仁皇金茂悦丨中国湖州丨鲲誉设计 KUNYUDESIGN

2021/07/05 12:00:00
仁皇金茂悦丨中国湖州丨鲲誉设计 KUNYUDESIGN-0
Well understand the needs of the times and the living needs of modern urban people. In the overall community planning and design, to create a vibrant oxygen space. As an important core area of community life, the overhead floor is the core area of community life. According to the needs of contemporary life, our designers have created four regional plates with different functions, so that people of all ages can gather here and find their own life and social territory.
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01 全龄共享,人文社交 All age sharing, social networking
Based on the advantages of spatial scale and height, the function of this space is located in the social module shared by all ages. It is a comprehensive social space full of local characteristics and artistic atmosphere.
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Combined with this artistic context element, To import the space function of the east side, a table, chair and guide platform engraved with calligraphy and painting, the column on the wall means the penholder, the black stone carving below means Duanyan, the calligraphy notes engraved on the wall make this space has become the epitome of Huzhou culture.
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The space setting on the west side is different. A large area of beige on the wall outlines a simple partition. The atmosphere is simple, and the green bamboo array is coming. It also combines cultural themes. Match the enclosed card seat to let the neighbors know each other. Create a harmonious, comfortable and healthy lifestyle.
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The weekend theater in the side space, it is also humanized to set up video and audio projection space for the owners. From time to time, I invite two or three friends to watch movies together, it’s good to have a chat. What’s more thoughtful is that it has also set up shading curtains for the owners, it solves the problem of reflection in the daytime.
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02 感官激发,开启运动模式
Sensory stimulation, open movement mode. Fitness and sports space are necessary for community life. No matter from the activity track of outdoor landscape grafting, or from the perspective of indoor space depth and floor height, the overhead space of building 10 is a perfect presentation.
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first, It is designed to consider the active use of the whole age group, and the space is divided into several functional modules. Because of the large scale of space activities on both sides of the East and the west, therefore, in the West, table tennis, a favorite sport for young people and middle-aged and old people, is set. At the same time of sports, designers do not forget to humanely set the card seat for waiting and resting, which is comfortable and convenient.
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In the west, there is a quiet youth stretching area, Three dimensional letter wall graffiti with large color block Combined with customized stretching instrument combination, It is a bright spot in terms of usage and perception, It’s no longer just about the cold fitness equipment, If you are tired of sports, you can sit on the bench.
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There are a large number of motion modules on the East and west sides. It is also added in the relatively quiet space on the north side. It is convenient and practical.
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从设计视觉上看,设计利用了这 6 米层高的空间优势,在天花设计上大量走边灯带和造型艺术灯光,让空间形成节奏与动感的视觉效果,灰色与黄色的墙面鲜明对比,可以刺激人们的感官系统,让运动本身变得更积极,在这种环境里也更能激发身体的运动器官机能。
From the perspective of design vision, the design takes advantage of the space advantage of 6 meters high. In the ceiling design, there are a large number of side lights and plastic arts lighting, which let the space form rhythm and dynamic visual effect. The gray and yellow walls are in sharp contrast, which can stimulate people’s sensory system and make the sport more positive. In this kind of environment, it can also stimulate the body’s motor organ function.
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The floor is also made of environmentally friendly plastic materials, Echo the color relationship with the wall space, It also cushions the gravity of motion. This space is a fitness space combining aesthetic feeling and humanization.
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Ink painting in the south of the Yangtze River
The trend of an aging society, More and more attention should be paid to the activities and social space of the elderly, Jin maoyue’s space design for the elderly Quoted from "blue brick small tile horse head wall, cloister hanging lattice window".
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This space for the elderly integrates the architectural cultural characteristics of the landmark building "renhuang Pavilion" in Huzhou City. The simple strokes outlined on the wall create the architectural form of flying eaves and the characteristics of Jiangnan Water Town, with a strong regional flavor, which makes the owners have a strong sense of belonging and intimacy.
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The space use module is also divided into a chess table on the east side, calligraphy and painting exchange area, looking at the outdoor green, the elegant sofa is close to the indoor green plants, let the natural atmosphere of the space be relaxed and happy.
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西侧人性化设置了休闲以外的老人康体的健身活动区域,简易的器械让老年人活动筋骨实为有益。局部空间放置了装饰绿植,让空间净化让视觉净美。The west side is humanized Besides leisure, it is a fitness activity area for the elderly, It is beneficial for the elderly to exercise their muscles and bones with simple instruments. The local space is decorated with green plants to purify the space and make the vision beautiful.
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Guard innocence, children’s forest
以《大森林里的小木屋》作为本次儿童区设计的序曲,森林里的小猴子、大懒熊、冬天的白雪、春天树上的绿芽,还有小木屋里温暖的火,A cabin in the big forest As a prelude to this children’s area design, The little monkey in the forest, the big lazy bear The snow in winter, the green buds on the trees in spring, And the warm fire in the cabin,
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Children can visit each other here, play games, tell stories, watch theater..... They are the sweetest childhood memories of children, and the cabin is their happy paradise.
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- 热气球形态的导台
- 设置了金茂的独有 IP 小卫士角色-金豹豹,正义守护森林,并带领孩子们开启探索的旅程。
- 在空间规划上设计师系统的将空间进行了分析,在有限的空间里多维度的创造出不同的儿童穿行路线,提高儿童探索欲望,释放儿童纯真的天性。
- Guidance platform of hot air balloon
- Set up Jinmao’s unique IP guard role - Golden Leopard, Justice guards the forest and leads the children on the journey of exploration.
- In space planning, the designer systematically analyzed the space, Multi dimensional in limited space Create different routes for children, To enhance children’s desire to explore, Release the innocent nature of children.
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The activity space on the west side is multi-layered, with different vision. Shape, symbol, line, and radian create grassland, woods, rocks, tunnels, etc. Let children feel different touches, trampoline on slide, high rock climbing stones in the trees, runways in the aisles, and constantly explore, learn, and understand the world.
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Children’s activity space is more abundant than adults’ senses, including ceiling and space layout, more rhythm, so that children can enjoy the release of innocence and curiosity here.
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东侧的墙面软装珠片涂鸦,环保又有趣,错拼的动物小桌椅营造着亲子阅读氛围,相对北侧给儿童设计了欢乐小舞台,给儿童周岁开排队或者组织社区节日活动提供了很好的展示空间。The wall on the east side is decorated with soft beads for graffiti, which is environmentally friendly and interesting, Misspelled animal tables and chairs create a parent-child reading atmosphere, On the opposite side, a small stage for children is designed, Set up a queue or organization for children one year old Community festival activities provide a good display space.
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Benevolent King Jin maoyue
It aims to create a model of contemporary living community, and it is also a plan for the future community model. Whether it’s the children’s area, the elderly area, the sports area, or the social area, we fully show the future neighborhood scene. Our designer and Party A, on the premise of fully considering the needs of the owners, give a possibility with heart, and together realize the possibility of a better life in the future.
项目名称 | 仁皇金茂悦
项目地点 | 浙江湖州
项目开发 | 碧桂园、金茂地产
甲方团队 | 杨振宇,宣翔、罗晋,韩旭,赵川,丘科,蒋明
室内设计 | 鲲誉设计 KUNYU-DESIGN
设计主创 | 夏飞跃 孙荣敏
设计团队 | 潘晓敏 徐冉 刘琛琛
软装设计 | 美域高 MIYUKO
设计主创 | 杨玲玲 郑翔翔 虞慧敏
项目摄影 | 程翔工作室
项目面积 | 1000㎡
▼重塑,蜿蜒的丝绸之路 | 西安壹号院
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▼光·砚 |瑞安峰荟
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▼生生万物 浣时光 |南昌时光天樾
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▼设计赋能空间,让生活变得有机 | 潍坊颐和雅筑
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▼苍穹之下,世间大理 | 大理壹号院
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▼长乐·未央 | 西安鎏金云玺
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▼YUAN·野 | 金海岸·曼墅
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▼扫描精致注意,读取舒适与自我 | 丽水财富公园
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