The solid principles on which the Neutrale brand is based seek to transfer to physical space. Sustainability, respect for the environment and awareness of new ways of spending are some of the values that build its identity. All the people who join the project do so to participate in this interesting challenge, which aims to enrich their sales experience.
“少而精”是Neutrale的主要口号之一,该项目的设计方法正是由此诞生。首先,在彻底研究了场地的特点后,Estudio DIIR决定尊重其原有的建筑。接下来,他们计划了一系列小的、仔细的、最重要的、战略性的干预措施,目的是为了以一种特殊的方式理解每个角落,来重新配置空间。
Less, better was one of Neutrale's main slogans, and the project's approach was born out of it. First, after thoroughly studying the character of the site, Estudio DIIR decided to respect its original building. Next, they planned a series of small, careful and, most importantly, strategic interventions designed to reconfigure space by understanding each corner in a particular way.
A large longitudinal nave defines the main hall, which is a welcoming space that acts as a "letter of introduction" to the brand. A grand granite plinth supports the facade and inspires some continuous interventions. Two granite benches at each end of the hall serve as guides. At the back of the space, a large counter is designed specifically for coffee sales. This hybrid mode provides possibilities for experimenting with typology and introducing new uses that make the space vibrant. Coffee consumption and clothing displays were beautifully combined.
The lines defined by the granite base are used as a reference covering the rest of the walls. To achieve this, walls made from Honext, an innovative and sustainable material pressed from cellulosic waste, were used. The reuse of resources is part of its recycling approach, which is a shared vision of Neutrale. In addition, its aesthetic qualities offer the possibility of unifying the whole, bringing a warm character to this warm space.
Intervention in the rear area, on the other hand, follows the same principle. A sofa is designed, and its position determines the use of this space. The brand's own sustainable fabrics were used for the coverings. They were also transferred to the large curtains that served as fitting rooms and gave character to the space. Finally, a special carpet covers the water level, bringing warmth to the environment.