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悬崖之上的绿色家园——Villa Esker Note 设计

2019/09/28 17:21:00
The steep and undulated terrain that the house will be sitting on, consists mostly of pebbles and boulders underneath a thin layer of soil, making it unfit for greater landscaping. Too much movement would risk a minor landslide, destroying the key characteristics of the plot and making it unsafe for the surrounding residents. 房屋将坐落在陡峭和起伏起伏的地形上,主要由位于薄层土壤下面的卵石和巨砾组成,使其不适合更大的景观美化。太多的运动将导致轻微的滑坡,破坏地块的关键特性,使周围居民不安全。
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For this reason, we have decided to elevate the two level structure on stilts, for preventing larger impact on the landscape. The vertical timber beams will be running along the facade contributing largely to the overall expression of the main house, together with its complimentary structures that are climbing up the dramatic hillside. 为此,我们决定将二能级结构提升在二苯乙烯上,以防止对景观产生更大的影响。垂直的木梁将沿着立面运行,主要影响到主要房屋的整体表达,以及在陡峭山坡上攀登的互补结构。
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The structure is establishing the principles for the residence at its origin, also being very pedagogical, revealing its construction and program. 这一结构确立了住宅起源的原则,也是非常具有教育性的,揭示了住宅的结构和程序。
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The two volumes of the main house are offset from each other, following the typography and at the same time dividing the program into two different parts. An open living space on the upper floor looking over the treetops with the lower volume working as a large roof terrace. The lower floor includes private spaces, protected by the same trees growing densely along the property border. 主楼的两卷内容互相抵消,遵循排版,同时将程序分成两个不同的部分。楼上的一个开放的居住空间,可以俯瞰树梢,下面的空间就像一个巨大的屋顶露台。较低的楼层包括私人空间,由沿着地产边界密集生长的同一棵树保护。
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We choosed working with Note to realize an idea of jointly designing and building a low energy house with creative ideas in terms of light, colours, form and movement. A collaboration between two companies that are committed to deliver on the highest level possible within their niche. 我们选择与Note一起设计和建造一个在光、颜色、形式和运动方面都有创意的低能住宅。两家公司之间的合作,致力于在其利基范围内实现尽可能高的水平。
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As for material and colours, earthly tones with influences from the site environment has been chosen to make the house harmonize with its surroundings and feel natural in his position and stature. 在材料和颜色方面,选择了受场地环境影响的尘世色调,使房子与周围环境协调一致,并在其位置和身材上感到自然。
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The ground work started in March and the building is scheduled for completion in autumn 2017. 地面工程于3月份开始,该建筑计划于2017年秋季完工。
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