怒之纠 | 船长农少华:绘画作品The captain farmers ShaoHua: paintings
37、【泉国际ART】 心花怒放 | 徐阿森:绘画作品(be wild with joy )38、【泉国际ART】“纯粹-中国”艺术联展 | 暨“泉国际艺术馆”开馆仪式
39、【泉国际ART】诗性中的安静宽容 | 王晓蓉:综合材料作品
40、【泉国际ART】 纯净的灵魂里点燃了火焰的心 | 玲子:绘画作品
THE END___________________PINK
I 品伊创意
W W W . P I N K I . H K